The truth is free, it's the lies that we pay for. For the first time in history, the Bible is being taught in its truest, purest form, while at the same time, proving the church false and taking the pope out of Peter's seat. Please join me on this journey as we break all curses, going back to Paradise, and once again, eating from the Tree of Life. 

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Youtube: Eat From The Tree Of Life


 Part One 
Life is a beautiful mystery, and throughout the course of our existence we often ask ourselves what, when, why, how, and where; but unfortunately, we go through our journey never finding those answers. What is life all about? We are born, we live, and then we die. Is that all it is? Is there something greater? Is there a higher power, and if so, then who or what? I am not part of any religion, but I have always sought the truth. Through research, I have come to a scientific, mathematical, and biblical calculation that is a bridge between God and science. Over the course of many years, I have sought the truth by studying all cultures and religions, and through all books regarding religion, the Bible has brought me to many discoveries, along with a better understanding of historical events, bringing me to the realization that the Bible is a precious book filled with words of truth, love, sadness, history, and lies that share God’s true words that were stolen, conquered, and made into a mockery for pure financial gain, while causing the mass confusion we have today. Through this book, I hope to enlighten humanity with a new way of thinking. I hope to replace confusion with comfort, I hope to replace hate with love, I hope to replace lies with truth, and I hope to connect God with everything. 

Chapter 1 
Science tells us that the probable origin of the universe is 14 billion years old. Scientific facts also state that first was the universe, then the earth, cells, reptiles, insects, mammals, and humans; none at the same time, but instead within sets. The Bible says that as well. Scientific facts also show creatures that once were, but are no more, and through our existence, we have all; earth, creatures, and humans, evolved over time. Through science, we can explore, learn, and share beautiful historic pieces of our existence. Every finding is amazing, revealing truths from our past. The definition of civilization is the stage of human social development and organization that is considered most advanced. Science shows that although our ancestors have been around for 2 million years, and the modern form of humans have been around for 200,000 years, civilization as we know it has only been for about 6,000 years. The Abrahamic religions teach that from the beginning up until now is 6,000 years; so once again, science is just proving the Bible to be true, because for the last 6,000 years, civilization as we know it, has been operating on a male dominated scale, with the woman kept silent under the man, but the truth is that Adam and Eve were made in the image of God, and God is love, and the woman was never meant to be under the man, but rather always at his side. Through science, we have attained the knowledge about dark and light matter. We know that the dark holds the light together. Science proves you can only take light from dark; the other way is impossible. Dark must be first, then light, and the Bible tells us that as well. Science is the physical basis of our existence. Science helps us understand how everything around us works in this physical realm. With all of this scientific knowledge, you would think that we would be satisfied, but we are not because only the physical questions are being answered, but as science is showing once again, there are other realms and dimensions outside of this physical one. What about the spiritual questions? Through the physical and spiritual parts of our existence we have many questions, Some that are physically answered, and others that are still spiritually lingering. Through spiritual questions comes religion, through religion comes separation, so the main spiritual question is which way is the truth? But the truth is that if one religion were right over the other, then we obviously would not have the separation that we have. It appears none of the religions are correct, but when we study historical events, as well as the very system we operate under today, we will clearly see it is the Vatican, the Roman Catholic Church, that teaches and leads this world we live in today. The words in the Bible are much deeper than meets the eyes, and when people read the words they are only thinking in human, earth time. My research, calculations, and findings will show that the answers were always there, we just needed to open our minds; for the mind is where the treasure is. The mind exists between the spirit and the soul, but it is religion, race, and time that separates us from the truth. If we step outside of religion, we will see that God is truth, God is comfort, God is love, God is light. Man is religion, man is control, man is fear, man is lies. Everything is symbolism. Everything has a deeper meaning. First was darkness. Light came from darkness. First was man. Woman came from man. First was Adam which means “earthly man”. Eve came from Adam and Eve means “living”. Eve is the spiritual mother of the living; not the physically living, but the spiritually living. Man is the physical and the woman is the spiritual. Man is darkness. Woman is light. That is why they say the woman is the light of a man’s world, and that is why the Bible says wisdom is feminine and has been here since the beginning, laying the foundation of the earth. 

Chapter 2 
Religion: Spreading Legion Across the Region 
The Bible is part of the Roman Catholic/Christian religions, as well as the Old Testament being part of the Judaic religion. How did all of this come about? Are all the writings that have been handed down correct? Have some been changed? Are there beautiful, precious truths just waiting to be revealed? These are some of the questions that have been on my mind, heart, and soul. I live my life in love and in truth. I do not simply do as I am told, or just learn what I am taught, rather I seek reasoning within everything. We know for a fact, man has continually changed the makeup of the Bible even before its translation from the Church of England in the 1600’s known as The King James Version. We also know there are countless books left out; burned and destroyed, for no other reason than control. As intellectual and perceptive individuals, we should also acknowledge the fact that the books and wording that was allowed to make up the Bible may very well be altered as well. Jesus says to seek the truth, and when I think with reasoning and discernment I find certain passages to be fictitious, and I also find several passages that lead me to all the realizations, worries, and sadness that I have. After careful examination and a deep spiritual connection with God, I believe we have all been lied to. But who is to blame? We need to dig into history. The Roman Empire was established in 27BC. The empire was very large and set up governments, roads, order, laws, and taxes. It consisted of Spain, Germany, North Africa, Asia Minor, Syria, and Israel. The Jews did not like the Romans because they did not want them ruling over them and ordering them what to do. The Romans taxed the Jewish people and tried to change their way of life. The Romans wanted all the people to be just like them. Many of the tax collectors were Jews who worked for Rome. Most of them were dishonest and cheated their own people to help the enemy. The Jews were desperately looking for their Messiah, hoping he would free them from the control of the Romans. It was spoken that Jesus would be that Messiah. The people were hopeful and happy. They thought at last they would be rescued from the authority of Rome. As Jesus grew, He did many things for the people. He spoke with love and kindness. His words matched His actions. He amazed the elders with His level of intelligence for such a young age. He was a craftsman, yet never built one church or synagogue. He told the people, “Get out of the church. You tell the people to give a tenth of their earnings, but fail to recognize the more important matters like love, justice, and kindness.” He is a living testimony of God’s true words. Before Jesus came, there were animal and child sacrifices. Men cared about money, order, and control. He was chosen to teach the truth. God is not controlling. We have free will. We have the dark and light within us. The duality of the two is constantly playing out in this world. Every day we have a choice. Just like God is not controlling, Jesus was not as well. All He could do is share the truth. It was up to the people to change or continue in their same old ways. The Romans along with the Judaic High Priests hated what He was teaching because He was messing up their order, so just like we see in today’s society, Jesus was set up; and just like we know most people are, Judas was tempted with money. An evil spirit was flowing through them and temptation overtook them. The Jewish people were waiting for a miraculous saving from the Romans and never saw it, so out of fear, most disregarded Jesus as well. Jesus was mocked and hung on a cross, and it was Mary Magdalene, the supposed prostitute, who found that He had risen, and it is She who told the other disciples. From that point on, Jesus’ disciples continued to share His teachings. Through the scriptures, we clearly see the disciples were not alike, for some stayed on the true path and others did not. Before I get back to my calculations and findings tying the Bible to science, I want to first travel through the New Testament, while connecting to outside gospels, as well as correlating back to the Old Testament. After Jesus was crucified all the men were in fear for their lives, but it was Mary Magdalene who stayed at the tomb day and night. She wept for Him. He first appeared to Her and told Her to tell Peter and the others that He will be ahead of them. She is the reason why anyone knew about Jesus. The disciples did not believe Her, but when Jesus appeared second to Peter, they believed him, causing Jesus to rebuke them for their lack of faith and stubbornness. The Holy Bible does not speak of Mary Magdalene being a disciple, but when we read The Holy Twelve, The Humane Essene Gospel of Christ, The Gospel of Mary Magdalene, Queen of Heaven: The Life and Times of Mary Magdalene, plus many more, we clearly see that She indeed was much more than a disciple; rather walking side by side with Jesus, teaching the true way of Christ because She was perfected in the light. In the Bible, we pretty much just acknowledge Her as a sinner who washed Jesus feet with Her own tears. Most just think prostitute when they hear Her name, but what is so beautiful is that there is so much more spiritual depth to Her existence, and it is found not only in the outside gospels, but in the very Holy Bible as well. Throughout this book I am going to dig into the background history of Mary Magdalene and Peter, because outside of Jesus’ mother physically birthing Him, Mary Magdalene is the most prominent spiritual woman of the Bible, and Peter is the most prominent man, considering the great Roman Catholic Church is built on him, and let us not forget, each pope sits in the seat of Peter. In life today, we like to do background checks on people to find out who they are, and we want to learn about a person’s character. I first want to share the background history of Peter, for it is because of him that the Roman Catholic Church exists. Peter, first known as Simon and his brother Andrew were fishermen and when Jesus found them He said, “Come follow Me and I will make you fishers of men.” Peter was an angry man and throughout the books of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John we clearly see him always trying to rebuke Jesus, always being rebuked by Jesus, always doing things his way, he was called Satan by Jesus, and one-time God even came with a cloud over Peter saying, “This is my chosen Son, follow Him!” Peter never listened, Peter never followed, Peter never loved, and the facts are in the Bible how Peter being a “rock” is not a good thing after all, and I have no idea why we have been taught this by men generation after generation. Maybe the cause being is for their lack of understanding, for it is wisdom and understanding that are spoken of in the feminine context throughout the entire Bible, yet it is the woman who has been suppressed her entire existence. Now Mary Magdalene is not spoken of much, but She is of great significance to the story of Jesus. She was a supposed sinner who anointed Jesus. She sought after Him and washed His feet with Her own tears, and Peter was disgusted that Jesus would even let Her touch Him. In the Bible we know that She stayed at Jesus’ tomb, She first discovered His body had risen, and He appeared to Her first. She was a loving woman who truly devoted Herself to Christ. Throughout the next chapters, I hope to refresh the true words of God and bring a spiritual awakening that will open the eyes, bringing love back to the world. I want to bring awareness to the world. I want a true revolution. A spiritual revolution of the mind, heart, and soul because these evil men killed the truth long ago, yet everyone claims to be living in it. The truth is that there will never be peace in this world until we are all united under our One True Creator, but we are being led in the darkness through the Vatican; it is the blind leading the blind, and we will never find the truth until we turn away from the darkness; fully embracing the true light. 

Part Two 
Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John Introduction 
The books Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John tell of the life and teachings of Jesus. They all have the same stories, told in different ways, with some having more detail than others. These next chapters I will be examining each book and hitting on key topics that are symbolic to the world which we live in today. If we open the Bible, we will see that the events that occurred 2,000 plus years ago are of beautiful spiritual symbolism today. In fact, we will see that we are in modern day biblical times, and history just keeps playing itself out over and over again. Nothing changes if nothing changes, and after 2,000 plus years, along with millions of man-made churches, darkness just keeps consuming the world more and more. 

Chapter 3 
Throughout these chapters I am going to explore Jesus' adult life while digging into His true, deep, spiritual meanings within His parables and the people that were around Him, mainly Peter and Mary Magdalene. John the Baptist baptized people with water to repent for their sins. He referred to the Pharisees as a brood of vipers. He spoke to the people informing them that the Kingdom of Heaven is near and that someone way more powerful than himself would come and baptize with the Holy Spirit and with fire. After being baptized by John, the Bible says Jesus was tempted in the desert for forty days and forty nights. The devil took Jesus to a high mountain and showed Him all the kingdoms of the world and said, “I will give you all of this if you bow down and worship me.” Jesus said, “Away from Me Satan!”, then the devil left. This will be of great significance in the chapters ahead, and of even greater significance to the age we are in today. Shortly after, Jesus began to call upon His disciples. Simon known as Peter and his brother Andrew were fishermen, and when Jesus found them He said, “Come, follow Me and I will now make you fishers of men.” Everything is symbolism. Peter and Andrew no longer fished for fish, but now fished for people (disciples). That is why you see the fish symbol in the Christian community. Jesus continued, picking up more disciples along His way. He began to teach His disciples this: “Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven. Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted. Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the earth. Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be filled. Blessed are the merciful, because they will be shown mercy. Blessed are the pure in heart, for they will see God. Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God. Blessed are those who are persecuted because of righteousness, for theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven. Blessed are you when people insult you, persecute you, and falsely say all kinds of evil against you because of Me. Rejoice and be glad because great is your reward in Heaven, for in the same way they persecuted the prophets who were before you.” Well according to the scriptures, Peter did not rejoice and he was not glad. Fear came over him and Peter was scared, causing him to deny Jesus three times just like Jesus already knew he would because Jesus is God in the form of man and He knows all. The definition of meek is quiet, gentle, submissive; and the proof is in the Bible that Peter was overbearing rather than meek, never submitting to the true teachings of Christ. The facts are in the Bible that Peter hungered and thirst for money, power, and control instead of righteousness, and he never once is shown in the Bible to be merciful; only cruel and judgmental. Peter was never pure in heart, therefore like Jesus says; Peter never saw God. Peter was not persecuted for righteousness; he was persecuted for being so evil minded. Jesus says anyone who breaks one of the least of these commandments and teaches others to do the same will be called least in the Kingdom of Heaven, but whoever practices and teaches these commandments will be called great in the Kingdom of Heaven. “For I tell you, unless your righteousness surpasses that of the Pharisees and the teachers of the law, you will certainly not enter the Kingdom of Heaven.” Peter never surpassed the ways of the Pharisees and he is shown to break every commandment while teaching others to do the same, and for the last 2,000 plus years, the Vatican has been leading and teaching this world while sitting in the seat of Peter, claiming within their documents to own this entire world. In my book, I examine different sources such as the King James Version, The New International Version, The Holy Twelve, The Humane Essene Gospels of Christ, Queen of Heaven: The Life and Times of Mary Magdalene, The Gospel of Mary Magdalene; as well as other gnostic texts, because in all actuality, these are all indeed just sources. The King James Version was translated by the Church of England in the 1600’s by a select group of men, so to say that King James is the only way, is to say you only believe what a small group of men chose to tell us in the 1600’s. Throughout this book I will reveal the many lies that are in the King James Version among the writers of the books as well as share the lies and quarrels among the male disciples. Most men are very egotistical; loving power and control. We see it throughout the world today, so do not think it was different back then. Men and women are both liars, but men are very simple, and women are very complex, and no matter how well a man thinks he lies, the woman will always see through to the truth in the end. No wonder why Paul never wanted women to speak. Throughout my research of these sources, I have been awakened to the true meaning of every word Jesus spoke. I have sought the truth and I have found the lies. Throughout history these men thought they could change the word of God and control us through their own teachings, while using fear as their weapon. Some may be astonished by my accusations, but I will soon provide valid reasoning that will hopefully awaken others too. These sources provide words of history that connect us to God’s true, pure, humane meaning of life. If anyone claims to be a follower of Christ, they must do more than just speak it with their mouth. They must seek Him: His true, pure, loving way, and act in that manner as well. Mary Magdalene has more details about Her in the sources outside of the King James Version. They tell of the same things as the King James Version, but the left-out details are that Jesus tells Peter that even though Her sins are indeed many, She is forgiven because She was a true humane person, and that Peter only knew Her for Her sins. Jesus said Mary Magdalene loved and cared much, not just for the needy, but also all the creatures. In the Humane Essene Gospel of Christ, it says Jesus discerned in Her heart true faith and penitence. He did not need the outside testimony of man, for He knew what was in every man and woman, knowing the good from the evil, the right from the wrong. The gospel says Mary was made whole and sin never came upon Her again for She was purified and yearned only to do good and forget the evil. Mary spoke to many people, teaching them the Holy Way. Many women listened to Her and became disciples, bearing testimony to their families and neighbors of the salvation and light of Christ. Peter was never spoken of like this anywhere. Mary sought after Jesus, She anointed Him, and Jesus said She did it in preparation for His burial. Mary knew. While these men were still trying to figure Jesus out, She already knew. But if we only stick to the King James Version, then we are left wondering how She knew. But if we step outside of the King James Version, we will see in the Holy Twelve, when Jesus was tempted by Satan, one of the four temptations was a woman of great beauty, comeliness, subtle wit, and a ready understanding. The devil told Jesus to take Her as He wished. Jesus said it is written do not be led astray by the beauty of woman. He said His work was to teach and heal. After His return from the temptations from the devil, Jesus’ parents made Him a feast and presented Him with the gifts He received as an infant. His mother said they were kept for that very day, which was frankincense, gold, and myrrh. It says He kept the frankincense for Himself, gave the gold to His parents for the poor, and the myrrh He gave to Mary Magdalene. Myrrh was the main ingredient in the oils made for sacred anointing. The Holy Twelve describes Mary Magdalene as a great sinner who seduced many by Her beauty and comeliness. It says She came to Jesus in that manner by night to confess Her sins. Jesus put His hand on Her and cast out seven demons. He healed Her and said go in peace. That is when He gave Her the myrrh. She could have taken it and sold it for money, but instead She left and followed Jesus and ministered unto Him of Her substance. Jesus was the first man to ever show Her true love. While all the other men only wanted Her for Her physical beauty, Jesus only wanted to heal Her and show Her true love. This fills in the gap in the Holy Bible when She comes to Simon Peter’s house with oil and anoints Jesus and when the men were disgusted, Jesus said She did a beautiful thing in preparation for His burial. He gave Her the myrrh to make the anointing oil. Exodus 30:33 says, “Whoever makes perfume like it, and whoever puts it on anyone other than a high priest must be cut off.” That is probably one of many reasons why the men were disgusted by His and Her actions; and let us not forget that Jesus, Mary Magdalene, and Peter were all Jewish. Peter may have been a fisherman in the beginning, but in the end, he went against everything Jesus said, and he never truly surpassed the ways of a Pharisee, which is a superior rich sect, also known as the self-righteous hypocrites. Mary Magdalene was a Jewish woman, but not living the strict way of the Pharisees, rather She went off to study in Egypt, learning all about the Goddess, the divine feminine, the sacred mother that had been forgotten by most back home in Israel. She had a sister Martha and brother Lazarus whom Jesus loved very much. Exodus 30:31 also says it is to be sacred anointing oil for generations to come. So that beautiful ceremonial anointing between Jesus and Mary Magdalene was a sign to show Jesus is the One and Only High Priest, but instead all the men were just disgusted, because they only viewed Mary as a sinner, not knowing Her true self and not knowing who Jesus truly was as well. Mary Magdalene knew Jesus first before anyone. She loved Him more than anyone else ever did, because just like Jesus says; the one with the biggest debt forgiven will love the most. Jesus says in the Holy Bible that Mary Magdalene loved very much. Again, Peter is never spoken of that way anywhere, because he became exactly like the Pharisees and teachers of the law, who only knew how to judge. No matter what source you turn to regarding Mary Magdalene and Peter, they all show that Mary never went astray again, while Peter always did. That is why She is the Apostle of the apostles, teaching side by side with Jesus. Nowhere does it show Jesus ever telling Mary to follow Him, because She wanted to; always walking side by side with Him. She yearned for the light, while Peter on the other hand, as well as other men, were always being rebuked and told “Follow Me!”. Even after Jesus rose, He would come to the men by night to their rescue, not because they were out fishing for fish in the dark; but because once Jesus was gone, they were still doing things their own way; fishing for disciples in the dark. Not in the true way of light, because just like the Bible teaches, men love the darkness, but Jesus also says what is done in the dark will be brought to light. Mary Magdalene was even told to tell the men Jesus would be ahead of them, but they disregarded Her. They were always doing things in the dark. Everything in the Bible is symbolism. When Jesus first took Peter and Andrew on as disciples, they were out fishing and had caught nothing. Jesus told Peter to go out farther into the deep water. Peter talked back, then did it, and to Peter’s surprise, they caught some fish. These writings are all symbolism for Peter being a shallow person. There was no depth to him. Jesus told them to follow Him and He would now make them fishers of men, and they immediately left their nets and went with Him, so I have no idea why the church community wants to teach that later after Jesus rose, when the men were in the boat at night fishing and Jesus came to their rescue, that they were fishing for actual fish. Jesus already told us previously that they would now be fishing for men and we know that God never changes. They were fishing for disciples and doing things man’s way again, not Jesus' true way, and it was Peter who was leading the way. If anyone thinks Jesus really went through that brutal torture as an innocent man, just to come back to help the men on a fishing escapade at night, then I think they may need to reconsider what they were taught by the church establishment. The Holy Bible will clearly prove Peter never understood anything, but always thought he did. He was always in the dark, and the others followed along blindly. Maybe that is why the church community teaches false doctrines. It all started with Matthew 16:18. The Roman Catholic Church was established off that one verse. When Jesus met Simon, He gave him the name Peter, which means rock. Jesus gave Peter this name, not because he was more special than the others, but because Jesus knows everyone’s true self and He knew Simon Peter was an angry, judgmental man, who thought he knew all and whether Jesus made him leader or not, he would have proclaimed it anyways because he likes control and thought he would be deserving of that title considering he was one of the first disciples; not realizing the only reason he was one of the first was because he needed the most help. Jesus knew after He was gone, Peter would try to be like Him, because he was already doing it before Jesus' crucifixion; that is why God came with a cloud over Peter, rebuking him during the transfiguration. But Peter could never be anything like Jesus, because he never understood anything except that Jesus was and is the Messiah. That was the only thing Jesus congratulated Peter on, because that knowledge had come from God. The rest of Peter’s words and actions only came from himself and from the world, and for his lack of understanding, Peter could never comprehend Jesus’ teachings and parables, because if he did, he would have known in the majority of them Jesus was always talking about Peter and what was to become of the other disciples, and for the end of days, which really means the end of the Piscean age, entering into the Aquarian age we are coming into today. If Peter really understood Jesus, he would have never done the things that I will soon reveal throughout this book. I will prove Jesus was really telling Peter in Matthew 16:18, “Here are the keys, because I know you want control, because I know all, but just know, whatever you do, hell will not prevail in the end.” Peter was always trying to be like Jesus, but he was nothing more than a false rock, because he did not understand Jesus true ways, therefore he could not live in Jesus true ways, which would then make it impossible for the Church to be living in Christ’s true ways, and aside from that, there is only One True Rock, anything else is a fake. The Bible teaches in the Old and New Testaments that there is only One True Rock, and that is Jesus. Isaiah 51: “Look to the rock which you were cut”, not that false rock Peter. Jesus says in Mark 4:1-20 that some people are like seed sown on rock, they hear the word and at once receive it with joy. But since they have no root, they last only a short time. When trouble or persecution comes because of the word, they quickly fall away. Jesus also says others are like seed sown on good soil, they hear the word, accept it, and produce a crop. Peter is the false rock that the church establishment is built on. Peter is the false rock that during times of trouble, denied Jesus three times, and after being reinstated, continued to deny Jesus by never living in the true ways of Christ. Mary Magdalene is the fertile soil. She heard the word, She accepted the word, and through Her belief, understanding, and pure heart, She produced a plentiful crop that turned others to the true, loving, humane way of God free of charge; yet to the men back then and to the world today, She is nothing more than a penitent whore. Throughout the New Testament, it is evident that all women followed Jesus willingly, cared for Him out of their own means, and never went astray; while many men were forever going astray, all the way down the dark path of self-destruction, as well as using Jesus’ name for financial profit. They were always arguing with each other, always betraying one another, and they always thought their way was the right way. Just like Proverbs 14:12 teaches, “There is a way that seems right to a man, but in the end it leads to death.” Jesus taught many things to the people. He spoke in a way hardly anyone could understand, and most of the time, the ones that thought they could, never really did at all. If we study the Bible and understand its pure natural form, we will see that the whole time, Jesus was preparing the disciples for what was to come after His ascension. After Jesus was gone, it was up to the men to take His teachings to heart, sharing them with the people in a loving manner, while living in that way as well. He would no longer be there guiding them. It was now up to them to make the right choice, or for the lack of understanding let fear, greed, and time turn them back to their old, evil, egotistical ways. Jesus knew what was to come, because through His teachings and parables He already told us; and He is God in the form of man. He knew what the men were going to do. He knew that the sheep would be scattered, the shepherds would betray the flock, greed would take over, and darkness would consume the world. Just like He did not do a miraculous saving for the Jewish people from the Romans, because once again, we have free will; He also did not put a miraculous protection over the male disciples. They too had free will, and they too were not free from error. They were instruments used to build Jesus’ True Church, in the end, and it is not a man-made one either, built from hewn stones, with men leading other’s lives through teachings they themselves cannot even comprehend, while they financially profit and make a physical living for themselves off God’s free spiritual words. Instead it is a beautiful, spiritual one, that starts from within and works its way out; that comes from evolving into true humane loving people over time. These male disciples always had on their physical garments, but never their spiritual ones; they were always naked, traveling down the path of darkness. A disciple is a follower or student. Anyone could be a disciple if they wanted, but that does not mean they were true. That is why Peter was hung upside down on a cross and Paul was beheaded. These two men are witnesses to the Jews and the Gentiles of how not to be, and they are an example of what Jesus is truly about, and that is justice. Through a lack of understanding, all these men let fear, greed, and time cause them to separate, constantly fight, go to jail, and always run from danger; and in the end, give their own physical life, because that is all they ever cared about. They only cared about the physicality of things. Their lack of understanding and the desire for greed and control, produced within themselves fear; which then caused hostility and manipulation, which then drove them right into a snare, and that is Rome. These men were sellouts to the world, but it was meant to happen this way. It was part of the divine plan, and these men are examples of how not to be, and how Jesus is the one and only true way, and if we search within ourselves, we will see the true beauty that is hidden within all of us because God is love, and we are all made in the image of God, and we never needed to go inside a man-made church to learn that. But man wanted to take the beauty within and make us feel weak and incompetent, always searching on the outside for what already exists within, hidden away by the vain traditions of men. The mind is where the treasure is, and once they take your treasure, they can then harden your heart and then take your soul, which will then cause you to have no understanding or true concept of reality. You know nothing other than what man tells you. Man wanted us to feel like we needed to go into a man-made establishment to find God, when all along God is within us. They wanted the system to bring the money, order, and control, just like they were doing before Jesus came; and Rome was running the show then, just like the Vatican is doing today, and the Jewish men were doing the same things as well, under the control of Rome back then. Jesus was never about this way of life. Although He was born into a Jewish family, Jesus was not a part of any religion, but understood all, while amazing the elders. He could have built temples, yet never built one. The first church supposedly built off Jesus teachings is St. Peter’s Basilica. The Romans used Peter to get what they wanted and promised him and Paul all kinds of things. After many years and never seeing a return of Jesus, they let the power and greed take over, and they acted in ways Jesus never would, and the proof is in the Holy Bible. Peter and Paul let that egotistical desire that lies within all men take over, and the power, status, and protection they received from Rome drove them right to their demise, and from that point forward Rome now had an image they could use to portray themselves as being “holy” people, who knew all the right ways, while all along only being a wolf in sheep’s clothing, just like Jesus warned the disciples before His crucifixion in Matthew 7:15-23. “Watch out for false prophets. They come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ferocious wolves. By their fruit you will recognize them.” He also says, “Not everyone who says to Me ‘Lord, Lord’, will enter the Kingdom of Heaven, but only he who does the will of My Father who is in Heaven. Many will say to Me on that day, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophecy in Your name, and in Your name drive out demons, and perform many miracles?’ Then I will tell them plainly, I never knew you, away from Me you evildoers!”, and those men He was speaking of are Peter and Paul, plus many more, just like He told Peter, “Away from Me Satan!”, and all others to come after these men only began to swell up more and more with evilness, because that evil spirit just keeps flowing through the physical bodies, and Jesus already told Peter in Luke 22:31 that Satan has asked to sift him like wheat. Jesus is teaching us plainly that just because we may speak with our mouth our supposed belief in His name, or run a man-made indoctrination operation, doesn’t mean we will enter the Kingdom of Heaven, and in all actuality, He is letting us know that it is a fact we will not enter Heaven if that is all we do. If within our minds, hearts, and souls, we only believe we are born sinners, remain sinners, and Jesus’ physical death somehow fixes everything, while we never perfect ourselves, Jesus is telling us we will not enter the Kingdom of Heaven, and when He returns, Christ will say to those that think this way, “Away from Me, I don’t know you.” There are also those in this world who truly live the way Jesus spiritually taught, but they may not physically speak with their mouths that they even believe in His name. These are the people that are truly entering the Kingdom of Heaven, because it is a state of mind; and through their loving, conscious lifestyle, they are living the true way Christ taught; and through living this way, we bring Heaven to earth exactly as the Bible teaches. And when Christ returns, He will say to these people that He understands why they did not become a part of the church system, and that they are the true children of light because they looked within just as He did, perfecting Himself, becoming the true Son of God that was chosen to be an example to the world of true perfection; and not because He is the only one that could ever achieve this, but because every man before Him never did, and because of Him, every man after Him has had the ability through the true knowledge of light that was given by Him, but unfortunately most have chosen not to; remaining cursed, spiritually dead. Jesus says faith without works is dead, and Christians have faith in a name; a name in which they do not understand, and their works are not the true ways of Christ, which makes them spiritually dead; and then there are those all over the world whose works are truly the ways of Christ, yet they may have never physically said they had faith in His name, but they are the ones that are spiritually alive, and they are the ones who were sent upon this earth to help raise those from the dead. They are angels of light, coming to restore humanity, reclaiming paradise. We must stop being cursed mentally, physically, and spiritually. Stop and truly look within. Think if what Christianity teaches truly makes sense when its message is that we are forever sinners. Would that be the true will of our Father who is in Heaven? Based off Christianity’s belief, our Father who is supposed to be so loving, sent His Son to be a perfect, beautiful human being, who would get tortured and killed, while the whole world remains sinners, and as long as we physically say we believe in His name and give the church our money, once we physically die, we will go off to some magical place called Heaven where whatever we desire is there; mansions and all, but if that were truly the case, then why was Jesus even sent upon this earth at all? Why did Jesus teach so much knowledge if all His mission is about is dying as an innocent man because everyone but Him are failures? Why would He teach so much, if we did not have the mental capacity to understand, and why would He tell us to be perfect if it is only Him that could ever be? If Jesus says while living on this earth we must do the true will of our Father, then it is a fact Christianity lies when they teach us that humans are only capable of being sinners. Does that sound like the will of our true Father? When you truly look within and search for the truth as Jesus teaches, does Christianity sound like the true will of our Father? The true will of our Father was to send a man upon the earth who would break the curse, bringing us back to paradise and perfection. In Matthew 16, when Jesus told the disciples about His suffering soon to come, Peter rebuked Jesus, and Jesus said to Peter, “Get behind Me Satan! You are a stumbling block to Me! You do not have in mind the things of God, but the things of men.” So, along this journey through this beautiful history and the true deep spiritual meanings, let us not forget that Satan was in Peter, and Peter is the first pope, and Satan created the religions to cause the separation, so in the end we would all be unified under darkness. Under lies, torture, misery, and death; all sealed with empty promises of peace, security, and love. Satan is like that boyfriend in life who sugar coats everything and promises you anything you could imagine, just to get what he wants, and then in the end you are left alone, feeling ashamed for being so easily fooled; but he got you at your weakest, most vulnerable moments, promising you all the light of the world, when your life had seemed to be at its darkest, but then you realize all the promises were only false and the light never truly existed. Just like in Genesis 11, when the people were separated through many languages. That was Satan once again. The people were doing whatever they wanted, even though inside they felt it was wrong, but did it anyways, because they were feeling lofty and mighty, and the duality between the dark and light that lies within caused the darkness to take over, and for that, Satan caused them to have many languages. Just like on Pentecost in the book of Acts, when languages of fire come over the men and separate over each of their heads and they each start speaking a different language. That was not the Holy Spirit like Luke perceived and wrote about. That was not the Holy Spirit like we have been taught by men for 2,000 years and celebrate religiously. That was Satan coming to sift, which then caused the men to scatter, and as they went along, they thought God was speaking to them, but the whole time it was their dark ego. They were being tested. Just like in the Old Testament when a lot of the men thought it was God telling them to do things, but really it was Satan; the darkness that lies within all of us. If these men understood Jesus' true way, they would have never done the things they did. Jesus' brother James even starts to realize things and writes about it in his book. Peter is not a nice person. Peter is not a good person. Peter was put to the test and failed every time. After he was reinstated in the book of John, Jesus asked Peter three times, “Do you truly love Me?” Jesus is God in the form of man. He does not need to ask a question because He does not know the answer. Jesus knew the answer. Jesus knew Peter's true heart. Jesus knew that Peter did not truly love Him, just like He knew Peter would deny Him three times. Jesus knew Peter only spoke with his mouth he was for Jesus, but inside he never really was, and his actions prove this statement to be true. In the book of Titus, Paul says, “Warn a divisive person once, then warn him a second time. After that, have nothing to do with him. You may be sure that such a man is warped and sinful; he is self-condemned.” Paul also says in 1 Corinthians 15, that after Jesus' resurrection, that Jesus first appeared to Peter. Well, we already know from the previous books that Jesus first appeared to Mary Magdalene; so either Peter and the other men lied to Paul because he was the last to come on board, or Paul knows the truth too, but continues to lie with the men, passing down false teachings for control, because Paul even says in 1 Corinthians 14:34-35, that women should remain silent and that it is a disgrace for them to talk, so we can clearly see his view on women, and it is not loving at all. Jesus never said this. This is just another man-made law. Peter and Paul were leading the way with their same old Pharisee ways that Jesus was warning about. Their bread, which is their teachings, is filled with malice and wickedness and the evidence is in the Holy Bible; yet ask any Christian, and Peter and Paul are great, but that is only because that is what we have been taught, but why would we be taught anything negative of these men, when it is because of these men, that this false church system even exists; giving men a tax free comfortable lifestyle, where people go and give their hard-earned slave money to hear a nice little prosperity message before going back to their miserable work week. The church makes a living off people’s money and tears, while the people turn to them for guidance, and these preachers of all denominations are not even on the correct path to begin with. Who is the real prostitute? Someone who sells their body for money, or someone who sells God’s free words for money? The flesh fades, but the soul remains, and Peter is the first antichrist and Paul is a false prophet. When Jesus reinstated Peter in the last chapter in the book of John, Peter noticed that the disciple whom Jesus loved was following them. After being reinstated, Peter still questions Jesus, wanting to know what will become of this special, loved disciple. Jesus tells Peter to not worry about it, and if Jesus chooses for this disciple to remain alive until His return, what is that to Peter, and that he must follow Jesus. Peter never understood Jesus' teachings, but he sure was worried about this special disciple. Then rumor started to spread among the men that this disciple would not die. This special, loved disciple is also written about during the last supper and at Jesus crucifixion. This special disciple was at the last supper reclining with Jesus and laid their head on Jesus' chest, and Peter asked this disciple who would betray Jesus. It is odd to me that this disciple is so special and loved, yet not able to have a name, and the disciple is spoken of in the masculine form as well. When I read these words, I close my eyes and envision the scene in my head, and it is hard for me to believe that a group of men were in a room eating and talking, and there was one man in particular laying on Jesus’ chest that Jesus loved more than the others, and understood Him unlike the others, to the point of Peter having to ask him who would betray Jesus. And another question that arises, is that if this man was so loved and special, then why was he not leading the way instead of Peter? But when I go outside of the Holy Bible and research the other sources, it is clear to me that the special, loved disciple is none other than Mary Magdalene. Then I sit and envision Her as that special, loved disciple at the last supper, who was laying Her head on Jesus chest; whom He loved the most and whom She loved the most, and She understood Him like no other, because She is a woman and the woman is the light, and He understood Her like no other, because He knows all, and is the Only True Man to carry the True Spiritual Light, because He came from a woman and the woman is good. That is why Peter had to ask Her who was going to betray Jesus. Not because Jesus had a special man, but because Mary Magdalene is the special, sacred, loved one; whom even in the Gospel of Mary Magdalene, Peter asks Her once Jesus is gone, the things She knows, that they do not, because Jesus loved Her more than them. You had to go through Her to get to Him. These men were jealous of Her, and it is evident, that through these men’s actions and words, they never understood anything when Jesus was physically there, and after Jesus' ascension, they never understood as well. Peter went through Mary Magdalene to communicate with Jesus and to better understand. Mary Magdalene is the Bride, and like Jesus says in Matthew 19, “A man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and the two will become one flesh. So they are no longer two, but one. Therefore, what God has joined together, let man not separate.” But man indeed did separate this beautiful union. These men were jealous of Her level of intelligence, wisdom, and understanding; and it came from Her being a woman and a supposed sinner, because She had been through everything; which gave Her the ability to understand anything, whereas these men only knew money, order, and control; and let us not forget, being judgmental. Jesus is God in the form of man. Man and woman are made in the image of our Father-Mother God, so if Jesus is God in the form of man, where is the woman in His story? The woman is Mary. Jesus and Mary Magdalene are the male and female entities of God. True God Consciousness. Jesus is the second Adam and Mary Magdalene is the second Eve. Jesus came to repair the defilement between Adam and Eve and who better to choose than Mary Magdalene. The one who had been through the most. The one, who loved the most. Their love is the real-life representation of God’s everlasting love for us regardless of our past sin, if we would only turn from the darkness and enter the true light. Just like Isaiah 54:4-5, “Do not be afraid; you will not suffer shame. Do not fear disgrace; you will not be humiliated. You will forget the shame of your youth and remember no more the reproach of your widowhood. For your Maker is your husband- the Lord Almighty is His name- the Holy One of Israel is your Redeemer; He is called the God of all the earth.” Through Her true love for Him and His true love for Her, Mary Magdalene was made new again, and She never went astray. She turned from the evil and only wanted the good. Jesus saved Her from the darkness to come and She never tasted spiritual death because She only yearned for the light, while the men chose to stay in the darkness because they were spiritually dead. Jesus shares a sacred truth and mystery in the Humane Essene Gospel of Christ. He says, “For even as the whole world has been ruined in the beginning by the sin and vanity of woman, so by simplicity and truth of woman, shall it be saved.” Just like in the book of Revelation, when the dragon goes after the woman and her children. That is the Bride, birthing a spiritual truth. Mary Magdalene is the disciple who would remain alive until Jesus’ return. She is the Bride that Jesus lives through, along with the True Humane Children of God. Jesus' mother represents His physical birth and Mary Magdalene represents His spiritual birth. Jesus says to never curse a woman, nor look down upon her weakness in ignorance, because earthly man does not know the deficiency of woman to judge or understand. He says the woman is the Mother of the Universe and all truth of divine creation rests within her. He says the woman is the foundation of all that is good and from her the motherhood exists. He also says that many things in the world are amiss and astray because of the evil of man and man’s intervention. No wonder Satan hates the woman so much. She carries the spiritual life and the physical life, and once he can destroy that, then there is no more life at all; and he is not going to do it through a woman, but through the man, for man is physically strong, but spiritually weak, just like Peter and Paul. The woman is physically weak, but spiritually strong, that is why even through the hardest mental, physical, and emotional times in a woman’s life, she can always make it through, just like Mary Magdalene. It is evident that through man’s egotistical ways, Peter and Paul hated women. Satan was first in Peter, and Peter is the first pope, and Satan just keeps doing his work for global dominance and destruction behind the Vatican walls. Satan hates the woman, because she births physical and spiritual life. If you could imagine Satan as a person, what type do you think he would be? On the outside he is dressed in all white; portraying to be the most loving, humblest, merciful human being because he is the world’s greatest deceiver, but really on the inside he is rotting. He will not be with women, because inside he is plotting against them, some way, somehow, every single day because they are life. He will act like it is the respectful, ‘holy’ thing to do, even though God says be fruitful and multiply, and because by nature we are sexual human beings, his mind is distorted and behind closed doors, him and his alliance torture little children, because they are full of life and the future; all the while speaking as though he is Jesus himself, conquering the world on a private jet with a one world logo, because he is the ruler of this sick, dark world. Everywhere he goes, he is greeted by many; stepping out on red carpets as though he is a celebrity, making everyone kiss his ring and address him as ‘your holiness’, as people throw children in his face, hoping he will bless them. While the worst pain, misery, and death is going on across the nations of this evil empire of a world he has built, he and his alliance are tucked away behind guarded walls of the most beautiful city of them all. He is surrounded by gold, being chauffeured in a Mercedes and at times in a Fiat, trying to look humble, when fiat actually means decree of authority. He appears to be gentle as a lamb, but he is ferocious as a wolf, bringing so called order and authority, through lies and chaos, across the nations. He claims to be a fish, but he is merely a snake. Satan is the coolest, nicest man on the outside, because he is the number one deceiver, and in the end, he brings the biggest deception where everyone falls, and it seems like he does it so easily, but it is only because he has made everyone so weak for the last 2,000 plus years through fear, greed, chaos, and control; and he did it with the fakest, dirtiest, yet most desirable thing in the world. Money. His number is 666, because man is day 6 and the destruction to all that is pure. Jesus cannot be tempted, that is why Satan failed every time. The body is weak, and that is all Peter was about, so that is why Peter failed every time. Only Satan would want to set up an image out of himself and have people worship him as ‘holy father’. Only Satan would have money and bodies at his feet. Only Satan would want to make you feel guilt, shame, and sorrow, like you are not worthy of life. Only Satan would make you feel like you had to come into his man-made institution to learn his interpretation of the Bible, so he can keep you dumbed down and asleep while he trains you to think man’s money is a blessing from God. The Roman Catholic Religion is the first religion supposedly built off Jesus teachings, but that is a lie. These men constantly had disputes about what they thought was the right way, while never knowing the right way at all. It was never supposed to be like this. Most other denominations disagree with the Roman Catholic Religion and dispute amongst each other as well, but that alone goes to show nothing about them is loving and true. Just like back in biblical days, you had the Sadducees and the Pharisees, which were two sects of Jews. They had different views as well, which goes to show their ways were not the right way either. And aside from the different Jews, you had the Gentiles, and like some of the Jewish people, the Gentiles just did not know what was true. When it comes to denominations or religions, none should think they are better than the other, because they are all just followers of some other false leader who does not understand the true word of God, yet profits every day through his ego. The church system, along with this entire religious system, is just an evil pyramid scheme that leads to nowhere, and who do you think is at the top? Satan wanted the division, Satan wanted the separation; that way it is easier to manipulate and control through fear, and then in the end unify us all under some false pretense, that was started through nothing more than fear; and the one leading the way is the pope, and Satan was in Peter, and Peter is the first pope, and Satan is just doing his work for global dominance and destruction right down the line of popes, because the spiritual works through the physical. That is why the Roman Catholic Church has been changing since its existence. God never changes, but Satan will change and do any type of trickery necessary. Darkness is working through these men, and that is why they continually change their ways according to financial gain. That is why it is so easy for them to manipulate the rest of the nation’s leaders, because money is the easiest bait, and men are weak. Satan is the ruler of this world, and the Vatican sure wants to rule all, own all, control all, dictate all, and tax all, as they sit back in luxury because that is Satan’s headquarters. What do you think, Satan is going to be some scary dragon who is going to come out of nowhere, spitting fire? No, he is flowing through a human being, dressed in all white, promising the world everything we could ever imagine. He is working through people every day. It is the duality of the dark and light that lies within. That is why after 6,000 years, we have a pope traveling the world, doing business deals on a private jet. That is why he is trying to unify us all under a one world religion and rule all, while he makes the laws and creates the taxes, while telling us that all religions are paths to the same God, but the truth is that they are all just paths to Satan. That is why the Vatican has said there will be no peace in Israel until they give up the holy sites, just like Peter did with the Jewish people in the Book of Acts. Satan conquers through fear, and man is day 6 for a reason. The devil’s number is 666 for a reason. Man is the destruction of all. Man has put his mark on every free beautiful gift God created, and now we are down to the best for last made in the image of God, and man wants to mark us too. Some already are, and I must say, at least when Satan was first in Judas, after betraying Jesus, he felt bad and gave the money back to the Jewish men, and then they went out and bought land with it, and Judas hung himself, then Satan went after Peter. Peter never understood anything, therefore he could never feel bad about anything, but he sure knew how to put fear in others and make others feel bad. He did it all the way up to being hung upside down on a cross because he was never an upright person; like Psalm 125:4-5 says, “Do good, oh Lord, to those who are good, to those who are upright in heart. But those who turn to crooked ways the Lord will banish with the evildoers.” You see, the Bible already told us in Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John that Satan was in Peter and wanted to sift him. Where are those stories at though? We were never taught those things in Bible study, and yet it is all in the Bible, starting with the Book of Acts. The very things Jesus spoke about happening, happened, and is happening today. But once again, it is for man’s lack of understanding and egotistical ways that no one was ever taught these things. And let us not forget that the church system is built on Peter and Paul, so no wonder we were never taught these things. These men would never pass down teachings of Peter and Paul being bad, when it all started on them. These supposed Christians would not be making a lifestyle for themselves off God’s free words if it weren't for Peter and Paul. And it baffles me how people cannot comprehend what Jesus means when He says, “Give to Caesar what is Caesar’s, and give to God what is God’s.” God and money have nothing to do with each other, and the only reason these preachers get this tax break is because they are doing the dirty work for the Roman Empire by keeping the world spiritually asleep. It does not matter what denomination anyone is. The majority of those who claim to believe in Jesus are all just Peters, built upon that false rock., who are lukewarm and in the end, will be spit out, because they only spoke with their mouth they were for Jesus, but all along they never were because their actions were not truly humane. Hardly anyone is living the true humane way God intended. The majority follow man and depend on man for everything, and for the lack of knowledge and understanding we are letting man kill the earth and every beautiful creation that exists. The chaos will never stop until the power is taken from Satan, and the only way to accomplish this is by evidence, facts, and a mouth as sharp as a sword. Satan is the ruler of this world and he is doing his work through the walls of the Vatican and it all started with Peter and Paul. The right side of God is Jesus and the left side is Satan. The right side of Jesus is Mary Magdalene and the left side is Peter. The right side is the light and the left side is the dark. The right side are the sheep and the left side are the goats; but the end of the age has arrived, and harvest time is here, causing the darkness to be cast out by the true illumination of wisdom, understanding, and love. The true Kingdom of Heaven being brought upon the earth, with all darkness and evilness disappearing. Jesus says “You are the salt of the earth. But if the salt loses its saltiness, how can it be made salty again? It is no longer good for anything, except to be thrown out and trampled on by men. You are the light of the world. A city on a hill cannot be hidden. Neither do people light a lamp and put it under a bowl. Instead they put it on its stand, and it gives light to everyone in the house. In the same way, let your light shine before men, that they may see your good deeds and praise your Father in Heaven.” Peter is the salt. What is salt made from? He is the false rock who lost his saltiness and in his mid-60’s was indeed trampled on by men. Mary Magdalene is the light. She understood Jesus' teachings and was told to announce His resurrection to the city. She was a true humane person who was purified and led other people to the Holy Way as well. Matthew 5:21-22, Jesus says, “You have heard that it is said to the people long ago, ‘Do not murder’, and anyone who murders will be subject to judgment. But I tell you that anyone who is angry with his brother will be subject to judgment. Again, anyone who says Raca, (which is a term of contempt), is answerable to the Sanhedrin. But anyone who says you fool will be in danger of the fire of hell.” The definition of contempt is: The feeling that a person or a thing is beneath consideration, worthless, or deserving scorn. In the book of Acts, when Peter was leading the disciples after Jesus' ascension, he went around making all the Jewish people feel bad. He scorned them and used fear to manipulate. He called the people ignorant, which is just another term for fool. He told the people they disowned Jesus and that they had killed the author of life, when Peter had disowned Jesus at one point out of fear as well. In the book of John, Peter was reinstated, yet after Jesus was gone, Peter never once spoke to the people in a loving way, showing them how he had once been the same way too. Peter was incapable of showing empathy or sympathy, because he did not have the capacity to acknowledge his own faults. He thought he was infallible, when he was really the weakest of them all. Instead, he only scared the Jewish people and made them feel guilty, and then suddenly, the Jewish people started selling their land and dropping money at his feet. That does not sound like something Jesus would do if you ask me, but I am pretty sure Satan would, and let us not forget that Satan was sifting Peter, and Peter was in charge. Peter never once felt bad like Judas did. Judas means ‘praised one’, and at least he felt bad after betraying Jesus and gave the money back. Peter was just a false, wrathful, rock who turned to stubble. The facts are in the Bible. Peter did not pass the test; he failed every time, and he continued to let the fear and greed take over. He manipulated the Jewish people through fear, and these people gave up their land, just like we see today with the Vatican. Like I said, history just keeps playing itself out repeatedly, and time is almost up. Everything that Jesus said when He was speaking to the men were parables about themselves. He was letting them know what they were going to go through, because He already knows everyone’s heart; and He knew Peter’s was calloused. I hope the Jewish people wake up and see Jesus is a true prophet and our True Messiah. Every word He spoke is a fulfilled prophecy. In the book of Acts, Peter is angry with his brothers and sisters and is scolding them. Ananias and Sapphira even die at his feet. Like Jesus says; anger and murder are both a matter of judgment. In the book of Acts Peter indeed said ‘raca’ to the Jewish people, and was then brought in front of the Sanhedrin. Jesus says anyone who says, ‘you fool’, is in danger of the fire of hell, so let us think with common sense. Peter went through years of teachings with Jesus, yet still shed blood at the crucifixion, and then after the ascension, he used fear, anger, and manipulation to control the people and name-call them. Do you think Peter was in danger of the fire of hell? Do you think Peter was a true follower of Christ? Jesus says in Matthew 5:46-48, “If you love those who love you, what reward will you get? Are not even the tax collectors doing that? And if you greet only your brothers, what are you doing more than others? Do not even pagans do that? Be perfect, therefore, as your Heavenly Father is perfect.” You will soon see that all of Peter’s actions in the book of Acts proves he never lived in Jesus’ teachings and he never showed love, therefore he was not being directed by the Holy Spirit; only Satan, and then the flock was scattered. And do you also notice Jesus says to be perfect? The proof is in the Bible that Jesus says we all have the ability to be perfect, so once again, the church establishment is teaching false doctrines, programming people’s minds to think they will always be a sinner, only to keep them sucked into their sick system, feeding off people’s misery and misunderstanding of truth for mere financial profit. None of these men are prophets; they are profits, working for the false ways of man. So, who are you going to believe; Jesus or man? And Jesus was also telling the men that if they only acknowledge their brothers, how are they any better than anyone else, and it is apparent that Peter and Paul never acknowledged women, and for the last 6,000 years women have been subjected to oppression and suppression on the worst levels anyone could ever imagine; condemned by man, while trying to withhold us from truly evolving into the beautiful, spiritual flowers that we are. Jesus says “When you pray, do not be like the hypocrites, for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and on the street corners to be seen by men. I tell you the truth, they have received their reward in full. But when you pray, go into your room, close the door and pray to your Father who is unseen. Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you. And when you pray do not keep babbling like pagans, for they think they will be heard because of their many words. Do not be like them, for your Father knows what you need before you ask Him.” Once again, who is the real prostitute? I think Jesus answered clearly, that the real prostitutes are these men in their dresses, stepping out on the street corners, taking everyone’s sovereignty and money. And it seems to me, all the people are doing the opposite of what Jesus said, and instead bowing down to man, and their babbling on makes no sense and confuses the world more and more as time goes on. We also need to stop and ask ourselves: if Jesus were here today, would He parade around in a Mercedes through crowds of people? I don’t think so, but I bet Satan would. And it seems to me, people turn to a dark box to tell some man the bad things they have done, when our one and only true Father already knows, and He already paid the price, and if we turned to Him, rather than man, then we would truly be healed. Just like in Matthew 23:9, Jesus says, “Do not call anyone on earth ‘father’, for you have one Father, and He is in Heaven.”, yet priests are ‘father’ and the pope is ‘holy father’, and so I have to keep reiterating that Peter is the first ‘holy father’, and Satan was sifting Peter, and Peter is the first antichrist, so when people call the pope “holy father” they are actually acknowledging Satan as the father that they truly serve rather than the true God of love and light. Jesus says, “The eye is the lamp of the body. If your eyes are good, your whole body will be full of light. But if your eyes are bad, your whole body will be full of darkness. If then the light within you is darkness, how great is that darkness!” “No one can serve two masters. Either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and money.” The book of Acts proves Peter did not listen to Jesus' teachings. Peter opposed Jesus' true way on every level, and that is the definition of an antichrist. Peter’s eyes were bad. He led the way through judging and never truly loving, and by the actions of the Jewish people, we can see Peter definitely was not serving God, but rather through the sifting of Satan, he let the darkness within take over, and he let the fear he felt inside manifest on the outside, and he then inflicted that fear upon the people, which then made the Jewish people feel guilty and sell their land while dropping the money at his feet. Peter was not devoted to God; he was devoted to money. That is why when Jesus was gone, Peter established the same Pharisee way of rules, order, control, and money Jesus warned not to do; only now using Jesus’ name to make it easier to do. Before Jesus' ascension, Jesus washes Peter’s feet. Peter did not understand why, but Jesus told him one day he would. The reason Jesus did this was because He knows all, and He already knew what Peter was going to do to Ananias, Sapphira, and everyone else. While Jesus washed Peter’s feet, just like Mary Magdalene did for Jesus; Peter on the other hand was having money and dead bodies fall at his, and he never once realized it was the sifting of Satan, and he never once felt any remorse. Rather, as leader, once Peter saw the fear induced reaction, that only added more fuel to the fire within his own dark, egotistical desires. When you truly understand Jesus' loving way, you will have the treasure that resides within the mind, because your soul is connected to the One True Spirit, and you will then read the book of Acts and see none of Peter’s ways were the ways of light; only the ways of darkness. Jesus says, “Do not judge, or you too will be judged. For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you. Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother’s eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye?” In Acts, when Peter starts leading the way, he is judging all the Jewish people, making them feel guilty and ignorant for disowning and killing the author of life, when he had once done the same, and later Paul and Peter even get into a dispute because Peter is being his same judgmental way. You can read the Bible and clearly see Peter judged his entire time on earth, along with his partner Paul. Jesus says, “Do to others what you would have them do to you, for this sums up the Law and the Prophets.” Well, I don’t think Peter would like someone making him feel guilty and calling him ignorant for disowning Jesus, like he did to the Jewish people in Acts. I don’t think Peter would like someone making him feel inferior, while causing panic and terror like he did with Ananias and Sapphira. I don’t think Peter would like someone threatening him to have his body carried out and buried, like he did to Ananias and Sapphira in the book of Acts. The proof is in the Holy Bible itself, without even going to any outside sources, that Peter never understood the teachings while Jesus was with them, and after Jesus was gone, he did not understand them as well. As he stood there judging everyone, a feeling never came over Peter, reminding him of the teachings Jesus gave, once again proving there was no Holy Spirit upon him; only the spirit of darkness as Satan was sifting and having everyone drop money or dead bodies at his feet. Jesus says, “Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it.” Peter and Paul never found that narrow road. They only found the broad road of destruction, and that is the very road we have been on for the last 2,000 plus years, but the time has come to enter the narrow road of life, if we would only turn to the light rather than the dark. Jesus says, “Everyone who hears these words of mine and does not put them into practice is like a foolish man who built his house on sand. The rain came down, the streams rose, and the winds blew and beat against that house, and it fell with a great crash.” Kind of like Paul in the book of Acts, when the men are sailing for Rome, Paul gets a bad feeling about the trip, and the ship crashes on an island called Malta, and the ship gets stuck in the sand. He builds a fire with the islanders and gets bit by a viper, and at first the islanders with the unusual kindness, as Paul likes to put it, thought he was a murderer, but to their surprise he did not die, so they thought he was a god; but of course he is not going to die because he is a snake himself. And do you truly see, do you truly hear, what Jesus is meaning in this parable? He is telling us that we must read His words, understand His words, and put them into practice. How is showing up to church or Bible study helping people understand Jesus' words, because ever since their existence, the Christian community has never been practicing the true ways of Christ; and now like their brother, false prophet Paul, their house of lies is soon to fall with a great crash as well. Before Peter denied Jesus three times, Jesus instructed the men and told them that whoever acknowledges Him before men, He will acknowledge before His Father in Heaven, but whoever disowns Him before men, He will also disown before His Father in Heaven. Through these men’s actions, they disowned Jesus, and almost all of us in the world today have as well, and instead bow down and worship the false ways of man. All this time, most people have been like Peter; speaking with their mouth they are for Jesus, but their hearts are far from Him. Hardly anyone truly understands, and for that we are killing the truth and beauty of the earth. Matthew 11:27-30 Jesus says, “All things have been committed to Me by My Father. No one knows the Son except the Father, and no one knows the Father except the Son and those to whom the Son chooses to reveal him. Come to Me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For My yoke is easy and my burden is light.” Peter was never given rest. He had been the disciple the longest, yet through years of Jesus teachings, still shed blood the day of Jesus' crucifixion. Peter was dull and never understood anything, because he was not gentle and humble in heart with the Jewish people or towards anyone else. Jesus' burden is light, whereas Peter put a very heavy burden on the Jewish people and never once showed remorse. Mary Magdalene was weary and burdened, and when She turned to Her Lord, She was purified, because She truly believed and wanted the good. She never went astray again and turned others to the Holy Way as well. Even if She was a prostitute before meeting Jesus; once purified, She never charged anyone for God’s free words like Peter, Paul, and all the men who have come after, proving them to be the true spiritual prostitutes in the eyes of God. Jesus says, “I desire mercy, not sacrifice.” He came to put an end to all sacrifice; whether human flesh or animal flesh, we are all God’s creation. Before Jesus came, there was animal and child sacrifice. These men thought they were doing something favorable in God’s eyes, but it was only a disgrace, as they were sacrificing to Satan. Do you think by Ananias and Sapphira dying at Peter’s feet, that Peter was showing them or any of the people mercy? And when it comes to other life besides humans, God is love, and we are made in the image of God. The first page of the Bible day 6 says we rule over the animals and the vegetation is our food, and on top of that, one of the commandments is do not kill. Before the defilement of Adam and Eve, we were clean, pure, holy temples of God. When we pick and choose which life is worthy of living and dying, we are then living in the image of Satan rather than the image of Christ. The image of darkness rather than the image of light. Eating animals kills the earth and the body, and science is just proving God’s words to be true, and aside from that, we are shedding innocent blood. While men are making money off innocent animals, they are also filling our bodies with diseases and other poisons; and while they are doing that, they are also profiting from innocent babies with their body parts. We were supposed to evolve into true, humane, loving beings. Some are waking up, but most are still asleep, slowly devolving into nothingness. All life flows in perfect harmony together. Humans were here last, and all creation before us is equally sacred too. Jesus says, “He who is not with Me is against Me, and he who does not gather with Me scatters. And so I tell you, every sin and blasphemy will be forgiven men, but the blasphemy against the Spirit will not be forgiven. Anyone who speaks a word against the Son of Man will be forgiven, but anyone who speaks against the Holy Spirit will not be forgiven, either in this age or the age to come.” None of those men were for Jesus, that is why they were all scattered. Jesus says if you speak a word against the Son of Man you will be forgiven, but if you speak against the Holy Spirit, you will not be forgiven; and He was speaking of the age then which is the Piscean age, and the age to come, which is now; known as the age of Aquarius. The Holy Spirit is Mary Magdalene and She is calling out once again. Will you open your heart and listen, or will you speak against Her just as Peter did? Jesus also says, “Make a tree good and its fruit will be good, or make a tree bad and its fruit will be bad, for a tree is recognized by its fruit. You brood of vipers, how can you who are evil say anything good? For out of the overflow of the heart the mouth speaks. The good man brings good things out of the good stored up in him, and the evil man brings evil things out of the evil stored up in him. But I tell you men will have to give account on the day of judgment for every careless word they have spoken. For by your words you will be acquitted, and by your words you will be condemned.” None of these men were true gatherers of Christ, that is why they were all scattered. In Jesus’ Aramaic language that He spoke, the Holy Spirit is feminine, and holy means pure. The Holy Spirit is Mary Magdalene. The male carries the feminine inside, that is why men are XY; and on the outside as well as the inside, She was His perfect match. He put that on Her and She accepted willingly, because She always understood, was purified from day one, and truly loves Jesus. She is the Counselor and Comforter. In the Gospel of Mary Magdalene, Jesus gives the disciples special teachings before His ascension. He teaches them about the child of true humanity, and when He leaves, the men start to cry and become scared. They have no idea how they will be able to teach these things to the people and not be killed like Jesus, just showing once again how these men were always guarding their physical life, while Mary never once cared about Hers. In the Holy Bible, while all the disciples are in their homes scared, Mary Magdalene stayed at the tomb crying because Jesus' body was gone. A man appeared who She thought was the gardener, and She asked him if he knew where they put Her Lord, because She would carry Him back to safety. While all these men were scared, guarding their own physical lives, She was willing to go anywhere and carry Her Lord, while disregarding Herself, because She truly loves Him. Just like She was not scared in the Holy Bible, She was not scared in the Gospel of Mary Magdalene as well. When the men had no idea how they would tell the people of Jesus' teachings, She stood up and greeted Her brothers and sisters and told them to not be worried or stressed; that no matter where they are, Jesus' grace will be with them and shelter them. She said rather, they should praise Him, because He made them true human beings. And once She told them that, She turned their hearts toward the good, and then they started to debate about Jesus' words. Peter then asked Mary to tell them the things She knew that they did not, because Jesus loved Her the most. Mary Magdalene then told them that She would teach them the things that were hidden from them, just like Jesus says in John 16, when He tells them the Holy Spirit will speak truth, and not on Her own, while telling the men the things to come. Mary Magdalene taught them that the mind is where the treasure is and that a person sees a vision with the mind, because it is between the Spirit and the Soul. She also taught them about the different levels a Soul must overcome, along with the 7 powers of wrath which are: darkness, desire, ignorance, zeal for death, realm of the flesh, foolish wisdom of the flesh, and the wisdom of the wrathful person. After Mary said these things, Andrew stood up and said he did not believe Her. He thought the teachings were strange ideas, and his brother Peter agreed. Andrew means ‘manly’ by the way, so we know through his ego, that he was not going to listen to any teachings from a woman. Peter immediately got angry that Jesus would speak in private with a woman and not tell them and he refused to listen to Her. He became jealous, and asked if Jesus chose Her over the men. Then Mary started crying and asked Peter what he was imagining, and did he think She would really make these things up and lie about the Savior. Then Levi, which means, ‘attached’ or ‘pledged’, speaks up and tells Peter that he has always been a wrathful person, and he now sees him contending against the woman like an adversary; exactly like in Revelation, with the woman and the dragon. Levi tells Peter that if the Savior has chosen Her as worthy, then who is Peter to reject Her, and that Jesus' knowledge of Mary Magdalene is reliable, and that is why Jesus loved Her more than them. He told Peter they should feel ashamed, and instead clothe themselves with a perfect human. He told them they should tell about the good news and not lay down any other law beyond what the Savior said. Mary Magdalene taught the men the special teachings that they did not know. Like Jesus, She was preparing them for what their soul would have to overcome through flesh and time, because they only cared about the physical and never the spiritual, and had not freed their mind from the restrictions of time within this physical realm. She had already been purified from the 7 demons that lied within Her, whereas these men had not; making Her the Holy Spirit, Comforter, and Counselor. This fills in the gap in the Holy Bible in John 16:5-16, but first I want to point out some errors; because once again, The King James Version was conjured up by a small group of men, and aside from those men, the actual writers of the books themselves are caught in many lies, and most did not have true respect for women. Throughout the Bible, the Holy Spirit is spoken of in masculine and feminine form, but it is a fact that in Jesus’ Aramaic language, the Holy Spirit is feminine, so when Jesus spoke, He was speaking of a woman who would counsel and comfort the people, just like She did in the Gospel of Mary Magdalene. And notice how She counseled and comforted the people, whereas in the Book of Acts Peter rebuked, scorned, shamed, scared, controlled, and killed? I do not care how John perceived it, wrote it, or how the King James men wrote it, I like to stick to evidence and facts, and it is obvious someone is lying. I like things that make sense, so I am going to stand up for Jesus and not make a mockery out of Him. I will truly defend Him, because Jesus has always been there for me. Jesus was called ‘Rabbi’. All Rabbis were married. You could not teach in a temple any other way. Jesus is God in the form of man and the woman is at the man’s side, and Jesus' woman is Mary Magdalene, and She is the Holy Spirit, She is the Shekinah; even Jesus Himself says a man will leave his parents and be joined to his wife. So, Jesus says in John 16, “Now I am going to Him who sent Me, yet none of you asks Me, ‘Where are you going?’ Because I have said these things you are filled with grief. But I tell you the truth: It is for your good that I am going away. Unless I go away, the Counselor will not come to you; but if I go, I will send Her to you. When She comes, She will convict the world of guilt in regard to sin and righteousness and judgment; in regard to sin, because men do not believe in Me; in regard to righteousness, because I am going to the Father, where you can see me no longer; and in regard to judgment, because the prince of this world now stands condemned. I have so much more to say to you, more than you can now bear. But when She, the Spirit of Truth, comes, She will guide you into all truth. She will not speak on Her own, She will speak only what She hears, and She will tell you what is yet to come. She will bring glory to Me by taking from what is mine and making it known to you. All that belongs to the Father is mine. That is why I said the Spirit will take from what is mine and make it known to you. In a little while you will see me no more, then after a little while you will see Me.” These men did not understand what Jesus meant and He told them a time is coming and has come when the men will be scattered and leave Jesus all alone. Mary Magdalene is the Counselor who was preparing the men for what they would have to go through, but instead they rejected Her. Some understood, most did not, but what is most important is that the one leading the flock did not understand, and that is Peter, therefore he could not lead anyone on a righteous path, and let us not forget that as soon as Mary Magdalene was forgiven, She was purified because She only wanted the good and never went astray, while Peter forever was. She did the healing and anointing, while Peter did the cursing and judging. After Mary Magdalene spoke these things, Peter and some of the other men were upset. Peter, his brother Andrew, plus others, did not want to go with these ways, which then made them plot against Her. That is why there is little told of Her in the Holy Bible, because She is that special, loved disciple, who would never taste spiritual death, that the men started to gossip about. Through Mary Magdalene’s words, She was acquitted. Through Peter’s words, he was condemned. Peter was jealous, and we can see through the biblical stories that Peter, Paul, plus many other men may have spoken with their mouth the good news of Jesus, but their actions did not show it, and as time has gone on, we keep getting more and more man-made laws, while Jesus only law is love, and most of these laws that are made today are not made in love, yet most of our nation’s leaders are Christians, and to be more specific, many of them are Roman Catholic. In the Bible, we clearly see the only kind words that came from Peter’s mouth were the reiterated words of Jesus, which he himself did not understand, nor live by. The other words he spoke, which came from himself, were nothing but cruel and careless. While Mary Magdalene produced good fruit, because She is the fertile soil, Peter only produced bad. He never had any good stored up in himself. All he had stored up inside was fear, greed, control, and wrath. The overflow of his heart spoke harsh, judgmental words that put fear into the Jewish people, because he was a viper along with Paul and many other men. He was already reinstated by Jesus in the book of John, but only continued to fail. Like Jesus says; “If you ask for a fish will I give you a snake?” Everyone turned from Jesus, and they were in complete darkness. In the Bible, we clearly see valid evidence that Peter and Paul’s words indeed made them self-condemned. There was a piece of papyrus found and Jesus is telling His disciples that His mother gave Him life and that Mary Magdalene is His wife, and that She is worthy of being His disciple. He also said, “Let wicked people swell up, as for Me, I dwell with Her.” He would dwell with Her, because She is the Holy Spirit for She is pure, perfect, and true. The other sources that are outside of the Holy Bible also let us know that it is Mary Magdalene that Jesus loves the most, letting us know who that mystery person laying on Jesus’ chest in the Bible truly is, with Peter and other men saying Jesus loved Her more than anyone. The Vatican does not want to accept anything when it comes to Mary Magdalene and they get very upset, just like Peter always did, because Satan hates the woman and the Vatican is Satan’s home, and with the woman’s spiritual teachings, Satan’s home ceases to exist. Pope Francis elevated Mary Magdalene to the same level as Peter and Paul, yet again, making changes to their doctrines because their institution has never been true, but the time has now come for him and his false church to raise Her to the position that She is truly meant to be, and that is the true representative of Christ, leader of the true church; the woman who holds the keys of truth, love, light, justice, and freedom. The woman who doesn’t want to rule over others, while thinking she is superior, while sitting in a guarded palace. The woman that wants to rule through love; equally, sharing, loving; not charging meaningless fake money for some so called godly advice; rather freely teaching humanity to look within; finding the light within themselves, because we are the temple; not the man-made ones defiled by hewn stones. In Matthew 12:38 some of the Pharisees and the teachers of the law asked Jesus to see a miraculous sign. Jesus replied, “A wicked and adulterous generation asks for a miraculous sign! But none will be given it except the sign of Jonah.” Peter, along with Paul, indeed saw the sign of Jonah. Jonah was called upon to preach in Nineveh, but instead fled, and while at sea, a big storm arose from his disobedience and he was swallowed by a big fish, which made the people of Nineveh believe, just like Peter and Paul were swallowed when they fled to Rome out of disobedience, and now that we are at the end of the age, the time has come for the Vatican to be swallowed by the greatest fish of them all. Jesus says, “The men of Nineveh will stand up at the judgment with this generation and condemn it; for they repented at the preaching of Jonah, and now one greater than Jonah is here. The Queen of the South will rise at the judgment of this generation and condemn it; for she came from the ends of the earth to listen to Solomon’s wisdom, and now one greater than Solomon is here. When an evil spirit comes out of a man, it goes through arid places seeking rest and does not find it. Then it says, ‘I will return to the house I left.’ When it arrives, it finds the house unoccupied, swept clean and put in order. Then it goes and takes with it seven more spirits more wicked than itself, and they go in and live there. And the final countdown of that man is worse than the first. That is how it will be with this wicked generation.” A generation is equivalent to 30 years. That is about how long Peter and Paul lived after Jesus' death. After Judas ended his life out of guilt, Satan then wanted to tempt Peter, and Peter was overcome by those 7 evil spirits of wrath, which then caused him to lead the way he did and die the way he did. Jesus told Peter to live in love and stay in Jerusalem and wait for the gift that is promised, but Peter did not listen and was constantly being warned, but he never understood, and through his own evil desires, was led to his own demise in Rome. Peter and Paul are examples to the Jews and Gentiles of how not to be, yet ever since Jesus has been gone, they have been praised and called saints in the Christian society, but you know what they say, history is always written by the winners. History which glorifies their own cause and disparages the foe. These men went against everything Jesus stood for, yet we are taught they are good. When you go to Bible study, church, or a Christian school, they already have a curriculum established, which they will then teach you from someone else’s perception, like a trained puppet. It is only common sense, that if the first establishment supposedly built off Jesus’ teachings to bring financial profit was through Peter and Paul, then we obviously are not going to be taught anything bad about these men. And ever since Peter and Paul, the evilness within these men has only swelled up more, just like Jesus said would happen; as they think they know everything, all the while directing our lives to slaughter, because Satan is the orchestrator of this sick masquerade we call life. It is time for the Jewish people to see through Peter and Paul’s mistakes, just like the people of Nineveh when they witnessed the consequences of Jonah. It is time for the Jews and the Gentiles to see through these evil men’s mistakes, instead of continuing to be led by Satan, who resides within the Vatican. The word Vatican is Latin and is a contraction of two words: ‘Vatis’, which means prophetic or diviner; and ‘Can’, which is serpent/snake, which when combined means ‘divine serpent’. Divine means “like God”, and that serpent Satan definitely has been portraying God, and it all started with Peter, but there is nothing divine about lying, stealing, and killing, and that is all the Vatican knows how to do, just like Peter. The pope is just like Peter; jealous, wishing he could have half the wisdom and intellect as Mary Magdalene. Jesus is the true Messiah and He never wanted money or blood, but He was willing to give anything freely, whether it be physically or spiritually, because He is our one true God, who is the same yesterday, today, and forever. The Queen of the South came to hear Solomon’s teachings, just like Mary Magdalene came to hear Jesus, as She was always at His feet, even washing them with Her own tears. Even when house work needed to be done, Jesus said She made the better choice by listening to His teachings. She carries that special knowledge that no other man besides Jesus has. Like Queen of Sheba, Mary Magdalene was already fit for attaining the special knowledge of Jesus prior to meeting Him. She was beautiful and intelligent. She was a true human being, never bringing harm to any of God’s creation. In biblical days, women were nothing but a ‘thing’ to men. They were merely property to their fathers or husbands, and that curse has been in existence since the defilement of Adam and Eve stated in Genesis Chapter 3. When Eve was deceived by the serpent, she was cursed by becoming property to her husband, as he rules over her as he pleases. Through all the evilness She endured from man, Mary Magdalene had a ready understanding of every word Jesus spoke. She felt comforted by His words; even just His presence, when every other man in Her life only brought Her pain. Unlike the way certain groups of Jewish men treated women back then, Jesus did not treat His Bride that way. Their love is real, and it was never forced or brought upon for any type of physical, financial, or superficial gain. Their love blossomed from the spiritual connection within them. It did not come from any physical lusts which only come from the evil desires of the flesh. Their love is one of a kind, unique; being completely misunderstood by anyone else. The only reaction these men could feel within back then was disgust, as She was only a sinner to them, just like She is mostly known as just a prostitute to us. Just like Queen of Sheba brought gifts for Solomon, Mary Magdalene made and brought the sacred anointing oil for Jesus, which only made the men more upset and disgusted, considering that type of anointing oil is only for a high priest. The Jewish men’s law is that if it is used on anyone else, that the person needs to be cut off from their people. Jesus was indeed cut off from His people, and so was Mary Magdalene. While Jesus was speaking to the crowd, His mother and brothers were wanting to speak to Him. Someone told Him, “Your mother and brothers are standing outside, wanting to speak with you.” Jesus replied, “Who is my mother, and who are my brothers?” He then pointed to His disciples and said, “Here are my mother and brothers. For whoever does the will of my Father in Heaven is my brother and sister and mother.” This comes directly from the Holy Bible, Matthew Chapter 12. The Roman Catholic Church makes statues of Jesus' mother and they make people say “Hail Marys”, which is just another man-made, meaningless ritual. Jesus did not say to make idols and worship them, and He did not put His mother above others. Anyone who was willing to show true humane love was His mother, brother, and sister equally as true children of God. Who do you want to listen to: the true ways of God or the false ways of man? Matthew Chapter 13, Jesus tells a parable about a sower. He says, “A farmer went out to sow his seed. As he was scattering the seed, some fell along the path, and the birds came and ate it up. Some fell on rocky places, where it did not have much soil. It sprang up quickly, because the soil was shallow. But when the sun came up, the plants were scorched, and they withered because they had no root. Other seed fell among thorns, which grew up and choked the plants. Still other seed fell on good soil, where it produced a crop-a hundred, sixty, or thirty times what was sown. He who has ears, let him hear.” The disciples then ask Jesus why He always speaks in parables. Jesus replies, “The knowledge of the secrets of the Kingdom of Heaven has been given to you, but not to them. Whoever has will be given more, and he will have an abundance. Whoever does not have, even what he has will be taken from him.” He says, “This is why I speak to them in parables: Though seeing, they do not see; though hearing, they do not hear or understand. In them is fulfilled the prophecy of Isaiah: ‘You will be ever hearing but never understanding; you will be ever seeing but never perceiving. For this people’s hearts has become calloused; they hardly hear with their ears, and they have closed their eyes. Otherwise they might see with their eyes, hear with their ears, understand with their hearts and turn, and I would heal them.’ But blessed are your eyes because they see and your ears because they hear. For I tell you the truth, many prophets and righteous men longed to see what you see but did not see it, and to hear what you hear but did not hear it. Listen then to what the parable of the sower means: When anyone hears the message about the kingdom and does not understand it, the evil one comes and snatches away what was sown in his heart. This is the seed sown along the path. The one who received the seed that fell on rocky places is the man who hears the words and at once receives it with joy. But since he has no root, he lasts only a short time. When trouble or persecution comes because of the word, he quickly falls away. The one who received the seed that fell among the thorns is the man who hears the word, but the worries of this life and the deceitfulness of wealth choke it, making it unfruitful. But the one who received the seed that fell on good soil is the man who hears the word and understands it. He produces a crop, yielding a hundred, sixty, or thirty times what was sown.” Peter, Paul, plus other men fulfilled these prophecies and parables, just like Jesus said. They could never understand or perceive the true words of God, which made their hearts calloused. The false prophet Paul, is the seed sown along the path. One day, Paul was out walking, when a message came from God during his rampage of murdering Jesus’ true followers, which then supposedly made him want to convert, but he never truly understood, because he would have never acted in the ways he did or said the things he said, which then caused the evil one to snatch it away. In the book of Acts, Paul is walking along a path at noon, when the men are surrounded by lightning and fall to the ground. I will provide more details during the book of Acts regarding Paul, but what we need to remember is the Bible says at noon the men stumble and also Luke 10:18, Jesus says, “I saw Satan fall like lightning from Heaven”. Furthermore, Mark 15:33-34, says at noon darkness came over the whole land until 3pm, and then at 3pm, Jesus cried out. At noon Peter had a vision that I will soon get into once we discuss the book of Acts that will prove the spirit he thought was telling him to get up and kill was not Jesus, but instead Satan coming to sift, and through Peter’s darkness within, and lack of understanding of who Jesus truly is, Peter indeed stumbled at noon, as well as Paul. Show me where Jesus ever told anyone to kill, yet Peter really thought it was Christ speaking to him? And another powerful message that we were never taught is that Peter oversaw a total of four watches. The first three were in Gethsemane. Jesus took three men with Him: Peter, John, and James. Peter failed the first, second, and third watch. The fourth watch was when Peter had little faith and fell in the water because he was scared. The four watches are divided up, and are very symbolic and truly amazing once we open our minds. The first watch is 6-9am, the second watch is 9-noon, the third watch is noon-3pm, and the fourth watch is 3-6pm. After Peter failed the first three watches, Jesus says to hurry because He has now been betrayed. The third watch is between noon-3pm, so this symbolizes exactly what was going to happen to Peter, for his failure as watchmen for Jesus. As a result, Peter failed to understand what his vision meant at noon, causing himself to be handed over just like Jesus. That is why in the book of Acts, Cornelius, which means ‘horn’, which means power, has a vision at 3pm, and has three Roman men show up at Peter’s door. It was the third watch when Peter had the vision at noon, so just like he was not on watch for Jesus; Peter was handed over too, because that is the law of attraction, and what goes around, comes around. Between the hours of noon and 3pm there was complete darkness. That is the same time Peter, Paul, and Cornelius are having their visions. The antichrist Peter is the one with no root, and during times of trouble and persecution he eventually fell away, and most of these men were like seeds among thorns, because they were always worried about their physical life and were always being deceived by wealth, which caused them to be unfruitful. Mary Magdalene is the seed on good soil. She heard the word, understood the word, and immediately produced a crop; turning people to the true, loving, humane way of Christ. Jesus says, “The Kingdom of Heaven is like a man who sowed good seed in his field. But while everyone was sleeping, his enemy came and sowed weeds among the wheat, and went away.” He explains the parable and says, “The one who sowed the good seed is the Son of Man. The field is the world, and the good seed stands for the sons of the kingdom. The weeds are the sons of the evil one, and the enemy who sows them is the devil. The harvest is the end of the age, and the harvesters are angels. As the weeds are pulled up and burned in the fire, so it will be at the end of the age. The Son of Man will send out His angels, and they will weed out His Kingdom; everything that causes sin and all who do evil. They will throw them into the fiery furnace, where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth. Then the righteous will shine like the sun in the Kingdom of their Father. He who has ears, let him hear.” Just like in Mark 14:32-41, when Jesus tells the disciples to sit while He prays, and He then takes Peter, James, and John with Him. Jesus becomes deeply distressed and troubled, and says His soul is overwhelmed with sorrow to the point of death. He told the three men to stay and keep watch while He went and prayed. He prayed that everything might pass from Him. When He returned, He found the men sleeping. He looked at Peter and said “Simon, are you asleep? Could you not keep watch for one hour? Watch and pray so that you will not fall into temptation. The spirit is willing, but the body is weak.” He went away again, returning a second time, only to find them still sleeping. Again, Jesus did the same thing and for the third time they were still asleep. Jesus said “Are you still sleeping? Enough! The hour has come. Look, the Son of Man is betrayed into the hands of sinners.” These men were terrible watchmen. While they were sleeping, the business deal of Jesus' betrayal was going on. Jesus sowed the good seed among the people. Peter was the leader and he was always asleep, which then caused the devil to start sowing his weeds. That is why Jesus warned Peter that Satan wanted to sift him like wheat. Peter had the free will, all Jesus could do was teach. Just like in the Book of Acts when Peter fell into a trance at midday; Satan was sifting and sowing his weeds, which caused Peter to stumble at noon and was handed over just like Jesus, because of Peter’s failure as a watchman. He awoke and thought Jesus was telling him to do certain things, but all along he was only being sifted by Satan, and being rebuked for his actions and words towards the Jewish people. Just like Isaiah 59:10 says: “At midday we stumble.” As I get into the Book of Acts, I will explain my reasoning in further detail, proving this statement to be true. We are at the end of the age, and it is almost harvest time; that is why the pope is trying to get us locked into this one world beast system, but Jesus’ angels come to weed everything out that causes sin and all who do evil, because Jesus says man produces sin by the evil desires that lie within. Then the righteous; those on the right side, who are right in the eyes of God, will shine like the sun and enjoy God’s beautiful creation how it was truly meant to be. Jesus says, “Once again, the Kingdom of Heaven is like a net that was let down into the lake and caught all kinds of fish. When it was full, the fishermen pulled it upon the shore. Then they sat down and collected the good fish in baskets, but threw the bad away. This is how it will be at the end of the age. The angels will come and separate the wicked from the righteous, and throw them into the fiery furnace, where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.” We are at the end of the age; the end of the Piscean age, coming into the Age of Aquarius, and the fish are people and the net is full, and the time has come to separate the wicked from the righteous, the left from the right; the goats from the sheep. The left side of God is Satan and the right side is Christ. The left side is darkness and the right side is light. The left side of Jesus is Peter and the right side is Mary Magdalene, and like science states, we have been operating on a left-brain format for the last 6,000 years and the time has come to start using the right side as well; bringing a balance, healing, and love back to the world through being a true, Christ conscious human being. In Matthew 14:22-31, Jesus has the disciples go ahead in the boat. When evening comes, Jesus is alone, and the boat is ahead quite some ways. Then during the fourth watch of the night, Jesus goes out to them by walking on the lake. When the disciples saw Him, they became terrified and thought He was a ghost and cried out in fear. Then Jesus told them to take courage and to not be afraid because it was Him. Then Peter says “Lord, if it is you, tell me to come to you on the water.” Jesus said,“Come.” Then Peter got out of the boat and started walking on the water toward Jesus. But then once he noticed the wind, he became afraid, began to sink, and cried out, “Lord, save me!” Jesus saved him and said, “You of little faith, why did you doubt?” Who does Peter sound like when he says ‘Lord, if it is you, tell me to come’? He sounds exactly like the tempter; Satan, the devil. When Jesus was being tempted by Satan, he said to Jesus, “If you are the Son of God, tell these stones to become bread”. Peter was tempting and ordering, just like Satan. Also, notice it was the ‘fourth’ watch of the night, and previously Peter had failed three? Again, he failed for lack of faith, and aside from that, he wanted a sign to know it was Jesus. Mary Magdalene never needed a sign. Even from day one She knew, and after His crucifixion when She went to the tomb and thought it was the gardener but really it was Jesus, She did not need a sign. As soon as He said Her name, She knew it was Him. She had true faith, whereas Peter lacked and was full of doubt, and this story proves that God is in you. When you have true faith, you can overcome anything, and it is not by acts or miracles of men; it all lies within you. There is no need to turn to man. If we look within ourselves and truly believe, then we will find the treasure, and we can then live as true human beings and enjoy the epitome of peace within God’s beautiful creation. Matthew 15, Jesus says, “Isaiah was right when he prophesied about the Pharisees and the teachers of the law: “These people honor me with their lips, but their hearts are far from me. They worship me in vain; their teachings are but rules taught by men.” The Pharisees were asking why the disciples did not wash their hands before they eat, and Jesus was telling them that is not what makes a person clean or unclean, and then He begins to explain. He also says, “Every plant that My Heavenly Father has not planted will be pulled up by the roots. Leave them, they are blind guides. If a blind man leads a blind man, both will fall into a pit.” The Rabbis and the Vatican are the Pharisees and the teachers of the law, and they are indeed falling into a pit. It is the blind leading the blind, but the sad thing is that these very men are running our lives every day, directing our path right into the pit with them. Peter does not understand this parable, and Jesus says, “Are you still so dull?” Then He tells Peter that the words that come from a man’s mouth are what make him unclean because the words from his mouth come from the heart. Jesus says, “For out of the heart come evil thoughts, murder, adultery, sexual immorality, theft, false testimony, slander. These are what make a man unclean; but eating with unwashed hands does not make him unclean.” Even after Peter was reinstated, he was still an unclean person. His heart was not clean, which then produced evil thoughts, causing the murders of Ananias, Sapphira, plus others. His heart caused him to go into adultery with Rome, as he made an image out of himself, portraying to be like Jesus. I cannot speak on sexual immorality, but from the despicable acts of many priests and popes, let us not forget the saying, ‘the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree’, and the fact is that anyone who is affiliated with any type of church system is just a ‘chip off the old false block’. Peter’s heart caused him to steal from his own people, as he projected fear and guilt upon them, causing them to sell their land and drop money at his feet. Peter and Paul’s hearts caused them to give false testimony, and the evidence is provided by Paul, when he states Jesus appeared to Peter first. In fact, there are multiple false testimonies given, and Peter and Paul indeed did slander many people. Jesus was speaking of the men during His time on earth and for the men to come, because ever since Jesus' ascension, we have been in the dark, because like the Bible teaches, men love the dark. A lot of these men thought they knew the right way of God, but all along never did. They spoke with their mouth they were for God, while their hearts were never there. The definition of vain is producing no result; useless. Peter, Paul, plus many others from then until now, have honored Jesus with their lips, but their hearts are far from Him due to their lack of understanding. Peter and Paul indeed led the way teaching ‘rules taught by men’ exactly like Jesus said; and since then the evilness has only continued to swell up more and more as time has gone on since Peter first leading the way as the antichristos, false rock. These people worship Jesus in vain. All this so-called worship for the last 2,000 plus years has been useless and has not produced any positive results, which goes to show this method is not the right way. After 2,000 plus years, a billion-dollar institution, and still homeless and starving people; I could never parade around in a Mercedes, having a red carpet rolled out for me everywhere I go, while people in Africa are wearing clothes with my face plastered all over it. I would feel embarrassed and ashamed that after all this time while supposedly living and leading in the ways of Christ, the world is still covered in darkness and despair, when Jesus is supposed to be the light. I could never walk on a red carpet when I know there are children who have nowhere to lay their head at night. This method has only helped wicked people, who have no concept of Jesus' true words, financially profit, making a nice cozy lifestyle for themselves while bringing shame to Jesus’ name, causing more confusion and separation upon the world. From Peter, to Paul, and the others that have come after, no matter which denomination you choose, these people’s teachings are nothing but rules taught by men to establish power, separation, and control because since the beginning that is what Satan always wanted. The Jewish Rabbis and all the men from the Vatican, along with the other leaders of the christian denominations are the modern-day Pharisees and teachers of the law, and if you cannot surpass the ways of them, Jesus says you most certainly will not enter Heaven. All the ministers, priests, pastors, reverends, etc.; from all denominations, are just representations of Peter; built upon that false rock who will soon fall away, and the time is now. They think they know everything, while leading us in the dark, which makes me very concerned. My questions for these high and mighty people, with their fancy titles in front of their names, claiming to be so knowledgeable of God’s words, is why aren’t any of them teaching the deep meaning in which the Bible is truly written? Why is there still separation between God and science? Why do they teach people, biblically speaking, from the beginning up until now is 6,000 years, when science proves otherwise, which then causes people to question the Bible, thinking it to be merely a fairy tale story to scare and control, when the only culprits are them? Well I know the answers, and it is because they are false teachers without any understanding except the physicality of life; that is why they make man’s money off God’s free words, just like Peter and Paul. Their meaningless titles in front of their names are just rewards given by man for being an obedient slave who has good memorization skills and continues the chain of false teachings. But Isaiah 29:14-20 also says, “Therefore once more I will astound these people with wonder upon wonder; the wisdom of the wise will perish, the intelligence of the intelligent will vanish. Woe to those who go to great depths to hide their plans from the Lord, who do their work in darkness and think, ‘Who sees us? Who will know?’ You turn things upside down, as if the potter were thought to be like the clay! Shall what is formed say to him who formed it, ‘He did not make me’? Can the pot say of the potter, ‘He knows nothing’? In a short time, will not Lebanon be turned into a fertile field and the fertile field seem like a forest? In that day the deaf will hear the words of the scroll, and out of the gloom and darkness the eyes of the blind will see. Once more the humble will rejoice in the Lord; the needy will rejoice in the Holy One of Israel. The ruthless will vanish, the mockers will disappear, and all who have an eye for evil will be cut down.” All this time, these men and women have been viewed as wise and intelligent, while doing their work in the dark, thinking no one would ever see, while bringing destruction upon themselves and to the world. They have indeed been turning things upside down and it all started with Peter, that is why his life ended upside down, because he was never an upright person. That is why Jesus tells Peter in the last chapter of John that when he is young he dressed himself and went where he wanted, but when he is old someone else will dress him and lead him where he does not want to go, and where he and Paul were led is Rome. It is now the end of the age, and the time has come for the humble and the needy to rejoice. The time has come for the ruthless to vanish, the mockers to disappear, and all who love evil to be cut down. Isaiah 47 is a message that’s relevant to the Vatican. “Go down, sit in the dust, Virgin Daughter of Babylon; sit on the ground without a throne, Daughter of the Babylonians. No more will you be called tender or delicate. Take millstones and grind flour; take off your veil. Lift up your skirts, bare your legs and wade through the streams. Your nakedness will be exposed and your shame uncovered. I will take vengeance; I will spare no one. ‘Our Redeemer-the Lord Almighty is His name-is the Holy One of Israel.’ Sit in silence, go into darkness, Daughter of the Babylonians; no more will you be called queen of kingdoms. I was angry with my people and desecrated my inheritance, I gave them into your hands, and you showed them no mercy. Even on the aged you laid a very heavy yoke. You said ‘I will continue forever-the eternal queen!’ But you did not consider these things or reflect on what might happen. Now then, listen, you wanton creature lounging in your security and saying to yourself, ‘I am, and there is none besides me. I will never be a widow or suffer the loss of children.’ Both of these will overtake you in a moment, on a single day: loss of children and widowhood. They will come upon you in full measure, in spite of your many sorceries and all your potent spells. You have trusted in your wickedness and have said, ‘No one sees me.’ Your wisdom and knowledge mislead you when you say to yourself, ‘I am, and there is none besides me.’ Disaster will come upon you, and you will not know how to conjure it away. A calamity will fall upon you that you cannot ward off with a ransom; a catastrophe you cannot foresee will suddenly come upon you. Keep on, then, with your magic spells and with your many sorceries, which you have labored at since childhood. Perhaps you will succeed, perhaps you will cause terror. All the counsel you have received has only worn you out! Let your astrologers come forward, those stargazers who make predictions month by month, let them save you from what is coming upon you. Surely they are like stubble; the fire will burn them up. They cannot even save themselves from the power of the flame. Here are no coals to warm anyone; here is no fire to sit by. That is all they can do for you-these you have labored with and trafficked with since childhood. Each of them goes on in his error; there is not one who can save you.” Peter sat down with the very betrayers of Jesus to keep warm at the fire, while denying Jesus just to protect himself, and Paul built a fire which brought a viper out, biting him and tricking the beautiful islanders of Malta, making them think he was a god, when they should have stuck with their first mind when they thought he was a murderer. Paul did not die because he was a snake himself. Israel and the rest of the world is now doing this with the Vatican. The Vatican is running the show and has everyone following in error. They are calling the shots, and leading the way just like Peter and Paul. It is time for the Vatican to sit on the ground without a throne, because they have never been tender or delicate; only vicious wolves. It is time for them to lift up their skirts and expose their shame. It is time for the Vatican to sit in silence and in darkness for all the lies, pain, misery, and torture that they have not only brought upon the Jewish people, but upon the entire world as well. Redemption is here, and it is time for the desecration to stop. Peter is the accuser and oppressor, just like the Vatican is today. The pope flies in his private jet with a one world logo, stepping out on red carpets speaking to people across the nations, coming in his own name and that of the catholic institution, like the Vatican is the eternal queen who rules all. Throughout time, many people and other establishments have had many negative opinions of the Roman Catholic Church, yet they have always stayed on top, leading the world as if there were none other than them. The reason for this is facts and evidence. Isn’t that what this world is all about? The Rule of Law? Proof? No one has ever been able to prove the Vatican wrong. The Vatican feels entitled because “Jesus gave Peter the keys”, but the proof is in the Bible, that is not what Matthew 16:18 means, and like Jesus said to Peter, I say to the Church; how are you still so dull? Their false institution is built on an obvious misconception of one verse out of 31,102 in the entire Bible, just like Peter was doing his entire existence because he is nothing more than a dull, false rock, just like the Roman Catholic Church, and all the other daughter harlots under her. Peter is an opponent of Christ, without any understanding of truth. Peter was on a power trip, as though he were ruler of the world, just like Satan, because Satan was sifting Peter and he was not strong enough mentally and spiritually to overcome it because he only had his physical garments; that is why Jesus warned Peter, “The body is weak, but the spirit is willing.”, and the proof is in the Bible that after Peter was reinstated when he disowned Jesus, he still continued to fail, and he definitely did not show the Jewish people any mercy. It is time for the men of the Vatican to stop lounging in security behind the Vatican walls, with guards like Peter and Paul did in Rome, as they keep their hands clean from the destruction they bring upon the world. It is time for full measure to come upon the Vatican for all the slandering and blaspheming they have done, because God is about justice and they have only brought confusion, pain, darkness, and destruction. It is time to put an end to their sorceries and spells, because they have trusted in their wickedness for too long, thinking no one sees them, but the awakening is taking place. Their wisdom and knowledge have misled them, and disaster is coming, but not with a physical sword like Peter loved to use, but by the most powerful sword in the world, and that is the mouth, which is the true sword of the Messiah; the sword of knowledge and truth. The Vatican’s destruction is here, and they cannot conjure it away. A calamity is awaiting, and they cannot ward it off with a ransom. A catastrophe of truth is upon the Vatican now that they did not foresee. Since Peter and Paul, these men have indeed kept up with their magic spells and sorceries and have succeeded at causing terror. Pope Francis has a Master’s degree in Chemistry, which only proves he loves math and science. So, with the physical education of the universe, along with the supposed spiritual education, and the “keys of Heaven”; why isn’t he or any other men before him building that bridge between God and science, awakening the people to Jesus being the only true way? The answer is that these men have never cared about Jesus, and it first started with Peter. These men only care about the physicality of life, that is why you see them parading around the way they do, and they have learned over time and through the study of the mind, just how easy it is to manipulate and put on a facade to get what they want by claiming to be like Jesus, when they are nothing more than the antichrist, and it is all the easier to do with a stage name. All this world seems to be is one big stage. Satan is the number one deceiver. The actor of actors. The liar of all liars. He started his work for world dominance and destruction in Peter, and he is doing his last finishing touches within pope Francis. The Vatican owns the world’s largest telescope LUCIFER and has top scientists and astronomers working for them, claiming the population needs to be reduced to 1 billion for earth to sustain this gluttonous way of life we live. So, like the Bible says; call on them to save you and see how that works out. I am sickened by what I see, and others should be too. While pope Benedict is getting live acrobatic performances from young, shirtless, men in tight white pants; pope Francis is conquering the world on red carpets, with his face plastered everywhere, while people are starving and dying every day. The Vatican is the synagogue of Satan, and Peter is the first leader, and all other denominations are just little minions who spawned out from Catholicism, spewing more darkness upon the world through their love of money and lack of understanding of anything deep, complex, or real. Other denominations shouldn’t think they are any better than Catholics, because they are all just Satan’s little helpers, but it is time for Satan’s evil pyramid scheme to come to an end. The false rock is worn out and is now turning to stubble. A spiritual fire has arrived, which cannot be put out. In Matthew 16:5-12, when the disciples went across the lake they had forgotten to take their bread. Jesus says, “Be careful. Be on your guard against the yeast of the Pharisees and Sadducees.” The men did not understand what Jesus was saying. They thought He was talking about actual, physical bread. Jesus tells them they have little faith and do not understand. Then He asks them how they do not know that He is not talking about bread. He then tells them to be on guard against the yeast of the Pharisees and Sadducees, which means their kind of teachings. The way we talk in code today, is the same way Jesus was back then, only in a more sophisticated manner, and doing so for the cause of bringing true judgment and comfort back to the world. Peter and Paul lived as Pharisees, and their yeast stands for malice and wickedness. Peter is the first pope, and even before becoming pope, he sure had a lot of malice and wickedness inside that he inflicted upon others. Pope Francis came to America in 2015 and said, “God is living in our cities, and wants to be like yeast in the dough.” I do agree with him on that, because his god is Satan aka darkness, and I have been in these cities, and I do see malice and wickedness all around, working every single day. If Jesus were here right now, He would say to most Christians the very thing He said to His male disciples. Most read the Bible in a literal, physical sense just like the disciples perceived Jesus' statement about bread in a literal, physical sense. At Jesus’ return He will say to most who claim to know Him, “You do not understand.” He will say, “How didn’t you know my mom wasn’t a virgin as in never having sex, rather she was a woman who wasn’t owned by a man.” “How didn’t you know Peter wasn’t physically naked on a boat fishing for fish, and I supposedly came back after being brutally tortured just to tell Him to put his net on the right side of the boat and then he would catch some fish?” “How didn’t you know when I said all male disciples would leave me alone, I was meaning Peter and Paul too?” The list goes on, and just like Peter and Paul’s actions were of Pharisee ways which is malice and wickedness; the church as well is the bread of the Pharisees and Sadducees Jesus was warning about. Matthew 16:15-17, Jesus asks who they say He is, and Simon Peter answered, “You are the Christ, the son of the living God.” Jesus told him, “Blessed are you, Simon son of Jonah, for this was not revealed to you by man, but by my Father in Heaven.” This is the only thing Peter was ever praised for, because it was revealed to him by God, whereas everything else in Peter’s life was through his own understanding, and all he ever understood was evilness. And do you notice Jesus says, “My Father”, not ‘your Father’, or ‘our Father’, but ‘My Father’. Jesus always knew Peter was not a true child of God. *Matthew 16:18-19, Jesus says, “And I tell you that you are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of Hades will not overcome it. I will give you the keys of the Kingdom of Heaven. Whatever you bind on earth will be bound in Heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in Heaven.” What Jesus meant by the keys to the Kingdom of Heaven simply means the key teachings to living on earth as a true humane person. It is a state of mind. The keys needed to live a Christ conscious life. Just because Jesus gave Peter the key teachings, doesn’t mean Peter comprehended and lived as a true person. It was up to Peter through free will, and the proof is that he did not. The definition of bind is ‘tie or fasten tightly’. The definition of loose is ‘not firmly or tightly fixed in place, detached’. Peter was bound by wickedness, that is why Ananias and Sapphira died at his feet, and he then had his men carry their bodies out and bury them, while taking over their land and money; instilling fear in others as well, and doing so all in the name of God. Peter was detached from the true meaning of love, mercy, and forgiveness. Peter was detached from the true way of our Messiah, that is why even after years of Jesus' teachings he used a sword at Jesus' crucifixion, cutting a man’s ear off while shedding blood. Peter and Paul were both bound by wickedness and it followed them, plus other men, wherever they went. The earth is Jesus’ footstool, and Jesus has indeed over time been building His True Spiritual Church for in the end that starts from within, upon that false rock Peter, and like He told Peter; whatever Peter does, hell will not prevail in the end, and the reason hell would never prevail is not because of how great Peter is, but because Jesus holds the keys to hell and death, and no matter how evil and false Peter or any Supreme Roman Pontiff who sits in Peter’s seat is, Satan would never get away with conquering the entire world. We are at the end, and through evolving as true human beings over time, the true children of God are awakening, and they are the ones who have a deep, spiritual understanding of the universe, and a true love and respect for the beautiful creations that lie within. And now that we are at the end, the men have indeed gone and acquired knowledge, just like Daniel 12:4 says; and through science, facts, evidence, and the Rule of Law, we can now prove who the culprit is to all the darkness that has been covering the world like a dark cloud, proving them guilty through their own Rule of Law which they have established. That is the only way to get the evilness out of the world and live in true peace. Through the true sword of the mouth; not by wrath, judging, accusing, cursing, and death. Peter is the salt of the earth who lost his saltiness and was trampled on by men, because he is nothing more than a false rock. Simon means ‘God has heard’, and Peter means ‘rock’. There is only One True Rock. God heard all about Simon Peter, and knew what he was all about. God is about justice, and Jesus knew Peter’s heart. Before the incident with Ananias and Sapphira, Peter was going around telling the Jewish people they disowned Jesus and they were ignorant, and along with the help of the wicked people, which he was referring to the Romans, had killed the author of life. Peter was not binding love and forgiveness, Peter was binding fear and guilt. He did not bring comfort, sharing how he had once been the same; which is evidence there was no Holy Spirit on Pentecost like these men perceive and write about. There was no comforting taking place, because they disregarded the teachings of the Holy Spirit, which was given by Mary Magdalene, who is the Comforter and Counselor Jesus is talking about. Mary means ‘wished-for child’, ‘rebellion’, ‘bitter’, and ‘beloved’. Magdalene means ‘bitter’, ‘woman from Magdala’, and Magdala means ‘elegant’, ‘great’, ‘tower’. She taught them those special teachings of what their soul would have to overcome through the flesh. Through their rejection of the Holy Spirit, they brought upon the sifting of Satan. The law of attraction was taking place, and the careless words of Peter were brought right back upon him. Ananias means ‘The cloud of the Lord’, cloud means ‘flesh’, so Ananias means ‘the flesh of the Lord’. Sapphira means ‘gem’, and a gem is a precious stone. The Bible is deeply symbolic. It is powerful, amazing, and beautiful once we get past the physicality and get with the spirituality, and even through all the men’s lies, if we search deep enough, we can still find the truth. Ananias means ‘the flesh of the Lord’, and Ananias is three people in the book of Acts: the husband, the disciple, and the high priest. Peter had once been rebuked with ‘the cloud of the Lord’ during the transfiguration. Peter was being tested again and failed. Ananias means; and I will say it again because this is so powerful, yet we were never taught these things; ‘the flesh of the Lord’. So, when Peter went around accusing the people of murder, he was just a hypocrite who did the same exact thing. Jesus teaches whatever you do to anyone in the world you are doing to Him. Once again, Ananias means ‘the flesh of the Lord’, so when Peter was accusing Ananias, he was accusing God. When Peter was threatening Ananias, he was threatening God. When Ananias died at Peter’s feet through fear, Peter also killed God, and when Peter had Ananias’ body carried out and buried, along with his wife Sapphira’s, he was doing the same to God. But our One and Only True Messiah is about justice, and in Matthew 18:21-35, Jesus is speaking of Peter in The Parable of the Unmerciful Servant. Peter came to Jesus and asked Him how many times he should forgive. Jesus replies, “Seventy-seven times”. Jesus says the Kingdom of Heaven is like a king who wanted to settle accounts with his servants. As he began the settlement, a man who owed him ten thousand talents was brought to him. Since he was not able to pay, the master ordered that he and his wife and his children and all that he had, be sold to repay the debt. The servant fell on his knees before him. ‘Be patient with me’, he begged, ‘and I will pay back everything.’ The servant’s master took pity on him, canceled the debt, and let him go. But when that servant went out, he found one of his fellow servants who owed him a hundred denarii. He grabbed him and began to choke him. ‘Pay back what you owe me!’ he demanded. His fellow servant fell to his knees and begged him, ‘Be patient with me, and I will pay you back.’ But he refused. Instead, he went off and had the man thrown in prison until he could pay the debt. When the other servants saw what had happened, they were greatly distressed and went and told their master everything that had happened. Then the master called the servant in, ‘You wicked servant,’ he said, ‘I canceled all the debt of yours because you begged me to. Shouldn’t you have had mercy on your fellow servant just as I had on you?’ In anger his master turned him over to the jailers to be tortured, until he should pay back all he owed. This is how my Heavenly Father will treat each of you unless you forgive your brother from your heart.” Jesus was once again preparing Peter, because Jesus knows all, and He already knew what Peter was going to do after He was gone, because Peter has the free will like us all and he failed, and look what he did to Ananias and Sapphira. But Jesus is about justice and equality, and Peter, the unmerciful servant, was finally paid back for all the evil, wrathful things he did. For his lack of understanding and disobedience, Peter’s words and his actions caused him to be rebuked by God. He was called by Cornelius who was a Roman centurion in the Italian Regiment. Cornelius means ‘horn’. Horn means power. Peter was condemned by his words and his actions, and just like Jesus said, when Peter was young he did what he wanted, and when he became old, he would reach out his hands and be led where he did not want to go, and that is Rome, where he was hung upside down on a cross, because he was never an upright man of God. Peter along with Paul were led to their demise, proving Jesus did not say Matthew 16:18 in any kind of “holy”, special, gifted way like the Vatican wants to portray. Peter is the worst man out of them all. We already know Satan was in Peter and was sifting him, so who do you think would have bodies falling dead at his feet over money? Christ or Satan? The light or the dark? Common sense tells us that it is Satan. Jesus did not teach Peter to instill fear in people and have bodies and money fall at his feet. Jesus did not tell Peter to take up the title as pope claiming to be the ‘holy father’, and build a man-made establishment to bring order, control, and money. That is the very thing Jesus was trying to stop, which made the Romans along with the High Priests very upset. Jesus says there is only One Father and He is in Heaven. Peter is the first antichrist. Jesus told Peter to stay in Jerusalem and live in love and he would receive the gift His Father promised. Peter did not do that and through his own misconceptions and evilness within, he was cast into utter darkness; he was condemned. He never received that gift. After years of teachings and he still chose to shed blood, the evidence is apparent that Peter was dumber than a box of rocks and he never understood anything loving or kind. He only knew how to put on an act, repeat Jesus words which he did not even understand, and dictate all. Sounds just like the Vatican aka Satan; the lying, ancient serpent. In Matthew 16:21-28, Jesus is explaining to His disciples about the crucifixion soon to come. Peter then takes Jesus aside and begins to rebuke Him. Jesus turns to Peter and says, “Get behind Me, Satan! You are a stumbling block to Me, you do not have in mind the things of God, but the things of men.” Then Jesus says to His disciples, “If anyone would come after Me, he must deny himself and take up his cross and follow Me. For whoever wants to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for Me will find it. What good will it be for a man if he gains the whole world, yet forfeits his soul? Or what can a man give in exchange for his soul? For the Son of Man is going to come in His Father’s glory with His angels, and then He will reward each person, according to what he has done. I tell you the truth, some who are standing here will not taste death before they see the Son of Man coming in His Kingdom.” Mary Magdalene did not taste spiritual death because She was a true human being. I know there are others as well who did not taste spiritual death, but it is evident that Peter did. Jesus was a perfect man through overcoming the temptations from the devil, because He is the One and Only True Light. He is our teacher of what a true human being is, and it is not hard to do. Peter was always trying to be like the Messiah, but through the same temptations as Jesus, Peter was a failure every time, therefore leading everyone else in the dark. Peter failed the sifting of Satan and let the darkness within take over. Peter definitely was a stumbling block, not only to the Jewish people, but to the whole world as well. He was always scared and guarding his physical life, so consequently in his 60’s he lost it just like Jesus said. Peter did indeed forfeit his soul through trying to gain the whole world. He was promised many things in Rome and had the best protection. He set up an image of himself, claiming to be infallible. After Rome was finished with Peter and Paul, they were put to death, because they were not upright people, and from that point forward the wickedness within the false church business only began to swell up more. Just like Peter used his title as leader, plus Jesus’ words to bring money, order, and control through his Pharisee ways; the Romans used Peter and Paul to keep ruling and dictating the world like they have been since their existence, building their evil empire and doing so on a power trip, believing they are unstoppable, because “Peter is a rock”. Now that we have reached the end of the age, it is easy to see, the Vatican, that rules from the seat of Peter and claims to own the entire world, has indeed gained the entire world through lies, force, theft, pain, and death, but there’s still time to do what is right, and this entire system, religiously, financially, and militarily, is worn out. Times up; enough is enough. Matthew 17 says after six days Jesus took Peter, James, and John to a high mountain. There He was transfigured before them, and Moses and Elijah were there talking with Jesus. Then Peter said he would put up three shelters for Jesus, Moses, and Elijah. While Peter was speaking, a bright cloud came and said, “This is my chosen Son, whom I love; with Him I am well pleased. Listen to Him!” Peter was always being rebuked by ‘The cloud of the Lord’. Matthew 18, the disciples asked Jesus who the greatest in the Kingdom of Heaven is. He told them unless they change and become like little children, they will never enter the Kingdom of Heaven. He says whoever humbles themselves like a child is the greatest in the Kingdom of Heaven. Jesus also says that if anyone causes someone who believes in Him to sin, it would be better for them to have a large millstone tied around their neck and be drowned in the depths of the sea. The Vatican is the cause for all the sins in the world. They have caused all followers of Jesus to sin, so like Jesus says; it would be best for the men of the Vatican to be drowned in the depths of the sea, never being allowed to harm innocent children ever again or destroy the minds and lives of human beings. Jesus also says, “Woe to the world because of the things that cause people to sin! Such things must come, but woe to the man through whom they come!” The definition of humble is; having or showing a modest or low estimate of one’s own importance. When you read the Bible, especially the book of Acts, you will see that Peter was never humble. In fact, almost all the men were not humble; rather they were egotistical and argumentative, proving they did not make it into Heaven. Being humble does not make a man talk down to others and fear monger them to the point of death. Being humble does not cause you to set up an image of yourself, claiming to be a ‘holy father’ who knows all. But Jesus said these things must happen, but woe to the man whom they happen through, and the first men were Peter and Paul, and now the woe has come upon the Vatican and the entire Christian Church system. Matthew 18:10-14, Jesus says, “See that you do not look down on one of these little ones. For I tell you that their angels in Heaven always see the face of My Father in Heaven. What do you think? If a man owns a hundred sheep and one of them wanders away, will he not leave the other ninety-nine on the hills and go to look for the one that wandered off? And if he finds it, I tell you the truth, he is happier about that one sheep than about the ninety-nine that did not wander off. In the same way your Father in Heaven is not willing that any of these little ones should be lost.” Well, we can clearly see from the beginning of Peter’s life, until the end of Peter’s life; he was always looking down on others. From Mary Magdalene, to Ananias and Sapphira, plus more; Peter was always approaching people in a proud, arrogant way, as well as Paul. Jesus says in Matthew 18:15-18, “If your brother sins against you, go and show him his fault, just between the two of you. If he listens to you, you have won your brother over. But if he will not listen, take one or two others along, so that every matter may be established by the testimony of two or three witnesses. If he refuses to listen to them, tell it to the church; and if he refuses to listen to even the church, treat him as you would a pagan or a tax collector. I tell you the truth, whatever you bind on earth will be bound in Heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in Heaven.” Jesus is a loving man, who only taught how to be a true, loving person. He never hurt anyone. He never tried to control anyone. He did not establish the money. He did not establish the order. He did not establish the taxes. He did not build any churches or command any to be built. All He did is show the people how to be the light, loving, and free. But the Jews were too scared of the Romans because they wanted to be magically saved from their control, and the Romans hated Jesus because He was messing up their order; so, He left just like they wanted Him to, because men love the dark, so they killed the light; and ever since Peter leading the way, we have only been led by a false light through the Vatican, the lying serpent. Since the rejection of the true light, we have been controlled on a path of darkness, where men think they know all, but this is the way it was meant to happen. We all know that no one can just tell us anything. We must live it to understand. We must live it to know and believe. In our personal lives, we become our greatest selves through experiencing the darkness and transforming into pure light. Before Jesus came, people were living in darkness. He came to bring the light. He came to bring the truth. But men love the darkness, because they do not understand, and they have not understood since Adam first being cursed. These men are not the way Jesus is. Jesus came to repair the defilement; to bring understanding, love, healing, and forgiveness, but men rejected through their ego, and they killed the light, that is why the devil’s number is 666. This is not some myth. Man is day 6, and hates everything that is true. But through evolving, we would eventually see over time; through our mistakes, through man’s intervention, through man’s many made up religions, cultures, rules, and ways; through man’s control, lies, fear, death, and destruction; that Jesus is the One and Only True Way. Jesus is the One True Light. Jesus is only about love, because He is full God consciousness, in the form of man and God is love. Every word Jesus spoke happened and is happening today, proving through His words and actions, He is a true prophet and our true Messiah. According to Jewish Law, you must have two witnesses to prove something. Many did not believe Jesus is the Messiah, and after the way Peter treated the Jewish people after Jesus' ascension, can we really blame them? And on top of that, there is no physical body, so many other people today do not believe as well, and the majority that claim to be for Jesus are nothing more than hypocrites. Your two witnesses to prove Jesus is real and true are Peter and Paul. Even though there isn’t physical proof of Jesus' body, there is of Peter and Paul according to the Roman Catholic Church; and the evidence is in the Bible that Peter and Paul are not good men like the so-called Christian church system wants to teach. Peter is the first antichrist and Paul is a false prophet. Anti means ‘opposed or against’, and throughout Peter’s duration of learning from Jesus, as well as leading in Christ’s name, he indeed opposed Jesus all the way. He even opposed Jesus to the point of God coming with a cloud to rebuke him during the transfiguration. After years of teachings, Peter still opposed Jesus at the crucifixion when he used a sword and shed blood, and after Jesus was gone, Peter only continued to oppose Him more as leader, until his own demise. In The Holy Twelve, Lection 96, James and John lay their hands on Peter and separate him from the others to reside over them, because they say that is what Jesus wanted, just like we are taught today. Peter was indeed the leader of the disciples, who later caused the flock to be scattered. This information took place at the beginning of the book of Acts, but it is left out. Then they refer to Peter as a hewn stone that is six squared. Six squared is 36. The number 36 represents the devil, Satan; as well as the evil which it personifies. Numbers and symbols have a very deep meaning, and the disciples used this method of writing to secretly tell who the antichrist is without being caught, because as we know from the scriptures, Peter was a dull rock who never understood anything; he only knew how to kill and command orders. The number 36 is (3)6s, which is 666. 666 is the 36th triangular number, and if you add numbers 1-36, you get 666. In the book of Revelation John has 36 visions. The word beast is used 36 times in the Book of Revelation. The name of Satan is used 36 times in the New Testament, and so are the words faith and fall. In the Book of Revelation, John talks about the beast and his name being the number 666. This original man is Peter, who went against everything Jesus stood for and through his own man-made interpretation of faith, he along with Paul, indeed did fall. Peter did not understand anything, which caused him to be so cruel to the Jewish people, plus others. He did not understand, therefore, he thought it was taking too long for his Master to return, just like Jesus said he would; so, through his false ways he took Jesus’ name, along with His free, true, pure, loving teachings and combined them with money, order, rules, laws, control, and death because that is all Peter ever knew. He took Jesus' beautiful teachings and combined them with money and made an image out of himself. Jesus made a living for himself with His own hands, because God did not create money; man did, and He did not do it for God because God does not need money. Jesus did it as a man, for the man, because the same way we have this system today, is the same way they had their system set up back then. Created by the Romans, controlled by the Romans, and along with them, you had the Jewish High Priests with their love of money and the Law, which they thought they were living by, but never truly were, and still are not to this day. They were the same as the Romans; always controlling and judging, only under the control of Rome, hoping for a way out, with most being so spiritually weak, they eventually gave in and joined the side of darkness, betraying their own people just like Peter and Paul. Sounds just like the Vatican and many of our nation’s leaders around the world today. The Vatican is just an evil beast creation, brought about through the combination of Peter and Paul’s Pharisee ways, as well as the Romans power and control; and they just used Jesus’ name as an excuse for their institution, when really it is a sick mockery of how they conquered Jesus’ teachings and live out Satan’s dream of owning and controlling the entire world, along with us as their slaves, but like Jesus says, “What is it for a man to gain the entire world, yet forfeit his soul?” That is why they have Him dead on the cross everywhere. Stop and imagine that image as your mother or someone close to you that you love. Would you want to have jewelry and statues made with them dead and bloody, dangling around your neck? I don’t think so. Through evolving as an individual and being around many different cultures, I now truly understand the term ‘white devil’, and the first one originated within the Roman Catholic Church, and now many are everywhere covered in many colors of skin, working for the empire of Satan, as they are promised their monetary blessings. Peter and Paul are fakes, and so is the entire church institution regardless of denomination; and whether someone is against Jesus or supposedly claims to be for Him, both groups are one in the same, because they were never for Jesus at all; they were only for the false ways of man, being tricked by Satan all along. And then, after the Jewish people got so fed up with Peter’s dictating ways, he was then led off to Rome, along with Paul, through their own evilness within, and they were eventually paid back for every dirty deed they had done in the name of God, because that is the law of attraction. What goes around comes around, because God is about justice. These men were always judging and dictating. Sure, they spoke some nice words every now and then, but their actions were nothing like Jesus. Sounds just like the men today. Fakes and phonies who use Jesus' name in vain for their own physical gain. The Old Testament says not to build anything with hewn stones, because they are defiled by man. Just like Isaiah 51 says to look to the Rock which you are cut from. Jesus is the Only True Rock, and Peter is just that hewn false rock that was defiled by man’s ways, and ever since Peter and Paul’s death, the Romans have only been able to swell up more and more, while dictating with money and fear, supposedly in the name of Christ. When Jesus was with the people before His death, He never made them scared. They were only afraid of the Romans. When Jesus was with them, He never led the way collecting all the people’s land and money, controlling it, and dispersing it as needed, because he is not a control freak like Peter, Paul, and the rest of these men out here that want to control all of us, when they have no clue what it is like to be any of us, because ever since their existence, all they have known is money, so just like Peter, they look down on us in disgust. Peter is Satan, Satan is the dark ego of man, and ever since Jesus’ death, we have been in the darkness under the control of Satan, forever being promised a false light, as the evilness only gets worse, because like Jesus says, we would not always have Him, but we would always have the sick and the poor; and reason being is through the rejection of Jesus and the Holy Spirit, we brought upon the sifting and control of Satan and it all started with Peter, and the curse has not been broken, because the evil power has not been taken away from man’s weak, egotistical flesh; and it will not come from more physical death, can’t people see that is not working? It is going to come from killing that evil spirit with wisdom and knowledge. Knowledge that has been kept from us because Satan wants to kill all God’s beautiful creation. The only way to get all the evilness out of the world is through knowledge, truth, compassion, love, and the true light of Christ; not that false light from Satan, where he makes us think the only way to make the world a safe place is through being marked by one of man’s technological devices. We are better than that. We have the ability to fully cast out the darkness within ourselves and project light throughout the entire world, where darkness would never be found again, because scientifically darkness cannot come from light, so do not believe these lies that the pope is feeding us around the world with his little entourage of minions, because we are in modern day biblical times and history is just repeating, only now we are at the end, losing complete touch of reality; getting locked into this one world beast system in the name of Satan in disguise as peace and security, as we give our full self over to man, just like Peter did. Even though a husband and wife died at his feet in fear over money, Peter never once felt remorse, but the people sure were scared. They were not brought back to life; Peter had them buried, over lying to “God”, aka his god, aka Satan, aka the darkness within, and they lost their God given life over money that was created through man. Peter was never loving, never forgiving, never loyal, never nice, never humble, and never true. He is the oppressor, bound by wickedness, and ever since, the Vatican has bound this world in complete wickedness and utter darkness because each pope sits in the seat of Peter. The Holy Twelve, Lection 96 says the men had fire to light their way. Reason being is they did not have the true light of Christ, so they needed a man-made light to guide them through the night. Isaiah 50:11 says, “But now, all you who light fires and provide yourselves with flaming torches, go, walk in the light of your fires and of the torches you have set ablaze. This is what you shall receive from my hand: You will lie down in torment.”, and that is exactly what happened to those men, and that is exactly what will happen to anyone who continues to merely follow man, within any denomination, or any other made up religion outside of Christianity. They are all created by man, as they lead us in their false ways, and if you believe in Jesus, you are not doing any good in His name’s sake when you go into a church. You are not going to find Jesus in the church. He is not there. It is all false, started through the misconceptions of Peter, Paul, plus others. Jesus is a quiet, humble man. He would not want this way of life supposed Christians have been living, but Satan would. And just like when James and John had first laid their hands upon Peter and separated him from the rest, they were also writing and warning about Peter, Paul, plus others in the end. John means ‘Jehovah has been gracious, has shown favor’ and James means ‘he grasps the heel’. Even though in the beginning Jesus' own brother James did not believe, he indeed started to awaken in the end through seeing the actions of Peter, plus others, and began to grasp the heel of the Lord, who is his brother. The proof is in the Bible that Peter went against everything Jesus is about. Peter had once lied to the men in charge of the temple tax in Matthew 17. These men asked Peter if Jesus pays the temple tax and Peter did not know, so he lied and told them yes. Then when Peter went into the house, Jesus was the first to speak and asked him about the tax and then had Peter give the men the money. Jesus did this because He already knew what Peter had done, because Jesus is God in the form of man. He already knew Peter had lied. Peter did not get yelled at by Jesus. He was not called any names. Peter was not put to death because he had lied about the temple tax, instead Jesus spoke to Peter in a loving and respectful way, and then Jesus told him to give the men the money, so they would not be offended, because man’s money has nothing to do with God, but out of respect, Jesus told Peter to do what they wanted. Even though Peter had lied and was shown mercy, he did not do the same for Ananias and Sapphira, because he is an evil, weak, dull, judgmental, hypocrite who disregarded Jesus and let Satan take over through the darkness within. Paul is the exact same way, and I will later prove these statements to be true as I get into the book of Acts. Everything that Jesus prophesied happened and is happening today. According to Jewish Law, in order for someone to be a prophet, the things they speak have to be true and come to pass. According to Jewish Law, if what a person speaks in the name of the Lord, does not take place or come true, then the message is not from the Lord. According to Jewish Law, Jesus is a true prophet, but through the misconceptions and false teachings of the Christian Institution, it is hard to believe Jesus is anything at all. Peter is that profligate, stubborn, rebellious son; who never listened, that Deuteronomy 21:18-21 speaks about. Peter and Paul are indeed false prophets, who claimed the Lord was speaking to them, but it was never Him at all. Their words and actions opposed Jesus in every way, as they ruled with authority, teaching in a superior, patronizing way; which is completely opposite of Jesus’ way, and just like Jeremiah 5:30-31 says; “A horrible and shocking thing has happened in the land: The prophets prophesy lies, the priests rule by their own authority, and my people love it this way. But what will you do in the end?” In Matthew 19:16-30 a rich man asks, “Teacher, what good thing must I do to get eternal life?” Jesus says, “Why do you ask me about what is good? There is only one who is good. If you want to enter life, obey the commandments.” The man asks which ones. Jesus replies, “Do not murder, do not commit adultery, do not steal, do not give false testimony, honor your father and mother, and love your neighbor as yourself.” “All these I have kept, what do I still lack?”, the man asks. Jesus answers, “If you want to be perfect, go, sell your possessions and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in Heaven. Then come, follow Me.” After hearing this, the young man went away sad because he had great wealth. Then Jesus tells the disciples that it is very hard for the rich to enter the Kingdom of Heaven. He tells them that it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than it is for a rich man to enter the Kingdom of God. After hearing this the disciples are astonished and ask who then can be saved. Jesus looked at them and said, “With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.” Peter then says they have left everything to follow Jesus, and asks what they will then get in return. Jesus answers, “I tell you the truth at the renewal of all things, when the Son of Man sits on His glorious throne, you who have followed Me, will also sit on twelve thrones, judging the twelve tribes of Israel. And everyone who has left houses or brothers or sisters or father or mother or children or fields for my sake will receive a hundred times as much and will inherit eternal life. But many who are first will be last, and many who are last will be first.” Peter was the first and indeed ended up last, as he was hung upside down on a cross because he was never an upright person, therefore he was led down to the pit, because he never truly followed Christ. When Jesus gave them this teaching, the first thing Peter was concerned about was what he was going to get in return for following Jesus and giving up his possessions. He was only thinking of himself, rather than just wanting to do good and be a true human being. Peter never gave up his possessions, and instead as the so-called leader, he had others give up theirs; and if they made a mistake and lied about man’s money, they were not forgiven and shown mercy, instead they were cursed and fell dead at his feet because Peter let Satan take over within. And when Jesus tells Peter this, Jesus was foretelling what Peter was later to do in the book of Acts, as Peter led the way with fear and guilt, manipulating the people to give up their homes and fields; once again proving Jesus to be a true prophet and our One and Only True Messiah. Jesus said those people inherited eternal life. Jesus knew the pain that Peter was going to inflict upon the Jewish people, and it was the Lord and His Bride going through the same pain as the others, as Ananias and Sapphira died at Peter’s feet. Ananias means ‘cloud of the Lord’ and His wife is that precious gem. Peter never had pity on anyone. He only used the gift he thought he had to heal certain people, but really it was through God within each individual person, because Christ dwells within us, and these people were good hearted people who truly believed, and through their own true faith they were healed. It was not because of Peter. It was not because of man. It was because of God within, but also that evilness within Peter brought death, and it did not bother him one bit. Just like these men choose their man-made money over God’s creation of life today, is the same way Peter was back then. After the husband’s body fell, Peter threatened the wife for her body to go next. He had people dropping money at his feet in the book of Acts, but when a crippled man from birth was at the temple gate called Beautiful begging for money, Peter would not share any possessions with him, but the man was healed through the name of Christ, but not from the goodness within Peter, but because of the goodness within that crippled man, just like the story of Lazarus in The Holy Twelve Lection 47, who was a beggar at the gate with sores, hoping to be fed by the crumbs of the rich man. Peter had all the land and money, controlled it, and dispersed it as he felt need be, just like the Vatican today. We need to remember Satan wanted to rule the world as if he were God himself, and his work started within Peter. Peter already received his reward, and he did not receive a throne, nor did he enter the Kingdom of Heaven. Like Satan, Peter was cast into darkness. It is the spiritual working through the physical. He did it by tricking everyone and making them think they were all going to live in peace and unity as he coveted everything for himself, and set up an image of himself, along with his sidekick Paul; because just like Jesus said, Peter never had in mind the things of God, only the things of men; just like these men in the Vatican know they are not getting into Heaven, nor will they let anyone else, as pope Francis tells the Jews they do not need Jesus to be saved, as well as tricking the Gentiles too; all in the name of money. All in the name of Satan, and truly doing so quite easily, as they have everyone sound asleep; and not physically, but spiritually. They want us all to give our power over to the Vatican, as they create a one world government, with a one world court; as Satan judges and disciplines people for their actions, while implementing tax upon tax for this weird empire they are setting up; and no longer will we get away with anything that does not suit Satan’s agenda because man wants us marked, and every action tracked. Satan wanted to destroy us mentally, physically, and spiritually, to the point where we need 24/7 surveillance, all in the name of peace and security, through the misery and chaos he caused, and it all started with Peter. And when we stick to facts and evidence, rather than what some robot preacher says, we clearly see Peter committed murder and he committed adultery when he mixed Jesus’ teachings with man’s money and went off to Rome and linked up with Paul to rule the world through their dictating, know it all, Pharisee ways with the ultimate love of money. Peter and Paul did indeed steal, as they traveled around conquering and collecting in the name of Jesus. Jesus never established a pyramid scheme, where He taught rules of His made-up game, where people are ordered and brainwashed to give a certain amount of money on a certain day, or else. Jesus never taught these teachings. This is strictly man’s way. This is strictly Peter and Paul’s way through the sifting of Satan. Paul was the collector, and you better have his money on time, because he already explained himself, and he does not want to talk twice. Peter and Paul, plus other men, indeed did give false testimony. Paul was the last to come on board and says Jesus first appeared to Peter when that is a lie. Jesus first appeared to Mary Magdalene. Paul’s testimony is false, therefore proving Peter gave false testimony as well. Paul even says after making his statement about Jesus first appearing to Peter in 1 Corinthians 15:11 that, “Whether, then, it was I or they, this is what we preach, and this is what you believed.” Paul even says in Acts, if the people ignore his teaching of women needing to keep their mouths shut, and if they talk it is a disgrace, that the people will then be ignored by God. These men are evil, and are not what Jesus would call saints, and ever since then, we have been leaning on man for everything, even to the point of awarding Satan as person of the year; meaning Jorge Bergoglio who goes by the stage name pope Francis. For 2,000 plus years we have become weaker and weaker, because nothing true is possible through man’s false ways, only through our One True Creator; and until we are all connected as one within one, we will not have true peace in this world. Rather, we will be marked by man, being tracked 24/7 by man, supposedly in the name of God to get out the ills of the world and live in peace and security, but in all actuality, it is just Satan finally taking each individual beautiful creation from God; whether it be water, vegetation, animals, land, people, etc., and totally destroying its natural form, all in the name of money. We are nothing to man, and just like every other beautiful creation from God has man’s mark on it for financial purposes, we are too, because man does not value life, because man is not connected with the truth; and honestly, we are already marked because from the moment we are born, our mothers unknowingly sell us into this slave system where we become nothing but a number, forever paying taxes to Caesar. These men are all Peters and Pauls, valuing money alone, while killing in the name of their god, which is Satan, because they have never known anything real or true. Through these men’s actions, we clearly see they did not honor our Father-Mother God in Heaven, and they did not love their neighbor as themselves. Show me evidence where Peter and Paul loved others as they loved themselves. Show me evidence where Peter and Paul loved others more than money. You will not be able to do it. All anyone could do is show some nice words that they reiterated from Jesus, but when it comes to actions; there is nothing there. Their physical actions projected darkness instead of light, negative energy instead of positive energy. The only proof in the Bible is that Peter and Paul put themselves above others and thought they were superior, just like these men today. Jesus washed Peter’s feet and never took anyone’s money. Peter had bodies at his feet and took everyone’s money and controlled them through it, making them think they were doing something favorable in the eyes of God, but it was only pleasing in the eyes of Satan. Jesus told Peter no servant is greater than their master, yet Peter and Paul sure put themselves above Jesus and everyone else. Sounds just like Satan, when he thought he was the best and was then cast into utter darkness, and now that we are at the end of the age, the time has come for the Vatican which is Satan’s home to be cast into utter darkness as well. Matthew 20:17-19, Jesus says, “We are going up to Jerusalem, and the Son of Man will be betrayed to the chief priests and the teachers of the law. They will condemn Him to death and will turn Him over to the Gentiles to be mocked and flogged and crucified. On the third day He will be raised to life!” That indeed did happen to Jesus, and ever since, He has been mocked, and the worst treatment comes from the ones that claim to love Him and follow His ways, but they are merely serving the false ways of man. Matthew 20:20-28, the mother of Zebedee’s sons asks Jesus if her two sons, James and John can sit at the right and left sides of Jesus in His Kingdom. Jesus tells her that she does not know what she is asking and then He asks her if they can drink from the cup He is going to drink, and she replies yes. Jesus then responds, “You will indeed drink from My cup, but to sit at My right or left is not for Me to grant. These places belong to those for whom they have been prepared by My Father.” When the ten other disciples heard about this, they became angry and annoyed because they felt they were receiving unfair treatment. Jesus tells them, “You know that the rulers of the Gentiles lord it over them. Not so with you. Instead, whoever wants to become great among you must be your servant, and whoever wants to be first must be your slave- just as the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give His life as a ransom for many.” The Vatican indeed lords everything over the world, and Peter was the leader that was separated from the others by the hands of James and John. Peter did not become great, and neither did Paul. Saul means ‘asked for, inquired of God’, and Paul means; ‘little’, ‘small’. Through Saul’s hateful terrible acts to the true followers of Christ, he was asked for by God, and indeed Paul was made little when he got his head cut off for his evil, egotistical, Pharisee ways. Peter and Paul did not follow the true ways of Christ. Instead, they took their Pharisee customs and laws and mixed it with the Roman’s evil ways of power and control, and it was all the easier to do with Jesus' Holy Name. Peter and Paul controlled the people through fear as if they were superior. Peter indeed did lord everything over the people. He tricked the people into selling their land and dropping everything at his feet, reassuring them that he could make the best decisions for everyone. Peter acted like he was serving, but he was only being served. He took the duty as presiding over the disciples completely out of context and used his authoritative power to satisfy his own evil desires. Even though James and John were not the appointed ones at Jesus' left and right-hand side, they did drink from the same cup as Jesus. Even though in the beginning they laid their hands-on Peter to separate him from the rest, they also warned of him, Paul, plus others in the end. Matthew 21, Jesus has two disciples bring back a female donkey along with her colt. This is to fulfill the prophecy in Zechariah 9:9; “Say to the Daughter of Zion, ‘See your King comes to you, gentle and riding on a donkey, on a colt, the foal of a donkey.’” When Jesus entered Jerusalem, the whole city was stirred and asked who He is. The crowds answered, “This is Jesus, the prophet from Nazareth in Galilee.” Then Jesus entered the temple area and drove out all the people who were buying and selling there. He flipped the tables over of the money changers, and told them, “It is written; ‘My house will be called a house of prayer, but you are making it a den of robbers.’” He healed the people that were in the temple, but did not have anything to do with the exchange of money. Jesus is an honest, pure man. He is humble and true. He is the same today, yesterday, and forever. How can people not look around and see none of these men leading us are humble, honest, and pure; while doing so in the name of their god, which is all supposedly the same according to the pope, whether any religion, and in all actuality, he is correct. They are all the same because they were all established by Satan, the darkness of man, who is now going to unify us all under one false religion, because they were all false all along. The very things many of us cannot stand are religion and money, yet they control this world in the most powerful ways, causing people to do the most horrific things, because both are established through Satan aka the darkness of man. The truth is that the deep love and desire for the fakest things is what is killing the realest creations in the world. How can people claim to believe in God, accept Jesus as their Savior, go to church and supposedly get some type of education on the Bible, and not see that Peter and Paul were not humble, honest, and pure? How can people not see that the Roman Catholic Church, which is the first institution established using Jesus name, is the headquarters of Satan, and ever since its existence, has been changing according to financial gain? While Jesus came in on a donkey, the popes travel in Mercedes and private jets, stepping out on red carpets, making people kiss their ring, while hoarding all the riches. While Jesus was humble, quiet, and liked to be alone; these men love the spot light, having all sorts of theatrical acts performed in front of their lustful eyes. Jesus never mixed His teachings with money, and Jesus never wanted anyone to perform live acts either, yet pope Francis held the World Meeting of Families and gave out a fake million-dollar bill with his face plastered on it as a memorabilia gift for the people’s hard-earned slave money that paid for the event; even though the Vatican has billions, probably trillions of dollars, all kinds of gold, stocks, you name it. It is all a sick mockery, because whether it is someone’s hard-earned slave money or his million-dollar bill, they are both the same because they are both fake, and he is laughing all the way because the people worked for it and he didn’t. In fact, it does not matter what country you live in or what religion you are part of; all these evil men are laughing in their secret Satanic cult, as we hate, kill, and die every day for the misery they cause, and the head leader of the whole sick organization is the pope, who sits in Peter’s seat. And along with Francis' face on the million-dollar bill, Jesus' words that Satan’s institution misconceived and used to their advantage to trick the world to get money and keep us from the truth is printed on it too. While I am sickened by what I see, because I truly love Jesus and I truly understand; most of the world thinks it is cute, because the majority of the world has been tricked through the false ego of man, and have been blinded from the truth. Everyone from Peter up until now are just hypocrites using Jesus' name in vain. These men claim to know everything, while ruining it for everyone else. I can see why so many people are lost and do not believe in anything at all. The church’s supposed understanding and love for Jesus is quite odd. According to followers of Christ, regardless of denomination, it is ok to kill animals. Some animals they eat and others they show love to, while claiming to be animal lovers and believers of God, who is Love, who created the very beautiful creation they just slaughtered for their own gluttonous desires. One of the commandments is do not kill, yet they partake in murder everyday by filling their temples with dead animal flesh, while playing God themselves; picking and choosing which creation is worthy of living or dying, which once again proves the god they have been serving all along is Satan. The first page of the Bible says we rule over animals and vegetation is our food, so whether someone follows Judaism, Christianity, or Islam they are merely hypocrites who are disobedient to God. There is no such thing as “clean” and “unclean” animals, and in all actuality, they are all diseased, full of cancers and other harmful poisons to the human body, because we were never meant to live this way. Over time, through the development of science, we clearly see through man’s abuse of God’s innocent creatures, that we are killing the earth and the body, once again proving God’s words in Genesis page one to be true. The Bible says the earth will be healed and there will be no more sickness, but how can that happen when people keep doing the very things that are causing the sickness to begin with? We have all been disobedient children of God, just like our own children are with us, or when we were children ourselves. Parents can never tell their children anything. Oftentimes in life, we physically go through the very things our parents warned about. That is how it is with God; that is how it is with Christ. Everything Jesus warned Peter about happened, just like everything else Jesus warned about happened and is happening today. Jesus laid down the truth, and these men twisted it and fed us lies. The fact is that we have all been led by false leaders, none better than the other, and all cultures only know what they are taught; and whether Islam, Christianity, or Judaism; no one has been taught anything good, no one has been taught anything true, because they were all created by Satan to keep us from the simple, yet so beautiful truth as we kill each other through the darkness of our own egos. And another fact is that the Christian Community claims to live the right way of life Jesus intended, but they are the farthest thing from it, making them the biggest hypocrites out of them all, because they carry the one true name of our Messiah, the Son of God, bringing no positive results, only carrying His name in vain, while making the world a darker place. As of right now, I feel as though I am the only one who truly loves Jesus and understands His heart. As of right now, I feel as though everyone is just like Peter; who have Jesus’ name in their mouth, but their actions only bring shame to His name, and like Jesus says, there are clean and unclean hearts, and the same things Jesus tried to stop back then are the very things His supposed followers do today, because they have never been following Him, they have only been following man, and it all started with Peter. Only Satan would want you to feel like your whole existence on earth you would never be good enough. Only Satan would want you to feel like your whole life you would always be a sinner, and with some exceptions you could possibly pay money to get out of purgatory, which by the way does not exist, and if it does it is right here on earth created by man. Only Satan would want you to build churches out of stones defiled by man, then go inside to toss money in a basket, while singing songs, hoping to feel some comfort from this miserable world which he established, while all along it is just a false happiness as your money along with man’s taxes are helping destroy the world and its entire natural state which God originally intended. Only Satan would make you feel like you are not competent enough to understand the Bible, therefore causing you to turn to one of his trained puppets in the church, who is spending your money on his physical desires; directing your life, your mind, while his is most likely in shambles and you don’t even know. Only Satan would make you feel like the Bible was boring, therefore causing you to physically be there in church, but mentally you are where you really want to be. Only Satan would want you to go into a dark box and tell some man the bad things you did, when that man is just as bad as you; and so many of those men are sickos, who have touched little children inappropriately. As he sits on one side of the confession box with a hard on, you are on the other side pouring your heart out to him, thinking you are going to get some type of relief, but you never will because it is Satan that caused your head to be messed up in the first place. When you choose the church, you're choosing satan aka darkness, and you are literally paying for all the misery and torture in the world. Sleepy time is over, and it is time to wake up. There is no nice way to say these things. Peter called people stupid and made them scared for money, power, and control, even to the point of killing them. I am just telling the honest, cold hard facts, and it is because I want to enjoy this beautiful world the way God truly intended, and I do not want to control anyone or be controlled; I just want true freedom, which no one has ever had since the existence of humanity. We are human slaves to this dark, worn out system, doing Satan’s dirty work as he slowly takes from us, our true beauty within. The fact is, God already knows our hearts, just like Jesus knew Peter’s. He already knows if we are true. In this church establishment’s eyes, Jesus basically got brutally tortured as an innocent man just to come back at night for fishing adventures, and that we could never be good enough or amount to anything like Him. That is exactly the type of mentality Satan wants us to have, while turning to man for false hope. We are tossing money into an empty wishing well, and the more we do it, the more we feed the beast. Just like the Jews were waiting to be miraculously saved from the Romans back then, the supposed followers of Jesus within all Christian denominations sit back thinking they are going to be miraculously saved out of here too, while just showing up to church on Sunday and giving man his money. It does not work like that. Through man’s rejection, Jesus left, causing us to physically go through the very things He spoke about on a deep spiritual level, so we would all, in the end, truly know in our hearts and souls He was, He is, and is forever our One True Messiah, the Son of God, the Alpha and Omega; and the darkness we have physically, mentally, and spiritually overcome in the world, will bring that true light of love within, that will manifest throughout the entire earth, setting up the True Kingdom of Heaven, because as above so below, and no longer will we be under the evil curse of man’s misunderstanding, power, and control over us through governments, order, taxes, borders, and evil man-made laws; because finally, through experiences and free will, like we have always claimed to want, yet blamed God for the misery all the way; we will unify under love, that no longer consists of man’s destructive intervention. We are made in the image of God. We are God’s best for last creation, and God is Love. God would not come down in human form, feed us with beautiful teachings of true wisdom and love, and get brutally tortured as an innocent man, if we did not have the capacity to live in His true ways, which was and always will be summed up in love. If you truly believe you are only capable of being a sinner your entire existence, then you are calling God a failure. This Christian Religion contradicts itself in so many ways, proving everything about it to be fake, while passing down false teachings perceived from man’s simple, dull mind; and once again, it all started with Peter and man’s misunderstanding of Jesus words, which has caused 2,000 plus years of false teachings; bringing nothing but money, separation, misery, death, and destruction to the world. Every physical destruction man has brought upon the world has caused a pain to our souls. While man has tried to destroy us mentally, physically, and spiritually; I am here to bring destruction to that evil spirit that flows through man, and shine true light on the darkness, which man has cast upon the earth, finally bringing a healing and comfort that a man could never offer. Through the spiritual destruction I bring, which does not consist of any bloodshed which man loves to do, because that is all he knows how to do; we will finally bring true healing within, which will then bring healing and comfort to all the physical damage man has done to the world; and after we free ourselves from this mental, physical, and spiritual bondage; we will finally rid that evil dark spirit that has been lingering, tricking, deceiving, and killing ever since Adam and Eve. It is time to get past the physical and get with the spiritual. Until people realize that the flesh fades, but the spirit remains, we will never rid the world of darkness. Physical death is not the answer, but a spiritual death of the evilness which resides within all human flesh is, and that comes from the sword of the mouth which speaks words of knowledge, truth, wisdom, love, and understanding; which then shines light on the dark spirit, causing darkness to never be found again. Matthew 21:18-22 is about the withering of the fig tree. Jesus was hungry and walked up to a fig tree but saw only leaves and no fruit. He said to the tree, “May you never bear fruit again!”, and immediately the tree withered. This is a representation of a person who is unfruitful. If you are not a beautiful tree in this world who bears good fruit, you will wither away to nothing. Also, if you go outside of the Bible, you will see in The Holy Twelve, Lection 70, Peter was hungry and upset that the fig tree did not have any fruit on it even though he knew it was not time, so out of anger he cursed the tree. Jesus rebuked Peter for his haste, and the next day the tree flourished and produced fruit. Peter did not understand how this had happened even though he had cursed the tree, and Jesus told him that he does not understand anything, and it is not possible to curse anything that God has not cursed. Jesus then explains to Peter that he will soon deny Him three times out of fear, anger, and with curses swear that he does not know Jesus, and the rest of the men will also forsake Him for a reason. He then tells Peter that he will repent, and he and the other men will be as an Altar of twelve hewn stones, and a witness to Jesus' name. All these men are indeed witnesses to Jesus' name, and like Jesus says; they were all hewn stones, defiled by the dark ego of man, and through their disobedience, we see Jesus is the One and Only True Rock exactly like the Bible says. Even though many of the Jewish people did not believe Jesus is the Messiah, at least they have been smart enough not to follow the ways of this false Christian institution, once again proving no one is better than the other, whether Jew or Gentile. Jesus then tells Peter that the men will be servants of servants, and He will give them the keys to His Church, which by the way was never a man-made one. Then Jesus tells Peter there will be men who succeed him, that are just like Peter; hot headed and unwise, with a void of patience, and they, just like Peter, will curse those whom God has not cursed and will persecute them in their ignorance, because they cannot yet find the fruits they seek, like Peter with the fig tree. Jesus was once again, as a prophet and our true Messiah, warning Peter what he was going to do through his own free will and egotistical flesh; with Ananias, Sapphira, and all the other Jewish people, because Peter never found the fruits he needed to be a true loving human being. And just like Jesus says; ever since Peter, the men after him have all been the same: hot headed, unwise, impatient, and through their own ignorance, they judge us, persecute us, and curse every beautiful creation of God’s every single day; while supposedly believing in a god, within different religions, established within different cultures, having very different rules created by man within each culture, which pope Francis now says are all paths to the same god, and the reason being is they are all paths to Satan; because within each religion, they all equally bring pain, misery, torture, and death; and they all equally suppress the woman, while lying to the world. They all bring an evil curse upon the earth. Religion is nothing more than Legion being spread across the Region, and we all must realize the control is through the Vatican where Satan safely resides. Like the curse Peter thought he could bring but was not successful, the Vatican’s evil curse can no longer last as well, because they cannot curse anything God has not cursed. It is time for us to come together and stop blaming God for all the darkness in the world. We have brought this upon ourselves through our trust in man rather than understanding and truly seeking Christ within. But through evolving, we have truly developed into beautiful human beings; who through learning facts, evidence, and the rule of law, can finally use common sense and break these generational curses that man has brought upon this world; because the fact is that Eve may have messed up in the beginning, but when Jesus came to repair that defilement, it was the women who obeyed, and the men who rejected, through that curse that has been cast upon man since the beginning with Adam. Man is the darkness and the woman is the light. The woman brings life, healing, understanding, wisdom, and comfort; while the man brings misery, lies, chaos, destruction, and death. The woman gives physical life and spiritual life, that is why Satan hates her so much, just like Peter and Paul with Mary Magdalene, and all other men before. Satan, aka the dark ego, has been going after the woman since her existence. We have forever been suppressed and put to shame, never truly getting to experience our true beauty within. Through the duality that resides within all of us, Eve was deceived through her own ego within, destroying God’s perfect union between woman and man, bringing a curse to the earth. Jesus teaches that fruits mean what a person carries within, referring to the good and the bad; so, His words refer to the fall of Adam and Eve. Eve was the innocent woman, who was deceived by the serpent, and the serpent represents the ego. The truth is that Jesus came to repair that defilement and shine light on the darkness and He is God in the form of man, and in the beginning it is the woman who messed up; so when Jesus came as God in the form of man to repair that defilement it is His wife, Mary Magdalene the Goddess, who helped Him bring balance and equality back to the world, but the Romans along with the chief priests and teachers of the law were not having it because their love was messing up their patriarchal order, and their love and knowledge was so powerful it had the ability to free all of humanity from these men’s evil control. The man is the dark and the woman is the light. We all come from a woman and the woman is good, and if we would finally come out of the darkness of man’s false ways, we would finally live in love as one, the way God truly intended, instead of through fear like Satan has wanted since the beginning. Satan is ready for us to jump into transhumanism and we have yet to experience what it is like to live as true human beings in our natural born state God created us. Jesus is like us; born of the dark and the light, but He overcame the darkness to be a living testimony that we can too. He never needed another man to control Him, nor did He ever want to control anyone else. All He ever did and all He ever will do, is show people how to be true human beings. Jesus never brought pain, misery, or death. He is the perfect man who overcame all evil temptations and His chosen wife, whom together represent God’s perfect love for us, was none other than the supposed sinner Mary Magdalene; and His love for Her and Her love for Him, and Her true desire to be a good person made Her new again, and they are the male and female entities of God, who bore perfect seed, which would never be defiled or destroyed. Their love repaired the damage that was brought between Adam and Eve, but through man’s ignorance and love of the darkness, they would not accept it. They would not allow it. Mary Magdalene was not like Eve in the beginning, who could be easily tricked and deceived. She had already been through everything and could never again be tricked by a snake. Once She found Jesus, for once in Her life, She found a man that was pure. He did not want Her for Her physical attributes. He wanted to heal Her and show Her true love, and no one had ever done that before. They are the true power couple. They are the true unity of love. They are the physical representation of God’s spiritual love for us; but neither side wanted that, because of man’s egotistical curse, so instead we are fed lies to keep us from the truth because since the beginning, Satan wanted to destroy every natural form of God’s creation, whether physically, mentally, or spiritually. Mary was a beautiful tree who produced good fruit, while Peter on the other hand only produced bad. Realistically thinking, if Peter only had bad stored up in him, it is not possible to pass down anything good, it is just common sense, and the facts are in the Bible through his actions. Jesus then goes on to tell Peter that others like him will be lovers of themselves and make an alliance with kings and rulers of the world and seek earthly power, riches, and domination. Jesus then says the men will put to death by fire and sword, those who seek the truth and who are truly Jesus' disciples, and Jesus tells Peter the men will do it all in Jesus’ name. But Jesus also tells Peter that the darkness will pass, and the True Light shall shine, because nothing true can be hidden forever. And at last, the end of the age has come. No longer will we be in the dark ages, led by man’s misunderstanding of life because finally the true light shall shine. The time has come for the Beautiful Mystery of God to be revealed, because the truth is that these evil men always thought they knew, but they never truly knew at all. The fact that no one can deny is that every word Jesus spoke to Peter, foretelling about him and the other men, happened; so according to Jewish Law, these men practicing and teaching Judaism are contradicting their own beliefs and teachings. While Mary Magdalene was truly trying to help the Jewish people, Peter was cursing them. Jesus knew everything Peter was going to do, even though Peter thought he was a good liar, because he never truly understood who Jesus really was, is, and is forever. He knew Jesus is the Son of God, but Peter did not know what that truly meant. The facts are in the Bible that Peter indeed was a lover of himself; who sought out power, riches, and domination; who set out for Rome, along with Paul, to make an alliance with kings and rulers of the world, because he failed the same tests Jesus was given, proving once again, Jesus is the One True Rock and Peter is the false rock, and that is the only reason he was given that name, and if anyone wants to deny this fact then they are denying Jesus, because if anyone claims to believe in the Bible, whether Old or New Testament, the Bible specifically says there is only One True Rock. And just like Peter and Paul back then, the men of today are doing the very same things. Peter was Satan in the flesh, just like Jesus addressed him before His crucifixion. Peter was only the leader because Jesus already knew Peter’s heart, and knew even if He did not give him that authority, Peter would claim it anyways. The entire Bible is symbolism, and just like Satan was first and cast into darkness, so was Peter, because it is the spiritual working through the physical. Jesus already knew all the terrible things Peter would do to the people, therefore passing down more darkness to come, but Jesus is God in the form of man and God is not controlling; so all Jesus could do was forewarn Peter of his faults and guide him in truth and love, but it was ultimately Peter’s choice to make the final decision through free will, and consequently through Peter’s simple, dull mind, he made the wrong choice every time; but Jesus already knew all of this would happen, that is why He also tells Peter that after the darkness passes, the True Light will come and that a true person of Goodness and Power will be filled with Love and Wisdom beyond all others, and have the Spirit of Jesus in them, who rules Jesus True Church by a fourfold twelve and by 72 as of old, and only the True Human Beings shall be taught. Jesus then says His True Church shall be filled with Light and give Light to all the earth, and shall never be shaken, because it is found on love, truth, and equity; and light shall come to it and go forth from it, to all the nations of the earth, and the Truth shall make everyone free; free from the mental, physical, and spiritual bondage man has projected upon us through their misunderstanding of God’s words and who Jesus truly is, and it is a fact, all the evilness and darkness started with Peter and Paul. Ever since Peter and Paul, we have all been led in the dark; and technically we have been in the dark since the beginning, because whether someone practices Judaism or Christianity, their understanding of the Bible is that everything is 6,000 years, when the Bible specifically correlates with science, once again proving none better, whether Jew or Gentile, because they have both been teaching false doctrines from their own misconceptions, while destroying the world and leading us to slaughter; but Jesus says both Pharisees and teachers of the law will fall into the pit, and that is the Vatican and the Jewish Rabbis; so if anyone is following them, they will fall into the pit as well, and it does not matter what denomination anyone is, because it all stems out from Peter, therefore in actuality, all this time everyone has been following Satan. No wonder everyone’s works have been useless and produced no positive results. Like Jesus, Adam and Eve were not part of any religion. This whole religion thing did not start until they were tricked by the serpent, and Judaism is the first Abrahamic, patriarchal religion, and it is only 3,500 plus years old. Judaism, Christianity, and Islam are created by Satan aka the dark ego of man, to control, kill and destroy, but through evolving and becoming truly enlightened human beings, all three are beginning to crumble to nothing because that is all they have ever been from the beginning; but at the same time, we had to go through this darkness to find our way back to the light. Jesus was right once again when He said we would always have the sick and poor, but we would not always have Him. While these evil men have been forever tricking us and promising peace and prosperity for all, Jesus kept it real and told us that would not happen, and He was right. He said we would not always have Him, once again proving all this time, we have only been under the guidance of Satan and by the looks of this world, I would say He is right yet again. The Vatican is like Peter, who tries to curse the Tree of Life, but they do not understand; they cannot curse anything God has not cursed. Who is a true Israelite? Since the beginning, there has been bad and good; the dark and the light; and since the beginning we have had the free will to choose. The fact is that anyone can be a true Israelite, if they choose to come out of the darkness of man’s deception, and come into the light of truth; IsRealLite. Not just Israel itself, but the entire world, because everywhere, everyone, and everything is the real, true, beautiful creations of God; and through free will, if we choose to turn to the light rather than the dark, we can finally unite as One, under true freedom and love, without the evil control of the Vatican. Just like Peter tricked the people, the pope has been tricking the people as well because he is Satan in the flesh and he knows his time is short, he even said it himself. While he has the world tricked into uniting in love, we are really uniting under slavery, misery, and death. It is all a facade; why do you think the popes dress in all white? The eyes can be easily deceived, and if we get past the physical and get with the spiritual, we will see that everything about the pope, as well as the entire church institution is Satanic, because their founder Peter was Satan in the flesh, and he, along with the pope, are spiritually weak. Mary Magdalene represents Israel, truth, light, and love. Peter represents Satan, the Vatican, darkness, and misery. Peter and the Vatican are doomed to destruction, while the rest of us can be made new again like Mary Magdalene, as we unite as one and turn from the Vatican’s evil ways. The facts are that Satan has been here since the beginning, tricking and deceiving. Peter was a Jewish man and look what he did to his own people. Whether someone is Jewish, Christian, Muslim, or nothing at all, it does not matter; the control is in the Vatican’s hands, and even though these religions claim to be equally the same, my question for all of them is why is it that pope Francis gets to be the leader? The answer is because he is Satan in the flesh, who has orchestrated this entire mess since first being within Peter and others before Jesus came. The spiritual manifests into the physical, and Jesus is the One and Only True Man who overcame all evil temptations and Mary Magdalene is the One and Only True Woman who overcame all evil desires and was purified by Jesus love and only wanted the good, which then turned other people to His loving humane way as well. All the temptations Jesus overcame, Peter failed, that is why we have so much evilness in the world. Satan wanted to rule the world as if he were God himself. It is the spiritual working through the physical and Peter is Satan who wanted to act as if he were Jesus himself while doing so with fear, guilt, and death; and let us not forget, the Roman Catholic Church claims Peter to be the first pope, and look at the Vatican and how they rule and manipulate the world, once again proving to be the house of Satan. The seven demons that Mary Magdalene overcame, were the very ones Peter was consumed by. Mary Magdalene is the strong spiritual woman who overcame all, and Peter is the weak spiritual man who was consumed by all. She is the special, loved disciple that Peter and most men were jealous of. She is the special Love Bride that would remain alive until Jesus' second coming. She was a strong woman who deeply cared for Her Jewish people, unlike Peter, who was just a weak rich man, who truly cared about money; causing him to project fear, control, order, death, and adultery with Rome. He did not care about his own people; he only cared about money and the physicality of life, just like every single one of our nation’s leaders. They do not care about us; they only care about money, and they have trained us to be the same way too. When Jesus taught, He taught that the bread meant teachings, but now bread represents man’s money. They will divide, conquer, kill, and destroy, just to be in control and get what they want. The truth is that our world leaders, along with the Vatican, love money, power, and control because they are cursed by darkness, that is why they both hate Jesus, and they play us for a fool by playing “good cop, bad cop”. Some claim to love Jesus, while others claim to hate Him, while all along they both do, because if we were all taught the simple loving way of Christ, they could no longer control us and make us slaves; and then on the “good cop” side, even though they claim to love Jesus, they keep us confused as they scheme and kill the world, and we think they are doing everything in the name of love, but it is only in the name of Satan, who is the world’s oldest deceiver, aka the ancient serpent. Matthew 21:28-32 Jesus says, “What do you think? There was a man who had two sons. He went to the first and said, ‘Son, go and work today in the vineyard.’ ‘I will not,’ he answered, but later he changed his mind and went. Then the father went to the other son and said the same thing. He answered, ‘I will, Sir,’ but he did not go. Which of the two did what the father wanted?” The disciples answered, the first. Jesus then tells them, “I tell you the truth, the tax collectors and the prostitutes are entering the Kingdom of God ahead of you. For John came to you to show you the way of righteousness, and you did not believe him, but the tax collectors and the prostitutes did. And even after you saw this, you did not repent and believe him.” Peter represents the second son, who says he will do the work but never does. Peter said he would take care of the sheep, but he did not. Show me evidence in the Bible where Peter acted in the manner of Jesus. Show me evidence where Peter followed the way of Jesus. You will not be able to do it, but there is evidence that he acted in the manner of Satan, and there is evidence in the Bible Jesus called Peter Satan, so the real question right now is whose side are Christians truly on? Who are they truly serving? The fact is that most followers of Jesus are that second son, so how are they better than anyone else? Most of the world is like the first son who said no, but it is not too late to unite in the true humane way of Christ, and once again, you are not going to find it in the church; there you will only find Satan. The Jewish people represent that first son. They said no, but it is not too late to do the true will of God rather than Satan, who resides within the Vatican. The supposed Christian community represents that second son. They say they believe in Jesus, but their works are not of His ways at all, they are only the ways of Satan. The fact is that this whole evil Christian pyramid scheme was started through Peter and Paul. Peter and Paul represent the dark, and Mary Magdalene represents the light. She is the only one who carried the True Light of Christ. Jesus is like the sun and Mary Magdalene is like the moon. He illuminated Her with truth, love, and wisdom which She was willing to share freely with the world; like the moon gives her light freely to the night, but through man’s ego they disregarded Her, rejecting the true Holy Spirit, causing the world to be in complete spiritual darkness. Matthew 21:42-44 Jesus says, “Did you never read in the scriptures, ‘The stone which the builders rejected, the same has become the head of the corner: this is the Lord’s doing, and it is marvelous in our eyes.’? Therefore, I tell you that the Kingdom of God will be taken from you and given to a people who will produce its fruit. He who falls on this stone will be broken to pieces, but he on whom it falls will be ground to powder.” Jesus was speaking of the chief priests and the Pharisees. We are in modern day biblical times, and the people He was speaking of back then are the very men in the churches and synagogues today. These men have had thousands of years, and they have not produced anything good, it has only been a steady decline, with the world filling up with blood, misery, and lies; and like Jesus says, they are uprooted, twice dead. The time has now come for The Kingdom of God to be taken from these evil-minded men and given to the truly enlightened human beings, who are capable of producing fruit through their goodness they have stored up within, which overflows freely through the entire world; no longer going into churches on a Sunday and giving a 10th of your hard-earned money like a programmed robot, leaning on another man for guidance when he is nothing more than a blind guide leading you to slaughter. Through Peter’s ignorance and wrath, he indeed did stumble and fall on that stone and was broken to pieces, and now the time has come for that stone to fall on the Vatican and grind them to powder. Judas was not the worst one. When Jesus was on the cross there were two men, one on each side. One was going with Jesus and the other was not. Even though he knew Jesus was innocent, the man continued to curse Him. These two men represent Judas and Peter. Judas felt bad and gave his life. He gave the money back, plus gave his own physical life, showing complete remorse and guilt, that is why his name means ‘praised one’. Peter on the other hand, never felt bad and took everyone’s money, plus their physical lives, along with his sidekick Paul; and throughout his journey, Peter continued to curse God and all of God’s beautiful creations. Judas gave the money back and the Jewish men bought land with it. The Jewish men did not want to put the blood money in their “precious” man-made temples, but it was ok to buy God’s beautiful land, which through the law of attraction, only brought a darker curse upon them. After Jesus' ascension, the Jewish people were once again under the evil control of Satan, which at that time was Peter, who instilled fear and guilt upon them. It is not Jesus' fault that the Jewish people do not believe. Jesus brought only light, wisdom, love, and healing. Peter and Paul brought the oppressing, accusing, control, and death; and Satan has kept that hold on the Jewish people ever since, all the way up until now with pope Francis; and the same is happening with all the nations of the world. Shed the physical and look within the spiritual. We have all been lost sheep through the trickery of Satan who resides within the Vatican. The fact of the matter is that we are in modern day biblical times, and all the nation's leaders, along with the direction of the Vatican, are playing us to fully lock us into this one world beast system, with Satan leading the way through the Vatican because all they know is man’s money. Israel is the main stage as we watch this horror of blood filled misery and death seem to never end in the middle east, as these evil men who orchestrate these events keep their hands clean from the chaos they have caused. Like Jesus says, on the outside these men look clean and nice, but what they need to do is wash the inside of the cup, because on the inside they are dirty and vile. Some of the Jewish men represent the very Jewish men back then, who through fear, let Peter control them. The Vatican represents Peter, with a mixture of Paul and the Roman Empire’s evil controlling ways, who travel around portraying to be nice and loving, dressed in white, but they are only on a mission to deceive and kill because they are Satan in the flesh. The fact is that Peter and Paul were the first ones to mix the iron with the clay, meaning man’s money with Jesus’ teachings; and now that we are nearing the second coming of our Messiah, Satan wants to bring the greatest deception yet, where man marks us and forces us to fully surrender and submit to his one world beast system through fear, where the people no longer worship within separate religions, but now under one false religion that is a combination of them all, because they were all fake from the beginning. It does not matter if someone practices Judaism, Christianity, or Islam. Within each group there are different branches, sects, and denominations, proving none to be true because they were all created by man for control, because God is the same today, yesterday, and forever, and God will never change, God will never divide, and God will never bring pain, and the only man to live in that manner is Jesus, and He was not part of any religion. He was born among those evil-minded men, but Jesus was not of those evil-minded men. The majority of political world leaders have represented Judas, who through trickery and a misunderstanding of the truth, eventually sell out to Satan and make deals with the Vatican that they should not, while the Vatican just uses them to get what they want through their one world beast system. They are promised many things and will do whatever for money and status because that is all they know, just like Judas, and aside from them, it appears most of the world is unaware of what the definition of a true human being actually is. It is Déjà vu and it is like we are at the beginning again, only now having acquired all the knowledge man needed to evolve into a fully conscious, enlightened human being, therefore no longer allowing the serpent to deceive and kill ever again, finally breaking the evil curse from the earth, finding our way back to the Tree of Life. Judas was not the one doomed to destruction. The man doomed to destruction is Peter, along with the false prophet Paul. Peter was the first disciple, yet remained the same evil way, never truly changing or evolving as a human being should. He went through years of teachings, yet still shed blood, and when Jesus was gone, Peter never once felt bad about what he did to the people. I represent Mary Magdalene, the one who is trying to warn about the judgment and celebration to come. Revelation 18 is the fall of Rome; the fall of Vatican City, but the Vatican is Satan acting as if they are God themselves and they are using America as the stage of Babylon, while trying to act out the biblical prophecies. The Vatican is Satan who wants to control all, rule all, own all, and destroy all; so, if people think Pope Francis coming here September 23, 2015 was a blessing, they were fooled once again. It was just another ritualistic curse, as he fooled people’s weak eyes, ears, and minds by thinking he is humble just because he got out of a fiat; but we do not have to let history repeat itself. We have a real chance at righting the wrong that was made 2,000 plus years ago. We were given our first warning with Jesus and Mary Magdalene, and now the second warning is here. It is time to take the power away from Satan and the reason this has never been able to happen is because of wisdom, and that is something man has always lacked, while keeping the woman silent. Wisdom was the only way all along, because the flesh fades but the soul remains, and the only outcome of bloodshed is more evilness to come. I am hoping that with this second chance, we will not be consumed by fear. There is nothing to fear any longer. Knowledge is true power and that is the only way to gain true freedom, which none of us has ever experienced. The only institution that needs to feel fear is the Vatican, because their end has finally come. They are the Synagogue of Satan, and they are doomed to destruction. It does not matter if the Vatican has 200-foot walls with astronomical amounts of guards; I am here to bring their institution down without physically touching them. I am here to bring them down mentally and spiritually, because knowledge was the true sword all along. The Vatican can have as many walls and guards as they want, that does not prevent them from coming to an end. Jesus says whoever tries to save their life will surely lose it. Jesus also was never about death, instead the individual person brings that upon themselves through their dark energy within. With all their tight knit security, it is once again obvious they have never understood Jesus' words at all. Bloodshed and physical death is not what they need to fear, but they are not competent enough to understand, because they have always been on the path of Satan; but at the same time, they know that the woman is their biggest threat, that is why Satan hates her so much, oppressing her since her existence. Mary Magdalene was the first for everything. Peter may have been the first disciple, but She was the first to truly know Jesus. Peter was only the first disciple because out of them all, he needed the most help, but through his own ignorance, he never understood until he was upside on the cross for never being an upright person; slowly dying, as he remembers back to that second warning from Jesus in John 21. Mary Magdalene sought after Jesus, He gave Her one of His special gifts from infancy, and instead of selling it for money like the men would have done, She made the special oil and anointed Him. She is the one to announce His resurrection and He appeared to Her first, telling Her to tell the men He will be ahead of them, warning them once again to follow His true ways; but the men did not believe Her. They believed Peter second and were rebuked by Jesus for their lack of faith. Just like they did not understand that She is the Holy Spirit, who was preparing them for what was to come and instead disregarded Her, and for doing so brought darkness upon themselves from their own evilness within, which caused them to be tricked by Satan on Pentecost in the upper room, which is the day supposed Christians celebrate every year; so once again, in all actuality they are the true Satan worshippers, who are under an evil spell as they judge the rest of the world. Mary Magdalene is the one to announce His resurrection, Jesus chose Her to be at His side, and you had to get through Her to get to Him because She is the Only One who understood Him. She is on the right and Peter is on the left, and while Jesus was always protecting Her heart because it is closest to Him, Peter was on the other side always betraying His. My next question for the world is that when Jesus returns, how will a person know it is truly Christ? Well, the special woman will once again come on the scene to announce His coming, and through carrying the true light within; She will bring comfort, healing, wisdom, and understanding to the world, that no one in history has done before because like Jesus says, He dwells within Her, and She will remain alive until He returns. And again, enough with the fairy tale story. Jesus is not going to magically appear in the sky. God never changes, so by the figment of people’s own imagination and the trickery of Satan, they are contradicting the word of God. Free your mind, broaden your horizon, search within, and you will find the truth. In Matthew 22:15-22, the Pharisees wanted to trap Jesus in His words, so they asked Him if it was right to pay taxes to Caesar. Jesus already knew their evil plan, so He replied, “You hypocrites, why are you trying to trap Me? Show Me the coin used for paying the tax.” The men brought Him a denarius and Jesus asked them whose portrait and inscription was on the coin. The men answered, “Caesar”. Jesus then tells them to give to Caesar what is Caesar’s, and give to God what is God’s, meaning God has nothing to do with money; so once again, why do people go to churches and pay them their slave money, and why are these churches able to operate this evil pyramid scheme? And enough with the physical prostitution. The true prostitution is spiritual prostitution. These evil men in the churches are spiritual prostitutes, who work for the mother harlot church which is the Roman Catholic Church. They know the game and they know how to talk just like a working lady of the night. Hey, it’s not technically prostitution if you do not admit to exchanging sex for money, right? Just like these men supposedly sharing God’s words. They do not ask people for money for their supposed “godly services”, they just sweet talk them into giving a gracious contribution. Trust me, I know their game and I understand their lingo, and these men that people turn to are the true definition of the word prostitute. The popes even carry a stage name, because it is easier to act when you carry a fake persona you have been rehearsing behind closed doors. Maybe Francis got his stage name and acting abilities from studying one of his favorite books, Lord of the World. The time has come to bring judgment through the court of law, the very law these evil men love to inflict upon us. The time has come for the churches to come down and all the money to be given to the poor, as these men who run this operation do community service, building the world back up, and ensuring all human beings have a home of their own. The time has come for these spiritual prostitutes to be rehabilitated mentally, spiritually, and physically; finding who they truly are, instead of blindly stumbling in the dark while destroying the world and all beauty within. Matthew 22:34-40, one the Pharisees tests Jesus by asking Him which is the greatest commandment in the Law, and Jesus replies, “’Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as your-self.’ All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments.” We know what the commandments are, and they indeed do sum up in these two, and almost the entire world is not living in these ways whether someone believes in Jesus or not, but could you imagine if we did? If people truly loved the Lord with all their heart, soul, and mind, they would know that Peter and Paul are terrible people, and they would not be going to church, and they would not be eating innocent animals while breaking the commandments on a daily basis. Jesus says heart, soul, and mind. Look within and you will find the treasure, freeing yourself from the abstract chains Satan aka the dark ego of man, has projected upon us. In Matthew 23, Jesus speaks to the crowds of people and His disciples, and says, “The teachers of the law and the Pharisees sit in Moses’ seat. So you must obey them and do everything they tell you. But do not do what they do, for they do not practice what they preach. They tie up heavy loads and put them on men’s shoulders, but they themselves are not willing to lift a finger to move them. Everything they do is done for men to see: They make their phylacteries wide and the tassels on their garments long; they love the place of honor at banquets and the most important seats in the synagogues; they love to be greeted in the marketplaces and to have men call them ‘Rabbi’. But you are not to be called ‘Rabbi’, for you have only one Master and you are all brothers. And do not call anyone on earth ‘father’, for you have one Father, and He is in Heaven. Nor are you to be called ‘teacher’, for you have one Teacher, the Christ. The greatest among you will be your servant. For whoever exalts himself will be humbled, and whoever humbles himself will be exalted. Woe to you, teachers of the law and Pharisees, you hypocrites! You shut the Kingdom of Heaven in men’s faces. You yourselves do not enter, nor will you let anyone who is trying to. Woe to you, teachers of the law and Pharisees, you hypocrites! You travel over land and sea to win a single convert, and when he becomes one, you make him twice the son of hell as you are. Woe to you, teachers of the law and Pharisees, you hypocrites! You give a tenth of your spices. But you have neglected the more important matters of the law- justice, mercy, and faithfulness. You should have practiced the latter, without neglecting the former. You blind guides! You strain out a gnat but swallow a camel. Woe to you teachers of the law and Pharisees, you hypocrites! You clean the outside of the cup and dish, but inside they are full of greed and self-indulgence. Blind Pharisee! First clean the inside of the cup and dish, and then the outside also will be clean. Woe to you teachers of the law and Pharisees, you hypocrites! You are like whitewashed tombs, which look beautiful on the outside but on the inside are full of dead men’s bones and everything unclean. In the same way, on the outside you appear to people as righteous but on the inside you are full of hypocrisy and wickedness. Woe to the teachers of the law and the Pharisees, you hypocrites! You build tombs for the prophets and decorate the graves of the righteous. And you say, ’If only we had lived in the days of our forefathers, we would not have taken part with them in shedding the blood of the prophets.’ So you testify against yourselves that you are the descendants of those who murdered the prophets. Fill up, then, the measure of the sin of your forefathers! You snakes! You brood of vipers! How will you escape being condemned to hell? Therefore, I am sending you prophets and wise men and teachers. Some of them you will kill and crucify; others you will flog in your synagogues and pursue from town to town. And so upon you will come all the righteous blood that has been shed on earth, from the blood of righteous Abel to the blood of Zechariah son of Berekiah, whom you murdered between the temple and the altar. I tell you the truth, all this will come upon this generation. O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, you who kill the prophets and stone those sent to you, how often I have longed to gather your children together, as a hen gathers her chicks under her wings, but you were not willing. Look, your house is left to you desolate. For I tell you, you will not see me again until you say, ‘Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord.’” Peter and Paul’s ways were the ways of the Pharisees and teachers of the law, and the modern-day version is the Vatican and the Rabbis, along with many of our nations’ leaders. From Peter and Paul, up until now, these men have indeed tied heavy loads on all of us, loads they themselves will not lift a finger for. These men, especially the ones from the Vatican, do everything for the world to see, as though they are putting on a show, which they are because everything about them is fake and this world eats it up. They travel the world in their long dresses, in private jets, Mercedes, stepping out on red carpets, with lights, cameras, action, as they deceive and enslave the world. They sure do love to be honored and greeted, as they make everyone kiss their ring and call them ‘father’. After Jesus was gone, Peter and Paul definitely exalted themselves over everyone and everything, and that is exactly why they were humbled when Paul lost his head and Peter was hung upside down on a cross, and now that we are in modern day biblical times, the end of the dark ages, I am here to spiritually cut the head off that lying ancient snake and claim victory in this battle between good and evil; the battle between darkness and light, finally freeing everyone mentally, physically, and spiritually from Satan’s bondage; after all, it’s the woman in the beginning who was deceived by the serpent, it is the woman that God said would crush the serpent’s head in Genesis Chapter Three, and it is the woman in Revelation who defeats the dragon with true spiritual knowledge that no one in the world can deny. Mary Magdalene was humble from day one, that is why She was exalted and would never taste spiritual death. She is Jesus' Bride and They are the Epitome of God’s Love. These men sure do shut the Kingdom of Heaven in people’s faces, as humanity turns to them for guidance; but they are only blind guides, leading people to slaughter because they do not have true wisdom and understanding, because their hearts are hard and calloused due to the love of money and control, with Satan leading the way through his headquarters at the Vatican. These men travel over land and sea, conquering the world, and everyone that follows turns into the children of the devil, that is why the world just keeps getting darker because over time, the evilness swells up more and more. The pope looks nice on the outside, dressed in all white, but on the inside, he is rotting, while he secretly destroys all the people’s minds, hearts, and souls. People go to church and give a tenth of their earnings, but where is the justice, mercy, and faithfulness? Christians are all blind guides and blind followers, not knowing the concept of these three simple words. On the outside most look nice, but what about the inside? Like Jesus says, they are full of greed and self-indulgence. They may look physically appealing to the eyes on the outside, but on the inside, they are mentally and spiritually dead. They may do everything that man tells them to do; have a supposed great job, pay their taxes, go to church and pay their tithes, but behind closed doors, many people are doing things from a very dark place within their mind, and no one would even know, but Satan knows, making the majority of Jesus’ supposed followers the biggest hypocrites in this world. As they are being fooled by Satan into thinking they are “serving the Lord”, Christians are merely the very people Jesus was speaking of and they are too blinded by the physicality of life to even comprehend; and like Peter and Paul, they too will be handed over and condemned to darkness, locked out, like the book of Revelation foretells, where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth. In Matthew 24, Jesus tells His disciples about the signs of His second coming and the end of the age. He says, “Watch out that no one deceives you. For many will come in My name, claiming, ‘I am the Christ’, and will deceive many. You will hear of wars and rumors of wars, but see to it that you are not alarmed. Such things must happen, but the end is still to come. Nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. There will be famines and earthquakes in various places. All these are the beginning of birth pains. Then you will be handed over to be persecuted and put to death, and you will be hated by all nations because of Me. At that time many will turn away from the faith and will betray and hate each other, and many false prophets will appear and deceive many people. Because of the increase of wickedness, the love of most will grow cold, but he who stands firm to the end will be saved. And this gospel of the Kingdom will be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come. So when you see standing in the holy place ‘the abomination that causes desolation’, spoken of through the prophet Daniel-let the reader understand- then let those who are in Judea flee to the mountains. Let no one on the roof of his house go down to take anything out of the house. Let no one in the field go back to get his cloak. How dreadful it will be in those days for pregnant women and nursing mothers! Pray that your flight won’t take place in winter or on the Sabbath. For then there will be great distress, unequaled from the beginning of the world until now-and never to be equaled again. If those days had not been cut short, no one would survive, but for the sake of the elect those days will be shortened. At that time if anyone says to you, ‘Look, here is the Christ!’, or ‘There he is!’ do not believe it. For false Christs and false prophets will appear and perform great signs and miracles to deceive even the elect-if that were possible. See, I have told you ahead of time. So if anyone tells you, ‘There he is, out in the desert’, do not go out; or ‘Here he is, in the inner rooms’, do not believe it. For as lightning that comes from the east is visible even in the west, so will be the coming of the Son of Man. Wherever there is a carcass, there the vultures will gather. Immediately after the distress in those days the sun will be darkened, and the moon will not give her light; the stars will fall from the sky, and the heavenly bodies will be shaken. At that time the sign of the Son of Man will appear in the sky, and all the nations of the earth will mourn. They will see the Son of Man coming on the clouds of the sky, with power and great glory. And He will send His angels with a loud trumpet call, and they will gather His elect from the four winds, from one end of the Heavens to the other. Now learn this lesson from the fig tree: As soon as its twigs get tender and its leaves come out, you know that summer is near. Even so, when you see all these things, you know that it is near, right at the door. I tell you the truth, this generation will certainly not pass away until all these things have happened. Heaven and earth will pass away, but My words will never pass away. No one knows about the day or hour, not even the angels in Heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father. As it was in the days of Noah, so it will be at the coming of the Son of Man. For in the days before the flood, people were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, up to the day Noah entered the ark; and they knew nothing about what would happen until the flood came and took them all away. That is how it will be at the coming of the Son of Man. Two men will be in the field; one will be taken, the other left. Two women will be grinding with a hand mill; one will be taken and the other left. Therefore, keep watch, because you do not know on what day your Lord will come. But understand this: If the owner of the house had known at what time of night the thief was coming, he would have kept watch and would not have let his house be broken into. So you also must be ready, because the Son of Man will come at an hour you do not expect Him. Who then is the faithful and wise servant, whom the master has put in charge of the servants in his household to give them their food at the proper time? It will be good for that servant whose master finds him doing so when he returns. I tell you the truth, he will put him in charge of all his possessions. But suppose that servant is wicked and says to himself, ‘My master is staying away a long time’, and he begins to beat his fellow servants and to eat and drink with drunkards. The master of that servant will come on a day when he does not expect him and at an hour he is not aware of. He will cut him to pieces and assign him a place with the hypocrites, where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.” Since Jesus ascension, there have indeed been many false Christs and false prophets, starting with Peter and Paul, and now that we are at the end of the dark age, this world is grossly overpopulated with them, as they lead and guide this society we call life, when in all actuality it is mental, spiritual, and physical enslavement. Jesus said do not be deceived. He said there would be false Christs and false prophets. He said if anyone says, “Here he is, in the inner room, do not believe it.”, yet supposedly in the Bible, it was the spirit of the Lord, coming upon the male disciples in the inner room? No, that's inaccurate, and if you truly find the light within, you will read these Biblical stories, and see what they are truly deeply, spiritually, and metaphorically saying. Jesus said He would not be found in the inner rooms, but when we read the book of Acts, the male disciples write that Christ is in the inner room with them, and they are now going to lead the way, collecting all the people's land and money, distributing it as they see fit. Jesus said that false Christs and false prophets would appear and perform great signs and many miracles, to deceive even the elect, if that were possible, and when we look at the book of Acts, we clearly see the connection with what Jesus was saying in Matthew 24 when it says in Acts, chapter 2:43, that the male disciples performed many wonders and miraculous signs, and that some people started devoting themselves to these men, to the point of selling their homes and land, and then dropping the money at these men’s feet. And then shortly after, when Ananias and Sapphira die at Peter’s feet, that's when the fear starts to set in. There is no fear with God. I can promise you this. These words and actions are not Christ. These words and actions, prove these men to be false Christs and false prophets, while also proving Jesus to be right. Look around. The fact is this: All pastors, reverends, preachers, ministers, bishops, priests, popes, etc.; are all false prophets and false Christs, who have been deceiving the world. They claim to be educated on the word of God and travel around the world with their meaningless titles in front of their names, spreading nothing but lies, all in the name of Jesus, which proves them all to be false Christs. They lead groups of people across the earth, supposedly teaching the word of God and representing Christ, yet none of them have ever spoken the truth; all their works have been in vain, all for their personal gain. They have deceived the masses, just like in biblical days, because like I said, it is Deja vu, and we are in modern day biblical times, and this is our second and last chance to make this wrong, right. Weren’t the Jewish people waiting for a miraculous saving from their Messiah, while acting like they were upholding all the Laws of God, while the majority were only hypocrites? Weren’t they too blinded by fear to even know their Messiah was standing before them sharing and leading by example, the true ways of God? Weren’t they waiting for some great saving like all Christians do today? There are so many similarities. Just like fear and darkness had a hold on the Jewish people back then, fear and darkness also has a hold on the Christians as well. The Christians truly believe in their hearts all they are obligated to do is say they believe in Jesus and they are saved, and then one day eventually He is going to come flying out of the sky and rescue them out of here. I once felt that way too, while never truly understanding, but it does not work like that, and for this type of mentality, so much darkness and confusion has been bred into this world. I could honestly give the 2 billion plus Christians in the world a test over the Bible, and the majority would have no idea what I was even asking, which once again proves this method to be incorrect and useless; vain works through the deception of Satan, and I truly say this with love. Through facts, evidence, and the court of law, these supposed speakers of Christ’s teachings are all found guilty of fraud, racketeering, false pretenses, defamation, adultery, slandering, and blaspheming of God’s words. They are all proven to teach false doctrines, and by shining the light on this darkness, we can now be free, because nothing built on lies can last forever, and that is all this Roman Catholic, Christian institution has been. Most people do not know anything about the Bible, and if they do, it is just some nice prosperity message for when they are feeling down in this miserable existence. We are living in a sick world, literally, and it’s due to most people understanding the Bible literally, rather than metaphorically. This whole system was built to keep us down, while tricking us with false hope. The church system was created for control and financial profit; and nothing else. This entire worldly system was built by evil men who used fear to get what they want. The world is dark, your life is dark, and then you turn to the church for comfort; a comfort that does not truly exist, just like the medical field, why do you think the medical field’s symbol is the serpent? It was created by evil men who hoard the true knowledge, get you sick, then bring the treatment, just so they can make the money, while all along you will never truly be healed; and it is all led by Satan in the Vatican, who claims to be the Vicar for Christ, when the pope is merely masquerading as an angel of light because by the Vatican’s fruits, they are pure evil, uprooted, twice dead. If the pope was a so-called Vicar for Christ, 30,000 children would not be dying from starvation every day while his sick institution is worth billions, probably trillions, and they have been operating and leading the world since Peter aka Satan, for the last 2,000 plus years. These men claim to be fishers of men, but it is obvious all the fish they have caught are spiritually dead, because all these men have been dead fish as well. If the pope thinks he is a Vicar for Christ, I am here to tell him that he is nothing but a failure like Peter; and him, along with this false church system, are doomed to destruction. The Vatican claims to be a replacement for Christ, but that is not true; and if anyone was the replacement for Christ it is Mary Magdalene, because She is the Holy Spirit, who understood every word Jesus spoke. Jesus says in the Bible when He is gone, the Holy Spirit will be with them and guide them to the truth. In Jesus Aramaic language, the Holy Spirit is feminine, and that is Mary Magdalene, not Peter; and the truth is that the word vicar comes from the Latin word vicarius, which means ‘instead of’, so through this institution’s actions, they are proving they are Satan instead of Christ. Darkness instead of light. The Roman Catholic Religion is only about the physicality of life, that is why they worship Mother Mary, the woman who physically birthed the physical man they have used to make money off of, while shunning our true spiritual Mother, Mary Magdalene, who through wisdom and understanding, gives spiritual birth to us; but they never wanted us to be spiritually enlightened, because then we would be mentally and physically free, so consequently most have only known her as a prostitute. This entire world system is a sick, worn out cycle that leads to total destruction, and it is time for a spiritual healing that will bring true change to the world, but can only come from the woman who has been kept silent for so long. Pope Francis said 2016 is the year of Light, but what he needs to admit is that his church has been a false light, and like Jesus says, “Every kingdom divided against itself will be ruined”. That is why within all religions, there are different sects. They are all fake, created by man’s ego, and over time, they have all divided through man’s ego, once again, on a power trip to lead and control. Religion is like a cancer whose cells keep dividing and spreading until the entire world is dead. We have had wars and rumors of wars which seem to never end; nation against nation, kingdom against kingdom, with famines and earthquakes all over the world. We have been going through birth pains for quite some time now, but we are finally at the end, birthing a spiritual awakening, through consciously evolving overtime; uniting under love, wisdom, knowledge, and truth, but most importantly free will. By becoming consciously aware and enlightened to the fact that we are all one within one, the pain of the past will no longer be remembered, because in the light, darkness can no longer be found. In the middle east so many beautiful, innocent souls have lost their lives; some in the most horrific ways, all for their supposed religious faith, which sorry to say, is nothing but a lie. The truth is that Satan has turned everyone against each other, as he sits in safety behind the Vatican walls. The Roman Empire created Islam, as they groomed Muhammad for his position, just like they have groomed every world leader for theirs, because they operate off the guidelines of divide, conquer, and control. They separated the Arabs and then had some go into northern Africa to kill off the other true followers of Christ. It is the same thing happening today, because history just keeps repeating itself. Isn't it a little odd how all Abrahamic religions have Jesus incorporated into them? Some like Him, others hate Him, while all staying in compliance with the Vatican, which is the modern-day Roman Empire. Satan has caused these religions, while controlling man through his ego, with the only results leading to death. All three Abrahamic religions are created through lies, but one truth they all have in common is the name of Christ. It is time for a true change and a true revolution. Didn’t Albert Einstein say that the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, expecting a different result? Killing results to more killing, death results to more death, hate results to more hate, but love results to more love, and knowledge results to true freedom. The time has come for this method to be changed, because this method has only produced darkness. So many people have turned away from the faith, because ever since Peter, it was never a true, pure faith at all. The people of the earth seem to gradually hate and betray one another, as we are deceived by our leaders, causing wickedness to swell. As individuals and humanity as a whole, our love has become cold, bringing great pain to our beautiful Mother Earth. But we are finally at the end, just as Jesus says; the end of the darkness and the dawning of pure light, and the time has come for the true word of God to be shared throughout the world as a testimony of Love, in the name of our Father-Mother God in Heaven, and through free will and true knowledge and understanding, we can all consciously decide which side we want to be on, because with courage, love, and wisdom; confusion, hate, and fear no longer exist. The definition of abomination is a thing that causes disgust or hatred, and the definition of desolation is a state of complete emptiness or destruction; anguished misery or loneliness. The pope is that abomination that causes desolation, as he travels the world claiming victory over all the land, truly believing in his heart that he will get away with the great deceptions he has caused around the world. The Vatican is the evilest institution to ever exist, while training the rest of the world to be their little devil children. Man creates sin through the darkness within. Man causes fear, that is why he is day 6, and after man aka Satan’s evil control and nothing but war and death, man’s destruction to his ego has arrived and the sacred feminine is here to teach, comfort, and heal; shining light on Satan’s dark institution, causing his false operation to no longer exist. At first you feel safe and secure, and then man’s darkness within aka Satan, causes the chaos to bring in his order to control everyone to do as he says, as he profits off us every single day. He causes chaos that instills fear, while offering a solution of peace, but it is only a deception that leads to death. Satan leads the deepest, darkest institution and he resides within the Vatican. He started his operation within Peter and has continued claiming dominion of the world up until now with Francis. Francis is doing the same thing as Peter, once again, taking possession of all the land and money, distributing it as he sees fit, while controlling all through a one world system that was born through fear but promised with peace. Read the book of Acts and you will see that the pope is doing the same exact thing that Peter did to the people, because Peter was Satan and so is the pope, as well as all others before; but over time, we have acquired the knowledge needed to fully understand and finally conquer evil with good. This fake Christian Religion has everyone at home, sitting in fear, feasting on animal flesh, and judging all the misery in the world, which is the very misery that was caused by their leader Satan, as they anxiously wait for their savior to appear. That does not sound like Jesus to me. It sounds like these Christians are deceived by Satan; and the truth is that the world is not coming to an end, but rather this evil world, which is known as the dark age, is coming to an end, and it was all caused by the Church’s evil patriarchal leader, who tricked most Christians into thinking they were living the ways of Christ, but it was only the false ways of man. The Vatican thinks they can hoard all the knowledge and control the world through fear, which once again proves they do not understand, making these men out to be fallible rather than infallible, and this institution is the most fallible institution to exist in history, which exceeds the evilest, darkest levels most human beings could even perceive. When someone calls these men ‘father’, or ‘holy father’, they are not following the ways of Christ; like the Bible says, they are the children of the devil, and I speak these words out of pure love because I genuinely care for all life in this world and I want to at least offer words of truth, so for once in life, everyone has an equal opportunity to make an honest decision through free will. I do not want to control anyone, but Satan aka the Vatican sure does, and as I am writing this book, pope Francis is traveling the world, corrupting the minds of our world leaders through money and power, while making the evilest business deals, while the world thinks it is all a blessing. Satan has Bill and Melinda Gates truly believing in their hearts that they are doing the will of God when they inject innocent children all over the world with vaccines that have a list of possible life threatening side effects; after all, they are devout Roman Catholics. The truth lies within all of us. The main mission in life is free will and Love, and we will never find the truth when we are always looking elsewhere. We weren’t meant to get these vaccines. We weren’t meant to get these diseases. Getting shots and going into churches is not going to fix the problems. Man-made interventions are only going to continue to make the problems worse. We must look within, and start living the way God truly intended, and then everything will finally begin to heal. Jesus told His disciples to keep watch and the Bible clearly proves Peter failed every time, and if anyone tries to call me a liar or say I am changing the word of God, I challenge them to open the Bible and show me where Peter succeeded. Peter was in charge over the others and he is the very man Jesus was speaking of, yet he never understood. Peter is the wicked servant Jesus prophesied about that was restricted by time and did not understand, and through never seeing Jesus return, became even more evil, beating his fellow servants. Peter failed as watchman and his house was broken into, and now that we are at the end of the dark age, the Vatican is going to see that like Peter, they have failed as well; after all the Vatican sits in the seat of Peter, and like Jesus says, in the end, hell will not prevail; that is why the Vatican’s destruction has come. Matthew 25 talks about the foolish virgins who did not have their oil. The oil was needed for the lamps to produce light to guide them through the night. The oil symbolizes teachings and the lamp symbolizes the body, and the night represents this dark world; and a human being needs these special, sacred teachings to light the way through the darkness, and the one who carried the special, sacred oil was none other than Mary Magdalene. She is the Holy Spirit who carried the special, sacred teachings; and through carrying that special oil, your body is filled with light so even through the darkest of times you are able to make it through. Matthew 25 also says that the Bridegroom, meaning Jesus, was a long time in coming and many fell asleep, just as Peter and the majority of the people in this world today. At the time of the wedding banquet, the ones who did not have their oil were not able to be with Jesus, meaning if you are not living in His True Loving Humane Way, He is going to say, “I do not know you.” In this parable, Jesus again says to keep watch, and again, evidence is in the Holy Bible that Peter never did. Matthew 25:31-46, Jesus says, “When the Son of Man comes in His Glory, and all the angels with Him, He will sit on His throne in Heavenly Glory. All the nations will be gathered before Him, and He will separate the people one from another as a shepherd separates the sheep from the goats. He will put the sheep on His right and the goats on His left. Then the King will say to those on His right, ‘Come, you who are blessed by my Father; take your inheritance, the Kingdom prepared for you since the creation of the world. For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me.’ Then the righteous will answer Him, ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you something to drink? When did we see you a stranger and invite you in, or needing clothes and clothe you? When did we see you sick or in prison and come and visit you?’ The King will reply, ‘I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you have done for me.’ Then He will say to those on His left, ‘Depart from Me, you who are cursed into the eternal fire prepared for the devil and his angels. For I was hungry and you gave me nothing to eat. I was thirsty and you gave me nothing to drink. I was a stranger and you did not invite me in, I needed clothes and you did not clothe me. I was sick and in prison and you did not look after me. They also will answer, ‘Lord when did we see you hungry or thirsty or a stranger or needing clothes or sick or in prison, and did not help you?’ He will reply, ‘I tell you the truth, whatever you did not do for one of the least of these, you did not do for me.’ Then they will go away to eternal punishment, but the righteous to eternal life.” Like I said before, the right side of God is Christ and the left side is Satan; the right side of Jesus is Mary Magdalene and the left side is Peter, and Jesus specifically addressed Peter as Satan in the Bible, so do not tell me that I am changing the word of God, because Jesus said it, not me. Mary Magdalene is the only one who understood the teachings from Jesus, and She is the only one who was pure and never sinned again. She only wanted the good, whereas Peter never learned, and he was constantly being rebuked by Jesus. The proof is in the Bible that Peter never cared for anyone and kept the money and land for himself. The proof is in the Bible that Peter is a murderer and he chose the money and land over two lives, who are known as Ananias and Sapphira, the cloud of the Lord and the precious gem. In the book of Acts, Peter has his men bury the bodies and he does not feel any remorse because he is Satan, playing God himself, that is why Jesus says to Peter, “Away from Me Satan! You are a stumbling block to Me! You do not have in mind the things of God, but the things of men!” Mary Magdalene went away to eternal life, never tasting spiritual death. Her soul never went to that dark side, because throughout Her physical life She was kind to all. That is why Jesus tells Peter in the last chapter of John that the special, loved disciple would remain alive until His return, meaning She would never taste spiritual death. Now that we are at the end, given our second chance here in modern day biblical times, the Mystery of God is being revealed and the time has come to separate the sheep from the goats, the right from the left, the light from the dark, the good from the evil; and with this spiritual knowledge we have the free will to choose, and if anyone chooses to stay in this fake Christian religion, or any religion for that matter, they are handing themselves over to Satan and his angels within the Vatican, after all, it is the pope who is leading the world religions, and it is one man who was prophesied to lead the entire world astray. The beginning of Matthew 26 is about one of many anointings given by Mary Magdalene and received by Jesus. All the men were disgusted and said the oil was very expensive and could have been sold for money and given to the poor. Jesus asks them why they are bothering Her and tells them that She has done a beautiful thing to Him. Jesus then tells them they will always have the poor, but they will not always have Him and by anointing Him, She is preparing Him for His burial. He then concludes with, “I tell you the truth, wherever this gospel is preached throughout the world, what She has done will also be told, in memory of Her.” This story is more evidence that proves She knew many things that the men did not know or understand. Luke 4:18 says Jesus was anointed by God with the Holy Spirit and Acts 10:38 says God anointed Jesus. The only one to anoint Jesus is Mary Magdalene, who is the Holy Spirit and She did it many times, and reason being is because they are the male and female entities of God, and God is Love. After this beautiful ceremonial anointing, which the men viewed as sinful, disgusting, and forbidden; Judas went to the chief priests to see how much they would give him to betray Jesus, and they told him thirty pieces of silver, and from that point forward he waited for a time to hand Jesus over, and the reason Judas was able to succeed at handing Jesus over was because Peter failing every time as watchman, and again, I challenge anyone to prove me wrong. Once again, Jesus was right about always having the sick and poor until His return, and reason being is because our leaders are just like these biblical men; under the evil spell of Satan who resides within the Vatican. Just like the Bible says God anointed Jesus, the writings titled Queen of Heaven: The Life and Times of Mary Magdalene describes Mary Magdalene the same, exact way. When Mary was born, She was born with a crescent marking on Her forehead. This marking was how the Jewish people knew She was the sacred Goddess who would anoint the King of Israel, freeing the Jews from the Romans control. Why do you think He didn’t start His ministry until He was 30? Many men tried to marry Her but She rejected them and when She met Jesus She knew He was the One. She anointed Him as the Messiah, awakening Him to His true, spiritual self. Because of Her, He knew what He had to do, even when His own family didn’t believe Him. Matthew 26:36-56, takes place right after the last supper, and Jesus takes His disciples to Gethsemane, and He tells them to sit while He goes off to pray and takes with Him James, John, and Peter. He tells the men that His soul is filled with sorrow to the point of death, and to sit and keep watch. Once Jesus returns, He finds Peter sleeping, and Jesus tells Peter to watch and pray so he will not fall into temptation, because the spirit is willing, but the body is weak. Jesus went away a second time and a third time, with Peter doing the same thing, because Peter is weak, and for his failure as watchman, Jesus was betrayed and handed over to the chief priests. After Peter failed, Judas showed up with a crowd of people armed with swords and clubs. His signal for betrayal was giving Jesus a kiss on the cheek, and as he did it, Jesus said, “Friend, do what you came for.”, and once they arrested Jesus, Peter used a sword and cut off the right ear of one of the men. Jesus then tells Peter to put the sword away, because all who draw the sword will die by the sword. Jesus then says to Peter, “Do you think I cannot call on my Father, and He will at once put at my disposal more than twelve legions of angels? But how then would the Scriptures be fulfilled that say it must happen this way?” Jesus then says, “Am I leading a rebellion, that you have come out with swords and clubs to capture Me? Every day I sat in the temple courts teaching, and you did not arrest Me. But this has all taken place that the writings of the prophets might be fulfilled.” After Jesus said these words, all His disciples deserted Him and fled; He was left all alone, but the one who never left His side is His wife Mary Magdalene. Jesus would not tell Peter to do something if he did not have the ability to do it. The reason Peter was a failure is because he chose to be a failure. He is the evil one doomed to destruction, who never understood, just like the Vatican, along with their entire false religious system. They are failures because they choose to be, and like Peter, the Vatican is the evil one doomed to destruction. Because of Peter, Jesus was betrayed, and out of fear, Peter did what he does best, actually the only thing he knows, and that is bloodshed. Peter was not following the way of his Teacher, instead he did everything his own way, which was the wrong way, every time. Three years had gone by with Jesus instructing Peter, and in the world today that would almost be a bachelor’s degree, and obviously if he were here, Peter would not be getting that degree, because he is a failure, just like the Vatican. In life we must pass certain tests to become a teacher. We only want to learn from those who understand, and it is apparent that Peter never did, that is why as he tried to lead the way, he failed as the flock was scattered. Once we understand this truth, then we can understand why this world is in such turmoil, and when we trace the lines, it all goes back to Roman Catholicism; after all, they claim to have the “keys” because of Peter, and after proving their existence to be false, we can then understand, they only hold the keys to misery, lies, and darkness. All Peter and Paul knew was bloodshed, control, money, and death; all the ways of Satan, not the true ways of Christ. Like Jesus says, Paul drew the sword and that is why he died by the sword, as he got his head cut off in Rome. Peter was trying to lead like Christ, but he was only Satan, and that is why he went upside on the cross, because he was never like Jesus at all, and I have no idea why people call Peter a saint. The definition of a saint is holy and virtuous, the definition of virtuous is having or showing high moral standards, and the definition of moral is concerned with the principles of right and wrong and the goodness and badness of human character. If I killed someone over money I would be considered bad, if I came into the church calling people ignorant, they would think I was an immoral person, and if I said women should keep their mouth shut and if people don’t listen they will then be ignored by God, people would think I was terrible, yet these are the very things Peter and Paul said and did, and yet they are revered as saints. Jesus never once called Peter a saint. The title Jesus gave Peter in the Bible is Satan, so once again, who are Christians truly serving; man or God, Satan or Christ, wrong or right, hate or love, darkness or light? It is time to wake up and realize Christianity’s interpretation of the Bible is false, and it does not matter the denomination, because all Christians represent Peter and Paul. Simple, dull, judgmental, hypocritical; only caring about the physicality of life, without any true spiritual understanding, and like the church in Rome states: The Vatican is the mother and head of all churches in the city and the world, so if you are a preacher in any Christian church, you are nothing more than a prostitute working for the mother harlot church. The Vatican claims to hold the remains of Peter and Paul, making them two witnesses to Jesus' name. These men are examples of how not to be in life, yet the Christian Community views them as saints and the non-believers just hate Jesus and everything about the Bible all together, once again giving the Vatican total control over everyone’s minds, because whether someone believes in Jesus or not, the Vatican is winning, because both sides were for Satan all along. Just like the elections. It does not matter which side someone votes for, both are for the same agenda, two wings of the same bird, being run by the same old, evil minded group of men. It is time to gain control of our minds and think with common sense. The church teaches Peter and Paul are great, but when we read about them in the Bible, they do not do anything in the true ways of Christ. In the book of Acts, Peter was in a trance and really thought Jesus was speaking to him, telling him to get up and kill, even though Jesus warned him about Satan prior to His ascension. Just like darkness covered the land between noon and three when Jesus was put to death, darkness covered Peter’s mind at noon as well, as Satan came to lead him to his death. It is the law of attraction, as it was Peter’s failure as watchman causing Jesus' betrayal. Jesus knew from day one Peter was not sincere. Jesus is pure God consciousness in the form of man, and there is no point for Him to tell Peter that He knows he is not sincere, because it is all about free will, and that is the life Peter chose. Jesus knew from day one that Peter would always be evil minded, that is why He told Peter he could have the keys, and hell would not prevail. The truth is, Peter could have had the keys if he truly understood Christ’s teachings, in fact any of us can, but Peter never did, and Jesus knew he never would, that is why He said in the end hell would not prevail; meaning the end of this male dominated dark evil world that the Vatican controls. Peter and his brother Andrew thought Mary Magdalene’s loving words of Christ’s wisdom were strange teachings, yet Peter really thought it was Jesus speaking to him when he heard the words get up and kill, when it was really Satan coming to sift through the darkness of Peter’s own ego. Does that sound like Jesus to you? Two people died at Peter’s feet and he did not care; instead he had their bodies buried for lying to him about money, and many Catholics love to kiss the feet of Peter’s statue. Does that sound like the ways of Christ to you? Paul collected the money from the people on a certain day and they were given instructions on how to do so, and they better do it or else there will be chastisements. Did Jesus ever do that? Out of all these questions, who do these actions sound more like, Christ or Satan? The light or the dark? And along with this question, we are already told by Jesus in the Bible that Satan wanted to sift Peter like wheat, and we know that Jesus called Peter Satan, so with common sense I know people can answer these questions correctly, and along with this acknowledgement, please look within and understand that we have all been tricked and deceived, but God is Love, and we all deserve a second chance. We have all been fed lies. We only know what we are taught, whether it is right or wrong, and within all religions, Satan has taught us some of the most horrific things and the culprit who keeps the true knowledge from us sits behind the Vatican walls, thinking they are divine just because they steal and kill; but they can keep all their so called precious knowledge, because what they have was never the true keys at all. The truth is within us all, and it could never be hidden forever. The only thing these men could ever do, is try to steal our beauty within, so we would all become physical and mental slaves to them for being spiritually weak. Like Peter, we have all failed as watchmen for Christ, because we turn to man for all the answers rather than searching within ourselves. We let man shame us and guilt us into thinking we will always be sinners, while using Jesus name as an excuse to do as we please, and as long as we keep on repenting, Jesus' dead body will take care of it. This is an illusion from man and his lack of spiritual knowledge, because in the Bible Jesus tells us to be perfect, meaning we have the ability, and God’s definition of perfect is not anything that man would try and make us perceive. If Jesus is God in the form of man, and He says to be perfect, then who are we listening to when we are made to believe that we are only capable of being sinners? Without using any outside sources, the truth is hidden in the Holy Bible, that the people we have been taught as great, are really the evilest men of them all, and we now have a second chance at correcting this catastrophic wrong. The time has come for the truth to be revealed, and I am not here to change the word of God, rather I am here to change man’s interpretation and teaching of God’s word, because the Bible proves them to be false, and ever since Peter, these men have not produced any positive results, and it has been over 2,000 plus years; enough is enough. We know for a fact that the King James Version is not the only true biblical information. We know for a fact many other books were burned and destroyed, while only compiling a small amount of information into the Bible many Christians today claim to be the only “true word of God”; but even though these men chose what they wanted us to know, while controlling us through fear, they would not be able to get away with it forever, because man lacks true spiritual understanding, and that is why they have continued to suppress the woman, because she is wisdom, truth, life, love, and light; and if she were able to teach and heal, then they could no longer control, enslave, and destroy. Jesus knew there would be evil men like we have today over the course of His time away, because they already existed before He came, that is why He talked in parables. The elect disciples, which by the way did not include Peter or Paul, were able to write and communicate so the evil men would not understand as well. Peter had no idea what the men meant when they said he is a hewn stone six squared, and he had no idea that the man’s number of 666 was referring to him, because he is dull, simple, and evil just like the Vatican and all other supposed teachers of God’s words. This Christian Religion, which originates from Roman Catholicism and is directed through the Vatican, has destroyed so many lives for thousands of years, strictly from lies and false pretenses. It is time for Satan’s evil institution to come to an end. Jesus said it, not me. He said hell would not prevail, and now that we are at the end of the age, Satan aka the Vatican will not prevail in their evil plans, because the weapon of knowledge and true spiritual light has arrived; defeating the evil and claiming victory over death, darkness, and lies. Matthew 26:57-75: After Jesus was betrayed, He was taken to the high priest, with Peter following at a distance. Peter could not keep watch, but he sure could follow behind secretly and scared, just to be nosey. Peter never followed Jesus any other time, but he was able to follow Jesus to His death. The high priest asked Jesus if He was the Christ, the Son of God, and Jesus answered yes, and then said, “But I say to all of you: In the future you will see the Son of Man sitting at the right hand of the Mighty One and coming on the clouds of Heaven.” Then the high priest ripped Jesus' clothes and said that He blasphemed and was worthy of death. While all of this was going on, Peter was sitting in the courtyard and a girl approached him and told him that he also was with Jesus of Galilee, but he denied it and said, “I don’t know what you are talking about.” Then Peter went out to the gateway, where another girl said, “This fellow was with Jesus of Nazareth.” Peter denied it again with an oath: “I don’t know the man!” Then the third time a group of people told him that he was surely one of Jesus' people and Peter started calling down curses on himself and he swore to them, “I don’t know the man!” Immediately after saying those words, a rooster crowed, and Peter remembered what Jesus said, “Before the rooster crows, you will disown Me three times.” Jesus knows all. He knows everything about everyone; He knows a person’s true self. The other books describe some of these stories differently, which they should in a sense, because they were written by individual people, and I will get into them after Matthew, because they all share beautiful symbolism. The definition of an oath is ‘a promise in which one asks God to witness that something is true’, so Peter was asking God to be a witness to him not knowing Jesus; and by Peter’s actions throughout his lifetime, he clearly proves he never did. The first time Peter lied to the girl, but the second time, Peter not only lied to the girl, but he also made an oath to God, asking our Father-Mother God to witness what he was saying as true. The third time he called curses down on himself and swore to the people; and again, this is after three years of Jesus’ teachings, and Jesus taught Peter in Matthew Chapter Five, to never swear at all: either by Heaven, because it is God’s throne; or by earth because it is God’s footstool, and to never swear by your own head. Jesus says to let your ‘yes’ be ‘yes’ and your ‘no’ be ‘no’; He says anything else beyond that is from the evil one. It is obvious from the beginning of Peter’s life, until the end of Peter’s life, he was the evil one that was doomed to destruction. Peter was reinstated in the last chapter of John, and just like Peter failed and disowned Jesus three times, Jesus also knew Peter would fail after being reinstated, that is why He asks Peter three times if he truly loves Him, and tells him to take care of His sheep and lambs three times as well, and the evidence is in the Bible through Peter’s actions that he failed, yet again, and the Bible says to warn a divisive person once, then twice, after that have nothing to do with them, because they are self-condemned. Peter was self-condemned, and he is the very one all Christians follow, after all the church system is established through him and that is why the church has only produced lies, money, and death. How can you follow a man who is proven to be a failure as a disciple of Christ and expect to understand the true way of God? This is the very reason the world is in such distress and chaos, with Satan leading the way through the Vatican. On the day of Jesus' crucifixion in Matthew 27, He was mocked and tortured, and then from noon to three, there was complete darkness over the land as He cried out, giving up His spirit. There is no mention of any male disciples at the crucifixion, but the Bible does say there were many women, including Mary Magdalene and His mother. His body was wrapped in clean linen and placed in a tomb that Mary Magdalene sat by and cried. After the Sabbath, at dawn on the first day of the week, Mary Magdalene went to the tomb and an angel appeared, telling Her, Jesus has risen. As She left the tomb, Jesus greeted Her, and She clasped His feet and worshiped Him. He then tells Her to tell the men that He will be ahead of them. The meaning of dawn is: grow light, give promise, first appearance of light, first opening or expansion, the changing from darkness to light. It is the law of attraction, and Peter is the dark and Mary is the light; that is why Peter is associated with the vision at noon and Mary is associated with dawn. Also, after Paul killed off many of Christ’s true followers, lightning came down on him at noon. Peter and Paul are associated with noon and darkness; Mary Magdalene is associated with dawn and Light. She is the light who came out of the darkness, She is the one who overcame the darkness and only wanted the light, She is the one who held the true light of Christ, while Peter and Paul spent their lifetime in the darkness, up until their demise. Like Proverbs 4:18-19 says, “The path of the righteous is like the first gleam of dawn, shining ever brighter till the full light of day. But the way of the wicked is like deep darkness; they do not know what makes them stumble.” I know there are many people silently hurting from the church system in some way, shape, or form; especially Catholics. There are many who sit at home in pain; a pain most could never even fathom, wondering how such an evil system could get away with the things they have done and still continue to operate. I understand their pain, but I want them to know God is about justice, and the time has come for justice to be served. Peter and Paul are examples of that. They had the free will to be any kind of men they wanted, and they chose to be controlling, evil, manipulative, liars, and killers; and eventually it caught up with them because what goes around comes around; it is the law of attraction, and through their dark energy within, along with Cornelius, who had his vision at 3pm, they were brought together, and finally Peter and Paul were paid back for all the pain and misery they had caused. The Vatican represents the darkness and I represent the light. The Vatican represents Peter and Paul, and I represent Mary Magdalene; the Hidden One. Like Peter and Paul, the Vatican has had the free will to be any kind of men as well, and through following the ways of their so-called saints Peter and Paul, who are the founders of their church, the Vatican is going to see that “like father, like son”, their demise has come, after all their father is Satan. Justice has arrived, and the darkness is passing as dawn breaks through; offering healing, comfort, and truth. Like Proverbs 11:16 says, “A kindhearted woman gains respect, but ruthless men gain only wealth.” In Matthew 28:16-20, Jesus appears to the other disciples, some worshipping Him, while others doubted. He then says to them, “All authority in Heaven and on earth has been given to Me. Therefore, go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.” Peter was not capable of being a teacher of Christ’s words because he never understood Christ’s words; it is impossible, and that is why the church system has failed. We are at the end of the age, the end of the dark age, and dawn is finally breaking, with the divine sacred feminine coming to heal and teach the new world; created with love, wisdom, and truth. Jesus says in the Bible that the Counselor, the Spirit of Truth, will come and convict the world of guilt in regard to sin and righteousness and judgment; in regard to sin, because men do not believe in Him; in regard to righteousness, because He is going to the Father and will no longer be seen; and in regard to judgment, because the prince of this world now stands condemned. Jesus says the Counselor will guide the world to all truth. He says the Spirit of Truth will not speak on Her own, only what She hears, and She will foretell what is yet to come. Jesus says the Spirit of Truth will take from what is His, making it known to the world, bringing Him great glory. Now that we are at the end of the age, the Spirit of Truth has arrived, and the prince of this world now stands condemned, and his residence is within the Vatican. I am the Counselor, the Spirit of Truth, and I am here to prove the world guilty in regard to sin, righteousness, and judgment. Many in the world do not believe in Jesus' existence, and the ones that say they do are merely the hypocrites that Jesus spoke about, and the majority do not live in His ways, therefore they truly do not believe. Instead they follow the ways of the prince of this dark, evil world, Satan; and he is completing his work for global dominance and destruction to every natural form of God’s beautiful creations through the pope, along with his other little minions of incompetence; but I am here to condemn him and his institution for all the lies, misery, and death that has been manipulated into the world, and the only way to do so is through knowledge, wisdom, and understanding; three simple, yet beautiful and complex virtues that man has always lacked. I am here to bring glory to Jesus' name, as I take from what is His, making it known to the world; bringing a true enlightenment that a man has never offered. 

Chapter Four 
Mark 3:20-29 tells of the beginning of Jesus ministry. Everywhere He went, people would gather to hear Him teach. His own family said He was out of His mind, and the teachers of the law said He was possessed by the devil. Jesus asks them how Satan can drive out Satan. He then tells them that if a kingdom or house is divided against itself it cannot stand. He then tells the people factually, no one can enter a strong man’s house and steal anything; meaning if you are spiritually strong, the evil one can never come and steal your treasure within. All three Abrahamic religions have been divided against themselves, that is why they are falling apart and can no longer stand. These verses in the Bible also show once again, how Mary Magdalene is the only one who ever truly knew and understood Jesus; not even his own physical mother and other family members; even if they did receive a message telling them that Mary was pregnant with the King of the Jews, they did not understand what that meant. Before the evil, patriarchal church men changed the meaning of the word virgin as in a woman never having sex, the true definition of a virgin woman simply meant a woman who was without a man. Mary was not married or owned by a man. They say the greatest men came from virgin women. It had nothing to do with sex. Jesus’ mother did not get magically pregnant, and when we instead use the original, true meaning of the word virgin, the story then actually makes logical sense. The very Bible tells us that Mary and Joseph were not yet married, and that is the true meaning of a virgin woman. The only person who truly knew Jesus is Mary Magdalene, and it is She who anointed Him as King. She is the one who knew, She is the one who understood, She is the one who would anoint the King of Israel, bringing down the Roman Empire, along with these false teachings of God, and She is the one that Peter, Paul, and almost all of the other men went after, and that is why we are told very little of Her, and that is why the evil church marked Her down as just a sinning prostitute who Jesus felt sorry for. All Jewish men were not alike. Some valued the woman very much, but others looked down on the woman in disgust, and that is the Pharisees and Sadducees, and eventually after Jesus' crucifixion, Saul known as Paul, along with the Romans, working for Herod, sought out to capture Mary. Mary and Jesus are hated equally, and Mary is probably hated even more because She is the one who spiritually birthed Jesus, awakening Him to His true self, that is why She was put down as a no-good prostitute, and He was put down as a single man who never had a wife, and She is also the only one who truly understood Christ and what His teachings meant. She was the only one to truly know Jesus. They were bringing the balance back to mother earth,where all men and women are equal, repairing the defilement of Adam and Eve, before Eve was cursed as being owned and underneath Adam. Certain Jewish men did not like that because their simple male minds were still under a curse as well, and Jesus and Mary Magdalene’s love, wisdom, and truth had the power to free all of humanity from the Roman Empire’s control, and many Roman men, along with many Judaic men, were not having that. Like Jesus says, Satan cannot drive out Satan, and that is why none of these religions have been able to drive out the darkness of this world. In Mark 3:31-35 Jesus is speaking to a crowd of people when His brothers and mother come to see Him. They sent someone to call Him, but He said, “Who are My mother and my brothers? Here are My mother and My brothers! Whoever does God’s will is My brother, sister, and mother.” In the Bible, Jesus does not put His mother before anyone. To Him, we are all equal, once again proving, the only reason the Roman Catholic Church worships mother Mary is because she physically birthed the man they use to control the world and make money, as they parade around as a sign of victory with Him dead on the cross. Just like Peter only followed Jesus to His death, the Vatican, which sits in the seat of Peter, wants people to follow them into the pit as they keep Jesus dead on the cross, and keep the world spiritually dead as well, as they take full dominance of this earth. Mark 3:21-25 Jesus says, “Do you bring in a lamp to put it under a bowl or a bed? Instead, don’t you put it on its stand? For whatever is hidden is meant to be disclosed, and whatever is concealed is meant to be brought out into the open. If anyone has ears to hear, let him hear.” “Consider carefully what you hear; with the measure you use it will be measured to you- and even more. Whoever has will be given more; whoever does not have, even what he has will be taken from him.” When Jesus spoke these words, He was indirectly speaking to Peter, and Mary Magdalene knew Jesus was symbolically speaking about Her. Jesus knew Peter did not have ears to hear, and Jesus also knew Peter’s cruel intentions. Mary had the oil and She is the beautiful lamp that carried the light through the night, but Peter was jealous of Her. He could not stand that a woman had such knowledge, wisdom, intellect, and understanding. Jesus knew Peter’s wrathful heart, but Peter was too blind to understand that Jesus was speaking about him; that is why he tried to do the very things Jesus prophesied about. He tried to go after the sacred woman. In the Gospel of Mary Magdalene, Peter asks Her the things She knows, that they do not, and when She shares the hidden teachings, they are too complex for his simple mind, so him and his brother Andrew become angry with Her, and set out to destroy Her; but Jesus already knew and She already knew, that is why after Mary Magdalene, the Holy Spirit of Truth, shared the hidden teachings that none of the men could even comprehend, Peter plus the other men physically went through the very things She spiritually spoke about; and ever since, humanity has been controlled by Peter aka Satan aka the evil one aka man’s dark ego aka the Vatican; that is why whenever history is discovered on Mary Magdalene, the Roman Catholic Church always gets angry and dismisses it just like Peter, because they know that knowledge is the only true way to bring down their false institution; freeing humanity mentally, physically, and spiritually, causing them to no longer exist financially, religiously, militarily, or politically. The time has come for what has been hidden to be disclosed. The time has come for what has been concealed to be brought out into the open. The time has come for the measure that the Roman Catholic Church has used on the world to come back on them, and even more. Peter and Paul were the darkness, the Vatican is the darkness, Satan is the darkness that masquerades as though he is an angel of light, but he never could be because the woman is the true light. Mary Magdalene is the Hidden One, meant to be disclosed at the proper time, that is why Jesus told Peter that the sacred disciple would remain alive until His return. Mary Magdalene is the concealed one, who at the end of the dark age, is brought out into the open, shining an everlasting light on all the darkness of the world, causing fear to no longer exist; but it could not happen until man physically went through the seven powers of wrath, causing him to spiritually overcome his ego, embracing the sacred feminine within, bringing a balance back to Mother Earth. We are exiting the Piscean age, and we are entering the Age of Aquarius; the age of truth and freedom. Peter was mean to everyone: Mary Magdalene, the disciples, his own Jewish people, plus the people of Rome. The measure that he used on the people is the very reason he had a heavy measure used on him in the end, along with Paul. Mary Magdalene held Christ’s wisdom, because She understood, that is why She was given more. Peter never held Christ’s wisdom, because he lacked true love and understanding, that is why even the physical things he acquired were taken from him, as he was hung upside down on the cross. Now that we are at the end of the dark age, the Vatican will see that like Peter, they have no spiritual understanding, that is why all the physical possessions they have acquired will be taken from them, and the measure they have used on all nations will come back on them even more. The darkness is over, and dawn has arrived. The sacred feminine has returned; overcoming the darkness, breaking through to the light. The Queen of Heaven, The Spiritual Mother, The Great Mother Goddess; destroying this old, evil, worn out, man-made world; freeing the true children of Light from darkness and fear, as the new world is created through love, wisdom, and truth. The evil, jealous god spoken about in the Old Testament did not like that the Israelites worshipped the Queen of Heaven and they were made to stop. The Israelites said once they stopped, they no longer had anything and were perishing by sword and famine. Sound familiar? Jesus came to repair that defilement that had been going on between man and woman for thousands of years. Jesus and Mary Magdalene are the male and female entities of God, who brought understanding, balance, equality, and love back to the male dominated world. The women followed willingly, but the evil men wanted no part of it, because they would be losing total control, and for that, we have been cursed ever since, with man trying to intervene in every aspect of humanity, not realizing he is failing all the way. Ever since Jesus' death and Mary Magdalene’s dismissal, humanity has still been under male dominated control, just like in the Old Testament, as the world is perishing by famine and sword. The man is the left, the woman is the right, the man is the dark and the woman is the light; that is why Revelation speaks of the dragon going after the woman at the end of the age; the end of the male dominated age of control, death, lies, fear, misery, darkness, and destruction; because by the woman’s wisdom and healing, she births a new world, destroying the darkness man has brought to Mother Earth, and for man’s lack of understanding, the only thing he will want to do is kill, and like Peter, he will think God told him to. But the woman is not coming to destroy the man like he has always done to her. Rather, she is coming to destroy man’s dark ego with courage, wisdom, understanding, healing, love, and light. The dragon is Satan, Satan is the serpent, and the Vatican is the serpent that gets their head crushed by the woman, as she comes back for Her True Children of Light; The Chosen Ones, The IsRealLights, The Enlightened Ones; not coming from any particular race, culture, or bloodline, because flesh and blood do not matter; it is the ones who have the true Christ conscious mind, fore the mind is where the treasure is. It is the ones who are spiritually awakened, but the dragon aka the Vatican aka the serpent, who only knows how to lie, steal, and kill, does not want that to happen, because then they would no longer have control over our minds, hearts, and souls. Mary Magdalene is divine. She brought light, wisdom, knowledge, truth, comfort, and healing. Peter is dull. He brought darkness, lies, fear, bloodshed, control, and death because he is Satan, and that is all he knows how to do. The pope is Peter aka Satan, and he is portraying to be divine, as the men parade around in dresses, doing weird rituals. Satan is jealous of the woman and he hates her very much because she is truly divine. She is the true light, the Illuminated One; who holds all truth, and no matter how many tricks and deceptions Satan aka the Vatican aka the pope, thought he could pull, he would not be able to get away with it forever, because the woman is the true light of the world, while he is nothing but the darkness masquerading as though he is enlightened like her. Jesus says in Mark 7:6-8, “Isaiah was right when he prophesied about you hypocrites; as it is written: ‘These people honor me with their lips, but their hearts are far from me. They worship me in vain; their teachings are but rules taught by men.’ You have let go of the commands of God and are holding on to the traditions of men.” Can you not see, the very way Jesus spoke about some of the Jews, is the very way Christians are today; once again making no one better than anyone, whether Jew or Gentile, because we are all being controlled by the darkness. It is a fact Christians are not following the ways of Christ; rather they are following the ways of Peter and Paul aka Satan aka man’s dark, controlling ego. The supposed followers of Christ, honor Him with their lips, but their hearts are far from Him. The supposed followers of Christ, worship Him in vain, their teachings are but rules taught by men. The Christian Religion believes their ways are incontrovertible, but if Christianity was correct, there wouldn’t be multiple denominations. Christianity’s ways are not the ways of Christ, nor is any religion, because all religion is from the evil one, controlled by the evil one, that is why in the end they all equally divide and fall. Satan has Christians calling the day of Jesus' death “Good Friday”. Satan has Christians celebrating Christmas, a made-up day merely for financial profit and unnecessary stress, and it is not even the day Jesus was born. Satan has Christians doing rituals between the hours of noon and three which are the very hours that represent darkness. For lent Satan tells Christians to give something up, when Christ told us to be perfect and good all the time, which would then cause us to never have to give anything up. Satan has Christians calling Peter and Paul their brothers and saints, when they are merely physical and spiritual representations of himself. Satan has Christians believing they will always be sinners, while paying him for his false comfort and hope. Satan has Christians truly believing all they have to do is say they believe in Jesus and they are saved, while their actions are not of Jesus' ways. At the end of the darkness, we all realize we were equally tricked and deceived. All this time, Christians have thought they were living the supposed right way in life, when they were merely following the ways of evil, controlling men. They keep waiting for an antichrist to appear when he has been leading them since Peter and Paul, and he is merely the one they worship every day and was named 2016 person of the year, because no matter the denomination or religion, everyone falls under Satan, after all the pope is leading and controlling all religions. It is the blind leading the blind, and this world is in total darkness; but the True Light has arrived that man’s dark ego aka Satan could never keep hidden forever. I am here, shining true light, exposing the evil one; destroying all churches, religions, lies, fear, and darkness, because with light, these things no longer exist. This institution's supposed absolute truth becomes obsolete, but it was meant to happen this way. This is the Mystery being revealed, the seventh trumpet sounding, the woman birthing a spiritual truth, and the dragon getting angry; going after the Christ conscious minds. All nations giving their power over to the beast, because they are under the evil control of Satan, and after giving all power over to him, they free themselves, as he takes full responsibility, after all that is what he always wanted. Doesn’t the Bible teach us that Satan wanted to rule the world as if he were God himself? It started with Peter and it is ending now with this pope. Once Satan aka the pope, who resides within the Vatican has full power and responsibility, he is then proven wrong through his darkness by the woman who carries the true light, and his authority is taken away, as his evil system falls, and we then rebuild through the ruins of Satan’s destruction. All these words I share with you, are all the reasoning behind Matthew 16:18. I wonder how many pages worth of reasoning the Vatican could write on taking that same verse and creating an evil empire to enslave and control the entire world? They would not be able to do it. That is why Jesus told Peter in the end hell would not prevail; because at the end of this dark reign, hell does not prevail, and Satan’s home within the Vatican falls, as Heaven is finally brought to earth. Jesus always said He was not of this world, and finally we have reached the second coming, giving birth to a new world. Mark 7:20-23 Jesus says what is within a man makes him an ‘unclean’ person. He says from men’s hearts come evil thoughts, sexual immorality, theft, murder, adultery, greed, malice, deceit, lewdness, envy, slander, arrogance, and folly. Jesus says all these evils come from within and make a man ‘unclean.’ The proof is in the Bible that Peter and Paul’s hearts were full of evil thoughts, theft, murder, adultery, greed, malice, deceit, lewdness, envy, slander, arrogance, and folly. I cannot speak on the sexual immorality, but by the actions of many Catholic priests, bishops, etc., I would say the apple doesn't fall far from the tree, and Peter and Paul are clearly proven to be unclean individuals even after the conversion of their names, so do not think just because they changed their names they became holy people; after all Saul means ‘asked for’ and Paul means ‘small’; Simon means ‘listen’ and Peter means ‘rock’. Saul was asked for by God and made small for being so evil minded, and Peter never knew how to listen, causing him to be a dull, useless rock because there is only One True Rock, and Peter never followed in Christ’s true ways. Mark 8:33-9:1, after Jesus calls Peter Satan, He also says, “For whoever wants to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for Me and for the gospel will save it. What good is it for a man to gain the whole world, yet forfeit his soul? Or what can a man give in exchange for his soul? If anyone is ashamed of Me and My words in this adulterous and sinful generation, the Son of Man will be ashamed of him when He comes in His Father’s glory with the holy angels. I tell you the truth, some who are standing here will not taste death before they see the Kingdom of God come with power.” Mary Magdalene overcame that adulterous and sinful generation, while Peter and Paul were consumed by it. Mary Magdalene never tasted spiritual death, because She was spiritually alive. Peter and Paul on the other hand were spiritually dead their entire existence. Even though the Bible says Jesus was speaking to the crowd, He was using Peter as an example and once again prophesying within a parable, which Peter never understood. Peter lived his entire life in fear and inflicted that feeling upon others. Peter was ashamed of Jesus and His words, because he denied Jesus to the people to protect himself out of fear, and then after he was reinstated, Peter led the people with fear through the sifting of Satan, not living or teaching Jesus’ true way. Peter and Paul were always scared and trying to save their physical lives, while never understanding what kept making them stumble, and that is why they forfeit their souls. These men were pure darkness. Paul kept trying to save his physical life, while never understanding why he always stumbled. He was spiritually weak, not truly living in the ways of Christ. Paul was not living the way of light; he was living in darkness. He was a hypocrite who never looked at himself as he judged everyone else. Once Paul was led to Rome, he felt safe once the men gave him a guard for protection, and he, along with Peter, became tempted by the ways of the Romans. Peter and Paul already loved money so much before they went to Rome, that once they got there it only grew stronger, as the darkness did too. Peter and Paul were paid back for all the misery they had caused the people, and after the Romans ended their lives, they took Peter and Paul’s teachings and became more physically and mentally controlling and powerful; and ever since, the evilness has continued to swell, with humanity being slaves to Satan while truly believing they are free. These men do not understand Christ’s teachings. They understand money and control; nothing else. Peter and Paul did not die for the gospel, because they were not preaching or living in Christ’s true ways. Just like we know Satan wanted to rule the world as if he were God himself, Peter also wanted to rule as if he were Jesus, but he could never be, because he was only Satan, and that is why he failed. It is funny to me, now that we are at the end of the age, given our second chance, Pope Francis says Jesus' life ended in failure, when it was really Peter who was the failure just like the pope and his evil church system. The pope is Peter the Roman, who after years has been a failure as watchman, and now that we have reached the second coming of Christ, Satan’s church, which is the Vatican, the Holy Roman Catholic Church, has reached its demise. Mary Magdalene is not only the most special, sacred woman in the Bible; She is the most unique, prominent, loyal, respectful, and loving person in the entire Bible. She is the one we should all look to for healing, wisdom, comfort, and understanding. She is the true role model for Christ’s wisdom, not Peter. In the Bible, we know Peter was always dull, angry, and scared; and in the Bible, we know Mary Magdalene never carried those traits. When She went to the tomb and found Jesus was gone, She questioned a man who She thought was the gardener and was going to go anywhere for Her Lord. While all the men were in their homes scared, She was out searching for Her Lord, with no fear in Her whatsoever. While these men were always trying to protect themselves, Mary was the only one, not even Jesus’ mother, who was willing to go anywhere for Her Lord, even if it meant sacrificing Herself, that is why She was always spiritually protected, because She had no fear of man. Mark 9:42-48 Jesus says, “And if anyone causes one of these little ones who believe in Me to sin, it would be better for him to be thrown into the sea with a large millstone tied around his neck. If your hand causes you to sin, cut it off. It is better for you to enter into life maimed than with two hands to go into hell, where the fire never goes out. And if your foot causes you to sin, cut it off. It is better for you to enter life crippled than to have two feet and be thrown into hell. And if your eye causes you to sin, pluck it out. It is better for you to enter the Kingdom of God with one eye than to have two eyes and be thrown into hell, where ‘their worm does not die, and the fire is not quenched.’” Jesus was speaking about Peter. Peter caused all who believed in Jesus to sin, as he led the people with false ways, along with his partner Paul. Jesus also uses the words eye, foot, and hand; all singular, meaning the left side is the darkness and the right side is the light. In many of Jesus parables, He was symbolically speaking about Peter, because He knew Peter would be leading the way after His ascension, and Jesus knew all the things Peter was going to do, and if Peter truly understood Jesus’ words, then he never would have done any of the things Jesus already symbolically said he was going to do. What Jesus is teaching in this parable is to not be overtaken by the physicality of life, because the flesh fades and the soul remains. Peter’s hands, eyes, and feet caused him to sin, as he traveled around collecting money and land from everyone, and using his eyes to judge all, but himself. He caused the ones that were following him to sin, as he had his men bury the bodies of Ananias and Sapphira. Like Jesus was telling Peter it would be better for him to be thrown into the sea with a large millstone tied around his neck; the same goes for the Vatican and this false church system that was started through him. The Vatican, along with all Christian denominations have caused all who believe in Jesus’ name to sin, as they have led us with lies, fear, tricks, and deceptions; making us believe we are born sinners and could never be perfect, which are all the false ways of Satan, because it all started with Peter and Paul. In Mark 10:13-16, people were bringing their children to Jesus, but the disciples rebuked them. Jesus became angry about it and said, “Let the little children come to Me, and do not hinder them, for the Kingdom of God belongs to such as these. I tell you the truth, anyone who will not receive the Kingdom of God like a little child will not enter it.” After Jesus said these words He blessed the children. What Jesus meant by this parable was to always keep the mind, heart, and soul of an innocent, pure child. The church system wants us to believe that we are born sinners, but the truth is that we are born pure, loving, and innocent. Rather, it is man that causes sin through his ego, and along with controlling and dominating the world, man causes and instills fear, making us believe we will never be good enough. Peter and Paul did not have minds, hearts, and souls as innocent and pure as children, that is why they did not enter the Kingdom of God. The Vatican along with this false church system is the same representation as Peter and Paul, and they prove it through their actions. These teachers of Christ’s words do not have the minds, hearts, and souls of little children, therefore they do not have a Christ conscious mind. The Vatican does not understand any of Jesus' teachings, and they prove this statement to be true because they do not live in Christ’s ways. Like Peter and Paul, they do not understand, that is why they follow the false ways of Satan; the false ways of darkness. All the pope does is physically reenact the very things Jesus spiritually did on a very symbolic level, because the pope is false, masquerading as though he is Christ himself. The pope is the antichrist who exalts himself over everything in the world, without any spiritual understanding. If the pope truly understood and held the keys of knowledge and truth, he and his institution would be teaching the meaning of this parable instead of acting it out repeatedly, as people around the world put their children in his face hoping he will bless them, while only receiving a curse. Since the Roman Catholic Church is only about the physicality of life and they love to physically act out Jesus’ deep meaningful parables instead of interpreting them, maybe they should reenact the parable of Mark 9:42-48, because their hands, feet, and eyes have caused them to sin, because they have been leading the world through the left side, which is Satan, Peter, Paul; complete spiritual darkness. Mark 10:42-45 Jesus says, “You know that those who are regarded as rulers of the Gentiles lord it over them, and their high officials exercise authority over them. Not so with you. Instead, whoever wants to be great among you must be your servant, and whoever wants to be first, must be slave of all. For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give His life as a ransom for many.” Jesus was once again prophesying a parable about Peter. Peter was the first disciple and he wanted to be first over all. Peter was not slave of all, he was lord of all, as he tricked everyone into giving up their land and money, following his false promise of peace. Peter could never lead anyone to peace because he never understood peace. Jesus and Mary Magdalene are the ones who were to bring true peace and equality, but with man’s dark ego, none of them were having it. Peter and Paul took Jesus' teachings and acted just like the rulers of the Gentiles. They acted like lords over the people; like they were superior and more intelligent. They mixed Jesus' free, loving teachings with money, and through never understanding the teachings themselves, they caused more darkness for everyone. It was all a test when Jesus told Peter he could have the keys. The truth is anyone can have the keys because they are symbolic, but Peter was too simple minded, greedy, and selfish and took all of Jesus' words literal, just like Christianity does. We have been living in a world that has been operating as the Roman Empire. The Vatican rules everything and lords everything over everyone and they have high officials in all nations, exercising authority over us, while keeping us separated through religion, borders, walls, fear, and lies. In biblical days, the Roman High Officials felt as though they were more superior than everyone and after Peter and Paul’s failure as speakers for Christ’s words, the Roman men had a new avenue of money making, using Jesus' name as the tool. Mark 11:15-18 says, “On reaching Jerusalem, Jesus entered the temple area and began driving out those who were buying and selling there. He overturned the tables of the money changers and the benches of those selling doves, and would not allow anyone to carry merchandise through the temple courts. And as He taught them, He said, “Is it not written: ‘My house will be called a house of prayer for all nations’? But you have made it a den of robbers.” The chief priests and the teachers of the law heard this and began looking for a way to kill Him, for they feared Him, because the whole crowd was amazed at His teaching.” It is so easy to see that the very things Jesus talked to His own Jewish people about back then, are the very things Christians do today, yet say they are followers of Him. It doesn’t make sense. Again, Christians do the very things Jesus was against, and also, back then, the Jews didn't understand the full meaning of the scriptures, yet thought they were living in the true ways of God, just like Chistians do. The reality is that Christians and Jews are doing the very same things, just one saying they are for Jesus and the other saying they are not, while both staying subservient to Rome, and I say this out of love, truth, wisdom, and light. Mark 12:1-12, Jesus says to the chief priests and teachers of the law, “A man planted a vineyard. He put a wall around it, dug a pit for the winepress and built a watch tower. Then he rented the vineyard to some farmers and went away on a journey. At harvest time he sent a servant to the tenant to collect from them some of the fruit of the vineyard. But they seized him, beat him and sent him away empty-handed. Then he sent another servant to them; they struck this man on the head and treated him shamefully. He sent still another, and that one they killed. He sent many others; some of them they beat, others they killed. He had one left to send, a son, whom he loved. He sent him last of all, saying, ‘They will respect my son.’ But the tenants said to one another, ‘This is the heir. Come, let’s kill him, and the inheritance will be ours.’ So they took him and killed him, and threw him out of the vineyard. What then will the owner of the vineyard do? He will come and kill those tenants and give the vineyard to others. Haven’t you read this scripture: ‘The stone the builders rejected has become the capstone, the Lord has done this, and it is marvelous in our eyes.’”After saying this, the chief priests and teachers of law started looking for a way to arrest Jesus because they knew He was speaking about them in this parable, but they were too afraid of the crowd, so they left and went away. In the Old Testament alone, you will read the many conflicts between the different writers. There were prophets who were killed all the way up until the time of Christ. Jesus was trying to teach the people how to truly live in the way of God, and that was going against the teachers of the law and chief priests, so they wanted to kill Him, while causing themselves to remain cursed. Mark 13:32-37, Jesus says, “No one knows about that day or hour, not even the angels in Heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father. Be on guard! Be alert! You do not know when that time will come. It’s like a man going away: He leaves his house and puts his servants in charge, each with his assigned task, and tells the one at the door to keep watch. Therefore, keep watch because you do not know when the owner of the house will come back- weather in the evening, or at midnight, or when the rooster crows, or at dawn. If he comes suddenly, do not let him find you sleeping. What I say to you, I say to everyone. Watch!” This is yet again another parable of Peter failing as watchman, while Mary never did. She was always alert and always on guard. Peter was rebuked many times throughout the Bible for sleeping, while Mary Magdalene never was; that is why Jesus appeared to Her first. He knew She was awake and He could always count on Her. If people say they believe in Jesus and follow the Christian Religion, the truth is they all represent Peter. They say Jesus is the Christ, but none of their ways are of Jesus' ways; they are only the false ways of man. If people honestly read the New Testament and think Peter and Paul are good men, living the true ways of Jesus, then they do not have a Christ conscious mind. Anyone who attends church or says they believe in Jesus, but never studies and truly understands His teachings, are all asleep like Peter, and if they do not awaken, they will go to their demise, after all they are following Satan. The Christian Religion is a path of darkness; equal to all religions, and when people wake up to that fact, is when the true change starts to come, because then humanity starts to look within, finding the true light that will illuminate the darkness of this evil, man-made world. Mark 14:27-31 Jesus says, “You will all fall away. For it is written: ‘I will strike the shepherd and the sheep will be scattered.’ But after I have risen, I will go ahead of you in Galilee.” Peter then says, “Even if all fall away, I will not.” Jesus then tells Peter that he will disown Him three times. Peter then says, “Even if I have to die with you, I will never disown you.” And all the others said the same. Jesus said all of the male disciples would fall away, and that is what happened. How then, can the church be the truth if it is started from the minds of men who are proven to have fallen away from the true ways of Christ? 

Chapter Five 
Luke 6:39-40, Jesus says, “Can a blind man lead a blind man? Will they not both fall into a pit? A student is not above his teacher, but everyone who is fully trained will be like his teacher.” Peter was never fully trained, and neither was Paul. Peter was the first antichrist because all of his actions opposed Jesus' ways. Throughout Peter’s time with Jesus, he was always being rebuked and always trying to be above Jesus; never truly listening, but always suggesting and questioning. Peter and Paul never truly understood Jesus' ways; like the Vatican, they took Jesus’ name and words, mixing them with authority and money, all the way to their demise. Mary Magdalene was the perfect student, who always listened and was full of light. She was fully trained just like Her Teacher, Brother, Husband, and Lover. How can Christianity be right and the true representation of Christ if it was started with Peter and Paul? Both men were blind guides who led each other into the pit, and ever since we have been led through the darkness of their ways. Luke 6:43-45, Jesus says, “No good tree bears bad fruit, nor does a bad tree bear good fruit. Each tree is recognized by its own fruit. People do not pick figs from thorn bushes, or grapes from briers. The good man brings good things out of the good stored up in his heart, and the evil man brings evil things out of the evil stored up in his heart. For out of the overflow of his heart his mouth speaks.” Peter and Paul were bad trees, which caused them to carry bad fruit. Jesus says each tree is recognized by its fruit, meaning each individual person, bearing good or bad fruit. In the Bible, Peter and Paul are proven to be the very evil men Jesus was speaking about in this parable. Peter, the antichrist and Paul, the false prophet, equally had evil stored within their hearts, and that is why out of their mouths was an overflow of lies, authority, judging, control, and death. Mary Magdalene was a beautiful tree, who shed herself from all darkness and blossomed perfectly into the light. She was a strong tree, who only carried good fruit, and therefore turned other hearts towards the good as well. Any historical information on Mary Magdalene and Peter, whether it is the Bible or outside sources, always depicts Mary as kind, loving, strong, forgiving, and pure; while Peter is depicted as angry, wrathful, judgmental, weak, and jealous. Luke 6:46, Jesus says, “Why do you call me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ and do not do what I say?” Peter and Paul are representations of this parable. If you read through the Bible and study the actions of Peter and Paul, you will see they did not do anything Jesus said to do. None of their ways were of Jesus' ways; they were only the ways of darkness through the sifting of Satan, and they used Jesus' name to trick and control people, and if Jesus were here right now, He would be saying this very thing to all Christians. “Why do you call Me Lord, yet do not do what I say?” Luke 7:36-50 is about the anointing of Jesus by Mary Magdalene, which is one of many. They are at the Pharisee Simon’s house when She comes to Jesus with a special oil. Simon and the men were disgusted, and Simon was thinking to himself how disturbing it was that Jesus was allowing a “sinner” to touch Him. Jesus knows all; and even though Simon did not say his thoughts out loud, Jesus knew, like He knew everything about everyone. Jesus then tells Simon that the one who is forgiven the most, loves the most, meaning Mary. Jesus then makes Simon aware of the fact that even though He was in Simon’s house, it was Mary who offered Him everything, while Simon had offered Him nothing. Jesus then tells Mary that Her faith has saved Her and to go in peace. These men did not have any true faith, which caused them to never have true peace; bringing them to their mental, physical, and spiritual demise. Peter is Satan and he is the reason for the Vatican’s existence, so how can humanity expect the world to ever truly live in peace, when this world which we exist, is being led by Satan? Luke 8:1-15 is the parable of the sower. Jesus describes the seed as the word of God falling on a path, some rock, and good soil. He describes the seed on the path as the ones who hear, and then the devil comes and takes the word away from their hearts, so they may not believe and be saved. He describes the seed on the rock as the ones who receive the word with joy when they hear it, but they have no root. He says they believe for a while, but in time of testing they fall away. Jesus then says that the seed that falls on good soil stands for those with a noble and good heart, who hear the word, retain it, and by persevering produce a crop. This parable describes Paul, Peter, and Mary Magdalene. Paul represents the seed falling on the path, as it was he that was walking along the path at noon when lightning came down after he murdered many people. Paul was not saved. Peter represents the seed falling on the rock. He had no root, believed for a while, but during times of testing, failed every time; all the way up to him falling away. Mary Magdalene represents the good soil. She heard every word Jesus spoke, She retained every word Jesus spoke, and by persevering, She produced a crop, turning many from their sinful ways, because She always understood and never judged. It is Mary Magdalene who had been through everything in life. She overcame the darkness and She is the true light. She persevered through everything in life, whereas Peter and Paul were failures; they were cast into utter darkness. Luke 10:38-42 takes place at Martha and Mary’s house. Jesus was teaching, and Mary was at Jesus' feet listening. Martha was busy with cleaning and preparations. She became frustrated that she was doing all the work alone, so she went to Jesus and said, “Lord, don’t you care that my sister has left me to do all the work by myself? Tell her to help me!” Jesus answered, “Martha, Martha, you are worried and upset about many things, but only one thing is needed. Mary has chosen what is better, and it will not be taken away from her.” Out of all women and men, Mary Magdalene was the most devoted follower of Christ’s ways. She was at Jesus' feet because She knew He was the only true man in the world. This story again, represents being overtaken by the physicality of life. Martha was distracted by all the physical work she had to do, but Mary was more concerned about spiritually connecting to the truth, and learning the secret mysteries of life, in order to be a true human being in the world. Jesus says Mary chose what is better and it would not be taken away from Her, and that is why Jesus also told Peter, that Mary would remain spiritually alive until His return; meaning no matter how much Peter was jealous of Her, he could never hide the truth. Nowhere in the Bible does Jesus ever tell Peter he chose what is best, and if we read the words, we can decipher that Peter always chose the worst. It is a fact, Mary did the anointing. It is a fact, Mary was the originator of the feet washing. It is a fact that after Mary met Jesus, She changed for the better, while Peter and Paul only changed their names while continuing to become worse. It is a fact, that in the Bible, Jesus was inspired by Mary’s feet washing, that is why He did it to the other men. It was a symbolic sign, but none of the men understood, because they were all in the dark. While Mary Magdalene and Jesus did the feet washing, Peter only had money and dead bodies at his; and this information in the Bible was not meant for the church to keep acting out like they are in performing arts, so enough with the role playing, because their actions only prove them to be dull like their original leader Peter aka Satan. Luke 11:23-26, Jesus says, “He who is not with Me is against Me, and he who does not gather with Me scatters. When an evil spirit comes out of a man, it goes through arid places seeking rest and does not find it. Then it says, ‘I will return to the house I left.’ When it arrives, it finds the house swept clean and put in order. Then it goes and takes seven other spirits more wicked than itself, and they go in and live there. And the final condition of that man is worse than the first.” Peter was against Jesus, and him along with the other men all scattered, because they were not true gatherers for Christ, because they never understood His ways. Ever since Peter and Paul, these men in the church, teaching the Bible, have only become more wicked, and the leader of the entire religious system is the Vatican. The reason for this is a lack of spiritual knowledge; spiritual knowledge that these men never wanted us to have. The religious system is false, and we cannot follow blind guides and expect to ever enter paradise. Luke 11:27-28 takes place right after Jesus teaches these parables. A woman from the crowd yelled out, “Blessed is the mother who gave you birth and nursed you.” Jesus replied, “Blessed rather are those who hear the word of God and obey it.” This is just another fact in the Bible showing that Jesus never put His mother before anyone. This symbolically means the physical is not what matters, rather spiritually understanding God’s word and truly living in God’s word is what matters most, and anyone is capable once they truly look within. Luke 11:33-36, Jesus says, “No one lights a lamp and puts it in a place where it will be hidden, or under a bowl. Instead he puts it on its stand, so that those who come in may see the light. Your eye is the lamp of your whole body. When your eyes are good, your whole body also is full of light. But when they are bad, your whole body also is full of darkness. See to it, then, that the light within you is not darkness. Therefore, if your whole body is full of light, and no part of it dark, it will be completely lighted, as when the light of a lamp shines on you.” Peter and Paul were full of darkness, and Christianity is built on the ways of these men. How then, do Christians expect to have light within themselves, if they are unconsciously following the ways of darkness? How then, could we ever have true light in the world, if it is Jesus who is the real representation of true light, yet is misrepresented by the false church system that we have all been subjected to? Luke 12:13-21 is the parable of the rich fool. Someone in the crowd yelled to Jesus saying, “Teacher, tell my brother to divide the inheritance with me.” Jesus replied, “Man, who appointed me a judge or an arbiter between you? Watch out! Be on your guard against all kinds of greed; a man’s life does not consist of the abundance of his possessions.” Jesus then tells the men this parable: “The ground of a certain rich man produced a good crop. He thought to himself, ‘What shall I do? I have no place to store my crops.’ Then he said, ‘This is what I’ll do. I will tear down my barns and build bigger ones, and there I will store all my grain and my goods. And I’ll say to myself, “You have plenty of good things laid up for many years. Take life easy; eat, drink, and be merry.”’ “But God said to him, ‘You fool! This very night your life will be demanded from you. Then who will get what you have prepared for yourself?’ “This is how it will be with anyone who stores up things for himself but is not rich toward God.” This is a parable of the importance of the true spiritual treasure within. All physical things in the world can be taken in the blink of an eye, but only by our consent, could a thief steal our true spiritual treasure within. When these two brothers wanted Jesus to be the judge and mediator between their physical possessions, Jesus was letting them know that possessions have nothing to do with God, and He is not here to be a judge, but a Teacher of the righteous path. He was letting these men know they were being greedy, and the true meaning of life does not consist of things. When you understand the true meaning of life, you will not argue about things, rather you will compromise and give through love, without a judge or authority figure to tell you what to do, because the answer is already within. Jesus then shares this parable with the two brothers, and this parable represents Peter, who was a blind fool. He was a greedy man, who after Jesus' ascension gathered up all the land and money from the people, using Jesus’ name, while never understanding. Peter was not rich toward God. Peter thought just like the Vatican thinks, but how could the Vatican think any other way when each pope sits in Peter’s seat. Peter thought being rich toward God meant money, that is why he and Paul did the things they did in the book of Acts. Like Peter and Paul, the Vatican will lose everything, as well as forfeit their souls if they do not turn from their dark ways. The Vatican is about money, which has nothing to do with God, and the entire church system that represents Christ has not been rich towards God, rather man, because the church is spiritually dead, stumbling through the night without the woman’s true spiritual light. Luke 12:22-26, Jesus says, “Therefore, I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat; or about your body, what you will wear. Life is more than food, and the body more than clothes. Consider the ravens: they do not sow or reap, they have no storeroom or barn; yet God feeds them. And how much more valuable you are than birds! Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life? Since you cannot do this very little thing, why do you worry about the rest?” Jesus also says in verse 31 to seek God’s Kingdom, and everything else will be given as well. The True Kingdom is within ourselves; not a man-made church, following the ways of the very men Jesus was speaking about in this parable. Peter and Paul’s entire existence consisted of them worrying about all their physical needs without understanding any spiritual needs, while financially profiting the entire time using Jesus' name, and the proof is in the Bible. Luke 12:32-34, Jesus says, “Do not be afraid, little flock, for your Father has been pleased to give you the Kingdom. Sell your possessions and give to the poor. Provide purses for yourselves that will not wear out, a treasure in Heaven that will not be exhausted, where no thief comes near and no moth destroys. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.” Because Peter was Satan, living his life in complete spiritual darkness, he never attained the true Kingdom because it is a state of mind; and like Jesus says, that is where the treasure exists, where no thief can come near unless you consent. Peter’s heart was filled with darkness. Peter never attained a Christ conscious mind, that is why throughout the Bible, him and Paul acted the way they did. Their treasures were land and money, and through their actions, they prove that is where their hearts always were as well, that is why eventually it caught up with them in Rome, where they gave their physical lives, while forfeiting their souls. In the book of Acts, Peter proves himself to be the antichrist, who physically acts out Jesus' parables because he was spiritually weak. Instead of teaching people to look within, and not worry about the external things in life, Peter became greedier after Jesus left and tricked all the people through guilt and fear to sell their land and give him the money, and if they lied, then they died. Peter had control over everything and everyone; everything except his own evilness within, that is why it eventually caught up with him, and that is why this false church institution that is built on him, has reached its end as well. You cannot follow the ways of a failure and expect to be a success. Luke 12:35-48 is about watchfulness. Jesus says, “Be dressed ready for service and keep your lamps burning, like men waiting for their master to return from a wedding banquet, so that when he comes and knocks they can immediately open the door for him. It will be good for those servants whose master finds them watching when he comes. I tell you the truth, he will dress himself to serve, will have many recline at the table and will come and wait on them. It will be good for those servants whose master finds them ready, even if he comes in the second or third watch of the night. But understand this: If the owner of the house had known at what hour the thief was coming, he would not have let his house be broken into. You also must be ready, because the Son of Man will come at an hour when you do not expect him.” Peter then asks, “Lord, are you telling this parable to us, or to everyone?” Jesus answers, “Who then is the faithful and wise manager, whom the master puts in charge of his servants to give them their food allowance at the proper time? It will be good for that servant whom the master finds doing so when he returns. I tell you the truth, he will put him in charge of all his possessions. But suppose that servant says to himself, ‘My master is taking a long time in coming,’ and he then begins to beat the menservants and maidservants and to eat and drink and get drunk. The master of that servant will come on a day when he does not expect him and at an hour when he is not aware of. He will cut him to pieces and assign him a place with the unbelievers. That servant who knows his master’s will and does not get ready or does not do what his master wants will be beaten with many blows. But the one who does not know and does things deserving punishment will be beaten with few blows. From everyone who has been given much, much will be demanded; and from the one who has been entrusted with much, much more will be asked.” This entire parable was about Peter, yet he never understood until his demise. When Peter interrupted Jesus, it was because he was feeling worried inside. Peter never understood who Jesus truly is. He knew Jesus is the Christ, but he did not understand the ways of Christ. He did not truly believe Jesus knew everything within a person; that is why he asked Jesus if the parable was about everyone and Jesus answered in an indirect way that specifically meant Peter was the one in the parable. Peter was never dressed and ready before or after his reinstatement. Before and after Jesus' ascension, Peter is proven to always be asleep. Peter is the very man Jesus is speaking of in this parable, who was left in charge, and through the lack of understanding of Jesus' return, began beating the other servants; both men and women. Peter is the very man who Jesus said would be cut to pieces and assigned with the unbelievers, and it is because of him, the man-made church exists. Peter is the servant who was taught his master’s will, yet never got ready, failing to do what his master wanted. Peter was assigned with the unbelievers, so how can Christians follow an unbeliever, and truly know what it means to believe? Luke 13:20-21, Jesus says, “What shall I compare the Kingdom of God to? It is like the yeast that a woman took and mixed into a large amount of flour until it worked all through the dough.” Jesus compares the yeast of the Pharisee men as malice and wickedness, but he compares the yeast of a woman as the Kingdom of God, just like in the Old Testament when the Israelites worshipped the Queen of Heaven and baked bread, having nothing but good things happening for them until the male counterpart became jealous and angry, bringing a curse to all the people. The bread represents the spiritual food and the yeast represents the teachings. Peter and Paul represent the malicious, wicked, Pharisee teachings, and Mary Magdalene represents the teachings of the Kingdom of God. Just like the Queen of Heaven was taken away in the Old Testament, Mary Magdalene was taken away from the New Testament, and ever since we have been perishing by famine and sword. Luke 13:24-27, Jesus says, “Make every effort to enter through the narrow door, because many, I tell you, will try to enter and will not be able to. Once the owner of the house gets up and closes the door, you will stand outside knocking and pleading, ‘Sir, open the door for us.’ “but he will answer, ‘I don’t know you or where you come from.’ “Then you will say, ‘We ate and drank with you, and you taught in our streets.’ “But he will reply, ‘I don’t know you or where you come from. Away from me, all you evildoers!’” Again, this parable represents Peter, plus the other men. Peter did not enter through the narrow door. Him and Paul are the evildoers that Jesus was speaking about, and the ways of Christianity are not the true ways of Christ, so at Jesus’ return, if someone is part of the church system, truly believing they are following the ways of Christ, He will say, “I do not know you, away from Me, all you evildoers! You did not enter through the narrow door of truth, rather you chose the broad door of lies.” Luke 14:33-35 Jesus says, “Any of you who does not give up everything he has cannot be my disciple. Salt is good, but if it loses its saltiness, how can it be made salty again? It is fit neither for the soil nor for the manure pile; it is thrown out. He who has ears to hear, let him hear.” Some of the disciples had ears to hear, but Peter was not one of them, and this parable was about him. Peter was the false rock who lost his saltiness, and in the end, was good for nothing except to be thrown out, just like the Vatican and their evil worn out religious system. Luke 16:8-15, Jesus says, “For the people of this world are more shrewd in dealing with their own kind than are the people of the light. I tell you, use worldly wealth to gain friends for yourselves, so that when it is gone, you will be welcomed into eternal dwellings. Whoever can be trusted with very little, can also be trusted with much, and whoever is dishonest with very little will also be dishonest with much. So if you have not been trustworthy in handling worldly wealth, who will trust you with true riches? And if you have not been trustworthy with someone else’s property, who will give you property of your own? No servant can serve two masters. Either he will hate the one and love the other. Or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and money.” The Pharisees sneered at Jesus' words, and Jesus replied, “You are the ones who justify yourselves in the eyes of men, but God knows your hearts. What is highly valued among men is detestable in God’s sight.” What Jesus is saying, is to not use worldly wealth for eternal dwellings. Jesus lived by every word He spoke. He never served money, nor mixed money with His teachings. That did not happen until Peter and Paul, and the proof is in the Bible, making it a fact Peter and Paul never truly served God, they served money. Peter and Paul did not love Jesus, they loved money. Peter and Paul were devoted to money, and despised the true ways of Christ because they did not live in the true ways of Christ. According to Jesus, these men are not trustworthy, and yet they are the very reason the church system was established and has been operating for the last 2,000 plus years. If Peter and Paul are proven to serve money and the ways of man, rather than the ways of God, and the church system is established through the minds of these men, who are people truly serving if they say they are Christian, claiming one of these false man-made denominations? Is it making sense yet why the world is so dark? That is why Jesus says the people of this world are shrewd in dealing with their own kind than are the people of the light. Jesus was not of this world. This dark, egoic world, and the way it is today is the same way it was back then; only now we have evolved mentally, physically, and spiritually, going through the darkest of times, now with the ability to be true children of the light if we so choose through free will. Most of the world is consumed by darkness like Jesus is speaking about. Tricked by Satan into thinking they are living the way a true human being should; unaware to the fact they are the very reason for the darkness and chaos. Luke 17:20-21, Jesus says, “The Kingdom of God does not come with your careful observation, nor will people say, ‘Here it is,’ or ‘There it is,’ because the Kingdom of God is within you.” Jesus says the Kingdom of God is within. It is a state of mind. The Kingdom of God means living a Christ conscious life, and the church is not where you will find the Kingdom of God. Peter and Paul never received the Kingdom of God, therefore they could not teach the true meaning of the Kingdom of God. Jesus knew Peter and his sidekick Paul would try and create their own kingdom, ruling with Jesus’ name through their own authority, that is why He taught these parables, so only the elect could understand who the evil ones are and who the righteous ones are. Jesus taught these parables, so people knew who the children of the dark are and who the children of the light are. Luke 18:1-8, is the parable of the persistent widow. Jesus says, “In a certain town there was a judge who neither feared God nor cared about men. And there was a widow in that town who kept coming to him with the plea, ‘Grant me justice against my adversary.’ “For some time he refused. But finally he said to himself, ‘Even though I don’t fear God or care about men, yet because this widow keeps bothering me, I will see that she gets justice, so she won’t eventually wear me out with her coming!’ “Listen to what the unjust judge says. And will not God bring about justice for His chosen ones, who cry out to Him day and night? Will He keep putting them off? I tell you, He will see that they get justice, and quickly. However, when the Son of Man comes, will He find faith on the earth?” Mary Magdalene represents the persistent widow, who was willing to do anything for Her Lord, and Peter represents the adversary, who was always going against Mary and Jesus. Peter was jealous of Mary, and the proof is hidden within the Bible as well as outside sources. God is about justice, that is why Peter and Paul went through the misery they went through. They did it to themselves from their own evilness within, yet they could never understand why. The men that the Christian church follow, are not the chosen ones, and now that we are at the second coming, justice has arrived, and like Jesus says; is there true faith on the earth, or rather, is it a false faith in man? I am the persistent widow and the pope is my adversary. I look around the world, and I am saddened by what I see, and the one in charge is the Vatican, claiming to represent Christ. I cry day and night, yet I do not ask why, because I know why. I know the culprit to all chaos which exists within this dark world.The chosen ones are few, but they are here throughout the world, waiting for their spirit mother to rescue them from man’s darkness. Only the spirit mother could shine light on the darkness man has caused, bringing true healing and comfort, and the time has come for justice to be served; truly getting the ills out of the world, and it starts with the abolishment of this false man-made church. Luke 18:27 Jesus says, “What is impossible with men is possible with God.” God is love, and the Kingdom of God starts within. Peter and Paul were for the ways of man rather than the ways of God, and that is the very reason it is impossible for the church system to be true to the ways of Christ. It is quite simple what Jesus truly means when He says you cannot get to God without going through Him. God is love, and Jesus came to teach the ways of a Christ conscious mind. You cannot attain the true Kingdom of God without living the true ways of Christ. It is not just speaking with your mouth that you believe in Jesus as the Messiah; it is living in the ways He lived, which is the true way of getting to God, and it starts within because it is a state of mind. When humanity comes to this realization, and truly searches within, understanding the ways of being a true human being, that is when we will truly unite; consciously and collectively setting up the true Kingdom of Heaven here on beautiful Mother Earth, without the intervention of man-made churches and men collecting money with false words. Luke 21:8, Jesus says, “Watch out that you are not deceived. For many will come in my name, claiming, ‘I am he,’ and, ‘The time is near.’ Do not follow them.” Peter and Paul are the first men who Jesus said not to follow, yet the church is built from their ways, and ever since the world has been deceived. Peter and Paul led the people in Jesus' name, both thinking Jesus was going to return soon, because they did not understand time or any of the words Jesus spoke. It is time to wake up and stop following the ways of blind men, and start following the true ways of Christ. Luke 22:7-13 is not completely true. It was the woman’s job to carry the jars of water, and it was Mary Magdalene, whom they met and went to Martha’s house to have the last supper. While at the last supper, Jesus says, “The one who rules should be like the one who serves.”, and the proof is in the Bible Peter did not follow this instruction. Jesus then tells Peter in verses 31-32, “Simon, Simon, Satan has asked to sift you as wheat. But I have prayed for you, Simon, that your faith may not fail. And when you have turned back, strengthen your brothers.” Jesus let Peter know that He prayed for him, but it was ultimately Peter’s choice to turn from the ways of darkness, and unfortunately, he chose his destructive fate. Before Jesus gets arrested, He tells the men to pray that they will not fall into temptation and to bring with them a sword. The men were simple and dull, especially Peter, not understanding the true sword is the mouth. Once Jesus was arrested for the men being failures, Peter used a physical sword and shed blood, giving into temptation which is something Jesus would never do. As students, we are taught and then we are given tests, and as a student in Jesus’ ministry, Peter failed every test he was given. You cannot follow the ways of a blind man and expect to ever see the light. Luke 23:39-43, takes place during the crucifixion. When Jesus is crucified there are two men, one on each side, who are being crucified as well. One of the men hurled insults, saying, “Aren’t you the Christ, save yourself and us!”, while the other man said, “Don’t you fear God since you are under the same sentence? We are punished justly, for we are getting what our deeds deserve. But this man has done nothing wrong.”, then he said, “Jesus, remember me when you come into your Kingdom.” Jesus answered, “I tell you the truth, today you will be with Me in paradise.” Peter represents that man who hurled insults, always expecting Jesus to save him, while never knowing what it took to save himself. Peter did not enter paradise, and if anyone believes Jesus died to save them, rather than taught to save them, they as well, are not entering paradise, because paradise is a state of mind, and the mind has not yet been healed. 

Chapter Six 
John 1:5 says, “The light shines in the darkness, but the darkness has not understood it.” The woman is the light, and all men carry the feminine within; and when Jesus came to offer light to the world, that light within Him came from a woman as well, and any of the male disciples could have attained the light if they wanted, but they chose to stay in the dark. That is why all the women followed Jesus. Women are the light, therefore understand the light, but have been kept in the dark by the man. Mary Magdalene is pure light. She overcame all darkness, and was the first for everything, except for being the first disciple, because being the first disciple only meant you needed the most help. Mary had already been healed, and along with Her partner Jesus, She helped heal others. The proof is in the Bible, none of the men understood the light, that is why all the stories tell of them being in the dark or in the night. John 2:12-17 is about people buying and selling in the temples. Jesus was angry, using a whip and turning the tables over. The Christians do the very things Jesus cannot stand, once again proving they serve man rather than God. Christians are not living the true ways of Christ; they are living the false ways of man. The temple is the body and the Kingdom of God is within, where man’s money is never needed. John 2:23-25, says “Now while He was in Jerusalem at the Passover Feast, many people saw the miraculous signs He was doing and believed in His name. But Jesus would not entrust Himself to them, for He knew all men. He did not need man’s testimony about man, for He knew what was in a man.” Jesus knows everything about everyone. He knew Peter’s true self. He knew Peter would want to lead like Him, while never truly understanding Him. That is why He told Peter in Matthew 16:18, hell would not prevail. Now that we have reached the second coming of Christ, Peter aka Satan aka the Vatican’s evil empire, has reached its end, and they will not truly get away with everything they have done, that is why this last pope is Petrus Romanus. Pope Francis is Peter the Roman. The prophecy about the 266th pope being Petrus Romanus does not mean that his physical name would actually be Peter. Like Jesus said back then: how are people still so dull? When we are talking about God and the Bible, it is spiritual and deep. The spiritual manifests into the physical, and this prophecy means the 266th pope would have the dark spirit of Peter within him, and the woman who was truly meant to lead in Christ’s name after His ascension is going to bring him, along with his false institution down, causing no other pope or church to ever exist again. We are now given our second chance, able to stop the evilness in the world through free will, knowledge, and love. You cannot kill an evil spirit with bloodshed and death. Flesh and blood fades, but the evil spirit remains, and as time goes on, the evilness swells up until the whole world is covered in darkness. The true way to get rid of the evil spirit is through knowledge and wisdom. The church’s existence has never been proven false, therefore it still exists, therefore darkness remains. This is something no man has ever been able to do, but the Spirit of Truth has arrived, shining light on man’s dark, evil ways. Like Jesus, I know what is within these men’s hearts, and they are not for the true ways of Christ like they claim. John 3:3-8 and 3:16-21, Jesus says to a Pharisee man who comes to Him at night, “I tell you the truth, no one can see the Kingdom of God unless he is born again. I tell you the truth, no one can enter the Kingdom of God unless he is born of water and the Spirit. Flesh gives birth to flesh, but the Spirit gives birth to spirit. You should not be surprised at my saying, ‘You must be born again.’ The wind blows wherever it pleases. You hear its sound, but you cannot tell where it comes from or where it is going. So it is with everyone born of the Spirit.” “For God so loved the world, that He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life. For God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through Him. Whoever believes in Him is not condemned, but whoever does not believe stands condemned already because he has not believed in the name of God’s one and only Son. This is the verdict: Light has come into the world, but men loved darkness instead of light because their deeds were evil. Everyone who does evil, hates the light, and will not come into the light for fear that his deeds will be exposed. But whoever lives by the truth comes into the light, so that it may be plainly that what he has done has been done through God.” Jesus' mother gave birth to flesh, Mary Magdalene gave birth to spirit. Peter and Paul loved the darkness more than the light. Peter and Paul did not live by the truth, and that is why they were consumed by darkness. The proof is in the Bible after Jesus' ascension, these men did not live by the truth, which means it is a fact the church is built from lies. Mary Magdalene is a living testimony that a person can live as a perfect human being exactly as Jesus taught. She lived by the truth and She came into the light, all through the power of God. She was healed and never went astray again, while Peter and Paul were never healed, yet the Christian religion is built on them, while She was kept hidden away, only known to the world as a prostitute. With Mary, we have hope in knowing we can be perfect through anything, while with Peter and Paul, we have fear and guilt that we will always be sinners. Now that you know the truth, will you choose the dark or the light? John 3:29-36, John says, “The Bride belongs to the Bridegroom. The friend who attends the Bridegroom waits and listens for Him, and is full of joy when he hears the Bridegroom’s voice. That joy is mine, and it is now complete. He must become greater; I must become less. The one who comes from above is above all; the one who is from the earth belongs to the earth, and speaks as one from the earth. The one who comes from Heaven is above all. He testifies to what he has seen and heard, but no one accepts his testimony. The man who has accepted it has certified that God is truthful. For the one whom God has sent speaks the words of God, For God gives the Spirit without limit. The Father loves the Son and has placed everything in his hands. Whoever believes in the Son has eternal life, but whoever rejects the Son will not see life, for God’s wrath remains on him.” Mary Magdalene is the Bride, Jesus is the Bridegroom, and John is the friend who says Mary belongs to Jesus. The church lies when they teach that the church is the bride. How could the church be the bride when John is saying he is the friend? Wouldn’t John be part of the bride, if the bride meant church? The church’s teaching doesn’t even make sense; they are contradicting themselves once again. Even Revelation 9:19 says, “Blessed are those who are invited to the wedding supper of the lamb.”, which means that the bride is a singular woman, and if you are part of the light, casting out all darkness within, you will be invited as a guest to experience the joining of the male and female entities of God, while living in the new heaven and earth where there is no longer darkness. Nothing that these men of the church teach is true, and the time has come for their sick operation to end, and Jesus would never be married to the church because the church’s ways are not the ways of Christ. He would never take money from people while telling them they are forever sinners. To truly believe in Jesus is to understand His ways, accept His ways, and live in His ways as a perfect human being, because He says that we all have the ability if we choose through free will. This was His entire mission. To teach us how to get back to perfection, but these men do not want us to be perfected because then we would no longer be slaves to them. To reject Jesus, is to not live in His ways, even if you speak with your mouth you believe in Him. Mary Magdalene represents eternal life, while Peter represents eternal wrath. She is the example of a successful follower of Christ, while Peter is an example of a failure, and like Peter, the church is a failure as well; after all, the church system is being led by a man of the earth known as Jorge, which means earth worker. Jorge Bergoglio is not spiritually inclined; that is why he speaks as one from the earth. The pope does not hold the keys to Heaven, and it goes all the way back to Peter. John 4:21-24, Jesus says, “Believe me, woman, a time is coming when you will worship the Father neither on this mountain nor in Jerusalem. You Samaritans worship what you do not know; we worship what we do know, for salvation comes from the Jews. Yet a time is coming and has now come when the true worshippers will worship the Father in spirit and truth, for they are the kind of worshippers the Father seeks. God is Spirit, and His worshippers must worship in spirit and in truth.” What Jesus is saying is that temples, churches, places, etc. do not matter; they are meaningless. God is Spirit, and the Spirit is within, and God created us with the ability to seek truth and light freely, because we are made in the image of our Father-Mother God. All supposed teachers of God’s word and the ways of Christ are false teachers, and they are not better than anyone, but honestly, they are worse, because they claim to know the truth while making money off lies. We equally have the ability to seek out the ways of Christ, and that is something these blind guides have failed to do, just like their leader Peter aka Satan. Peter and Paul did not worship in spirit and truth; they worshiped in worldly wealth and lies. John 5:21-30, Jesus says, “For just as the Father raises the dead and gives them life, even so the Son gives life to whom He is pleased to give it. Moreover, the Father judges no one, but has entrusted all judgment to the Son, that all may honor the Son just as they honor the Father. He who does not honor the Son does not honor the Father who sent Him. I tell you the truth, whoever hears My word and believes in Him who sent Me has eternal life and will not be condemned; he has crossed over from death to life. I tell you the truth, a time is coming and has now come when the dead will hear the voice of the Son of God, and those who hear will live. For as the Father has life in Himself, so He has granted the Son to have life in Himself. And He has given Him authority to judge because He is the Son of Man. Do not be amazed at this, for a time is coming when all who are in their graves will hear His voice and come out- those who have done good will rise to live and those who have done evil will rise to be condemned. By Myself I can do nothing; I judge only as I hear, and My judgment is just, for I seek not to please Myself but Him who sent Me.” To hear means not just physically, but spiritually. To hear is to understand. To understand, is to live by what you hear; and to live by what you hear is to live by truth or by lies. To live by the light or by the dark. When Jesus speaks of being alive and dead, He is meaning spiritually, not physically. Peter is the evil judge, along with Paul, who judged others to please themselves. Peter and Paul were condemned; they did not enter eternal life, so how can people follow the ways of men who are condemned, and expect to be on the true path of eternal life? John 7:16-18, Jesus says, “My teaching is not My own. It comes from Him who sent Me. If anyone chooses to do God’s will, he will find out whether My teaching comes from God, or whether I speak on My own. He who speaks on his own does so to gain honor for himself, but he who works for the honor of the one who sent him is a man of truth; there is nothing false about him.” Jesus is a man of truth, and anyone can live in the ways He taught, and when we do, He is saying we will know it comes from God because we will feel it from within. Peter and Paul were men of lies. These men spoke on their own for mere financial profit, while never truly understanding God’s will. The pope is not a man of truth. The Vatican speaks on their own, and they do so to gain honor for themselves, that is why financially they are the richest institution on the earth, and that is why when it comes to God’s will, everything about them is proven to be false. John 8:12, Jesus says, “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows Me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.” Peter never followed Jesus, that is why he was always in the dark. Even after years of teachings and being reinstated, Peter was in the dark, and him along with Paul were spiritually dead. They never had the light of life. John 8:42-47, Jesus says, “If God were your Father, you would love Me, for I came from God and now am here. I have not come on My own; but He sent Me. Why is My language not clear to you? Because you are unable to hear what I say. You belong to your Father, the devil, and you want to carry out your father’s desire. He was a murderer from the beginning, not holding to the truth, for there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks his native language, for he is a liar, and the father of lies. Yet because I tell the truth, you do not believe Me! Can any of you prove Me guilty of sin? If I am telling the truth, why don’t you believe Me? He who belongs to God hears what God says. The reason you do not hear is that you do not belong to God.” Peter and Paul did not belong to God. They were liars, and their actions prove they never heard one-word Jesus spoke. Peter was Satan and he definitely carried out that evil desire when he had people dying at his feet over money. The Vatican does not hear, because from the beginning, the Roman men listened to the mouths of Peter and Paul. The Vatican, along with all Christian churches do not belong to God, and if anyone follows the church, they have given themselves over to Satan, the father of lies; the greatest deceiver disguised as the truth and the light. John 8:49-51, Jesus says, “I am not possessed by a demon, but I honor My Father and you dishonor Me. I am not seeking glory for Myself; but there is one who seeks it, and he is the judge. I tell you the truth, if anyone keeps my word, he will never see death.” Once again, Jesus does not mean physical death, but spiritual death. Peter did not keep Jesus' word, because he did not live in Jesus' word, and he is the judge Jesus is speaking about. Peter used Jesus to make money, just like the church which Peter established, and ever since, his evil spirit has been ruling this world through the Vatican. John 10:1-18, Jesus says, “I tell you the truth, the man who does not enter the sheep pen by the gate, but climbs in by some other way, is a thief and a robber. The man who enters by the gate is the shepherd of his sheep. The watchman opens the gate for him, and the sheep listen to his voice. He calls his own sheep by name and leads them out. When he has brought out all his own, he goes on ahead of them and his sheep follow him because they know his voice. But they will never follow a stranger; in fact, they will run away from him because they do not recognize a stranger’s voice. I tell you the truth, I am the gate for the sheep. All who ever came before Me were thieves and robbers, but the sheep did not listen to them. I am the gate; whoever enters through Me will be saved. He will come in and go out, and find pasture. The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full. I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd lays down His life for the sheep. The hired hand is not the shepherd who owns the sheep. So when he sees the wolf coming, he abandons the sheep and runs away. Then the wolf attacks the flock and scatters it. The man runs away because he is a hired hand, and cares nothing for the sheep. I am the good shepherd; I know my sheep and my sheep know Me- just as the Father knows Me and I know the Father- and I lay down my life for the sheep. I have other sheep who are not of this sheep pen. I must bring them also. They too, will listen to my voice, and there shall be one flock and one shepherd. The reason my Father loves Me is because I lay down my life- only to take it up again. No one takes it from Me, but I lay it down of My own accord. I have authority to lay it down and authority to take it up again. This command I received from My Father.” Peter is the hired hand who did not truly care about the flock. He did not feed the flock. He did not take care of the flock. Peter lived in fear, while always running from trouble; a trouble that he caused, so in all actuality Peter was always running from himself. Peter never followed Jesus, because he did not know His voice. Jesus is the good shepherd who gives life, love, light, and peace; while Peter was the thief who only knew how to steal, kill, and destroy. If anyone truly believes in their hearts Peter and Paul are good people, then they are indeed lost sheep who are not following the true ways of Christ. John 10:27, Jesus says, “My sheep listen to My voice: I know them, and they follow Me.” Peter was not one of Jesus' sheep. Peter did not listen to Jesus' voice, and the proof is in the Bible he never followed Jesus, except for one time, and that is to Jesus' death. After Peter was reinstated, he still chose not to follow the ways of Christ. Peter is a goat on the left and he was full of complete spiritual darkness. John 11:1-44 is about the death of Lazarus. Lazarus is the brother of Mary Magdalene and Martha. This story is very symbolic, because it shows Jesus' deep love for Mary. Spiritually speaking, Jesus and Mary are brother/sister, husband/wife, King and Queen; so by raising Her brother from the dead, Jesus was showing Mary what would soon happen to Him as well, and to not be afraid when He is crucified. Jesus says in verses 9-10, “A man who walks by day will not stumble, for he sees by this world’s light. It is when he walks by night that he stumbles, for he has no light.” Peter was always in the night and that is why he stumbled to his demise. While Martha ran out to Jesus when He arrived, Mary waited until She was called by Her Lord. The shortest verse in the Bible is “Jesus wept,” and He wept over Mary. His spirit was moved by Her tears. When Mary Magdalene ran outside to see Jesus, the Jews followed Her. The Bible says the Jews who came to visit Mary put their faith in Jesus. The Bible never speaks of Mary being evil, killing anyone, judging anyone, taking anyone’s money, or controlling anyone. People followed Mary Magdalene out of free will, while Peter and Paul were forceful, using the dark side to control. The people followed Peter and Paul out of fear, and that is all, and ever since, the church has literally gone into every country and culture, using fear and force just like Peter and Paul, to turn people into followers of Christ, yet there is no truth or light. John 12:1-8 is about one of Mary’s anointings. They were at Mary and Martha’s house having dinner in honor of Jesus. Judas was jealous, saying the oil could have been sold and the money given to the poor. Jesus told him to leave Her alone, and they would always have the poor but not Him, and the oil was intended for Him and His burial. Mary was in charge of many things, while the men were only learning, but mostly failing. Out of anywhere, the home chosen for Jesus' honorary dinner was Mary’s. Jesus chose Mary Magdalene for everything because She was loyal, trustworthy, and pure. The reason why Jesus told the men they would always have the poor is because He knew the world would swell up with evil greedy men, living in complete darkness until His return; after all, it has been Peter aka Satan aka the Vatican, leading us on a path of destruction ever since, and if people’s minds aren’t aligned with truth, light, and love, no amount of money will ever fix any of the world’s problems. John 12:35-36, Jesus says, “You are going to have the light just a little while longer. Walk while you have the light, before darkness overtakes you. The man who walks in the dark does not know where he is going. Put your trust in the light while you have it, so that you may become sons of light.” Peter never knew where he was going because he was always in the dark. Peter did not master the teachings of light while Jesus was with them, that is why he was overtaken by darkness once Jesus was gone. Peter was not a son of the light; he was a son of darkness. The first church built from Jesus' teachings is the Roman Catholic Church, and the church gets their ways from Peter and Paul. All denominations fall under Peter and Paul, making the church a church of darkness. It is impossible to follow the ways of darkness and expect to understand the ways of light. John 12:44-50, Jesus says, “When a man believes in Me, he does not believe in Me only, but the one who sent Me. When he looks at Me, he sees the one who sent Me. I have come into the world as a light, so that no one who believes in Me should stay in darkness. As for the person who hears My words but does not keep them, I do not judge him. For I did not come to judge the world, but to save it. There is a judge for the one who rejects Me and does not accept My words; that very word which I spoke will condemn him at the last day. For I did not speak of My own accord, but the Father who sent Me commanded Me what to say and how to say it. I know that His command leads to eternal life. So whatever I say is just what the Father has told Me to say.” Jesus says if you truly believe in Him and understand His ways, you will not be in darkness. Peter was always in darkness, which is proof he did not truly believe in Jesus. Satan was first in Peter, that is why Peter went around judging all the people, not truly living in the light of Christ. Peter did not accept Jesus' words, and now that we have reached the end, Jesus' true word is here to condemn the Vatican aka Satan’s home, because like their originator Peter, they have never truly accepted Jesus' words, because they do not truly understand Jesus' words. John 13:1-17 is about Jesus washing the disciples’ feet. Jesus said to Peter, “You do not realize now what I am doing, but later you will understand.” Jesus then explained to the disciples that no servant is greater than their Master, and He tells them that He has set an example for how they should treat others. He then says, “Now that you know these things, you will be blessed if you do them.” Jesus told Peter he would later understand, because Jesus already knew Peter would have people dying at his feet instead of living in the ways of his Teacher, but once Peter finally understood, it was too late, as Peter’s life ended upside down on the cross. Peter was not blessed, and Jesus did not intend for this story to physically continue with grown men washing and kissing each other’s feet, when they themselves cannot even comprehend the true meaning of His words, yet financially profit off them every single day. When you understand the true meaning of this story, and you wake up and realize Peter is truly evil, you will then realize how disgusting it is that people actually kiss the feet of his man-made statue, and as I am writing this, pope Francis is in Greece letting a little refugee girl get down on her hands and knees and kiss his. John 13:34-35, Jesus says, “A new command I give you. Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. By this all men will know you are truly My disciples, if you love one another.” Peter was not truly Jesus' disciple, just like he never truly loved Jesus, or truly took care of the sheep. The proof is in the Bible, Peter did not love anyone; he loved money. I like things that make sense, and there is no possible way that the church can be true, because it is started from the ways of a liar who was never truly part of Christ. John 14:21, Jesus says, “Whoever has My commands and obeys them, he is the one who loves Me. He who loves Me will be loved by My Father, and I too will love him and show Myself to him.” John 14:23, Jesus says, “If anyone loves Me, he will obey My teaching. My Father will love him, and We will come to him and make our home with him.” Again, Peter did not truly love Jesus; and the proof is in the Bible after Peter was reinstated, he continued to live his entire life without true love, while Mary Magdalene always loved. She truly loves Jesus, and that is why He appeared to Her first. He made His home with Her. John 15:1-17, Jesus says, “I am the true vine, and My Father is the gardener. He cuts off every branch in Me that bears no fruit, while every branch that does bear fruit He prunes so that it will be even more fruitful. You are already clean because of the word I have spoken to you. Remain in Me, and I will remain in you. No branch can bear fruit by itself; it must remain in the vine. Neither can you bear fruit unless you remain in Me. I am the vine; you are the branches. If a man remains in Me and I in him, he will bear much fruit; apart from Me you can do nothing. If anyone does not remain in Me, he is like a branch that is thrown away and withers; such branches are picked up, thrown into the fire and burned. If you remain in Me and My words remain in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be given you. This is to My Father’s glory, that you bear much fruit; showing yourselves to be My disciples. As the Father has loved Me, so have I loved you. Now remain in My love. If you obey My commands, you will remain in My love, just as I obeyed My Father’s commands and remain in His love. I have told you this so that My joy may be in you and that your joy may be complete. My command is this: Love each other as I have loved you. Greater love has no one than this, that he lay down his life for his friends. You are my friends if you do what I command. I no longer call you servants, because a servant does not know His master’s business. Instead, I have called you friends, for everything that I learned from my Father I have made known to you. You did not choose Me, but I chose you and appointed you to go and bear fruit- fruit that will last. Then the Father will give you whatever you ask in My name. This is My command: Love each other.” Jesus has one command: Love each other. Jesus says if you obey His command you will remain in Him. Jesus says whatever you ask will be given. So, Peter knew Jesus' only command is love, plus he knew whatever he asked would be given, and with knowing these two things, Peter chose to bury the bodies of Ananias and Sapphira, just because they lied about money. When they died at his feet, it was a test to see if he would live in the true ways of his Teacher’s command. Even though Peter did not die when he once lied about the temple tax, he chose not to live in the way of his forgiving Teacher, because he was not a true friend of Christ. He could have brought them back to life, speaking with them, just as Jesus did with him, but Peter chose not to. Jesus says you are His friend if you do what He commands, which is love as He loves. Peter and Paul did not bear fruit that would last. Like Peter and Paul, this false church institution that is started from Peter aka Satan, is the branch that has not remained in Christ; it is withered away through its lies. The pope does not treat his followers and the rest of the world as friends, he treats them as servants while keeping 53 miles worth of secrets locked away in his palace. The church has reached its end now that our Messiah has arrived; and the only two people who have lasted until the very end are Jesus and Mary Magdalene. There is nothing anyone can say negatively about these two, because they are loving, honest, and pure. We have reached the end of man’s old, dark, evil world, and the time has come for a new beginning. It is the end of the darkness and the beginning of true light, living in a new world which is built from the true love of Christ. A new world without the existence of man-made churches and false institutions which have merely existed for financial profit and indoctrinating people with lies. John 18:10-11, says once Simon Peter failed as watchman for Christ, he cut off a man’s right ear with his sword. Once again, after three years of teachings, Peter still did not understand the true sword is the mouth and Jesus is not about bloodshed. The right ear is symbolism for Peter cutting off the right side; the good side, the truth, the light. John 18:37, Jesus says, “You are right to say I am a King. In fact, for this reason I was born, and for this I came into the world, to testify to the truth. Everyone on the side of truth listens to Me.” Peter never listened to Jesus, because he was not on the side of truth. Peter aka Satan, was on the side of lies. The Roman Catholic Church was created through the ways of Peter, and now the Vatican has a Jesuit pope, and The Society of Jesus is based on the teachings of Peter and Paul, so in all actuality they should be called The Society of Satan. No wonder within their order they vow to kill and do any means necessary, because they are under the influence of Satan. They are shallow, simple, dull, evil men, who like Peter, do not understand the true ways of Christ, yet they rule and control this world, because they worship Satan, using fear for control. John 19:25-27 takes place during the crucifixion. Only women were present at the crucifixion, because all the men were scared that the same thing would happen to them. The verses read; “Near the cross of Jesus stood His mother, His mother’s sister, Mary the wife of Clopas, and Mary Magdalene. When Jesus saw His mother there, and the disciple whom He loved standing nearby, He said to His mother, ‘Dear woman, here is your son,’ and to the disciple, ‘Here is your mother.’ From that time on, this disciple took her into his home.” ‘This disciple’, is not a man, but a woman, and that special woman is Mary Magdalene. The scriptures say four women, and their titles are mother, sister, wife, and Mary Magdalene. Mary Magdalene is all three in one; She is the spiritual mother, sister, and wife of Christ. John chapter 20, after Jesus has risen and shown Himself to Mary Magdalene, He appears next to the men and tells them if they forgive anyone their sins, they are forgiven, but if they do not forgive them, they are not forgiven. This is once again a test for the men. We all have the free will to choose the dark or light within. Jesus was telling these men they have the free will to do as they please, but also Jesus instructed them on how to live a true, Christ conscious life, and He said to always forgive like Him, and Peter did not do that. That is why Jesus told Peter he loved little, because he forgave little. Peter was doomed to destruction just like him and Paul’s false church system. John 21:1-14 is about the miraculous catch of fish. We already know fish means disciples, and we know that Jesus ministry is about fishing for disciples. One night, Peter decided to go out fishing. When we truly understand Christ, then we read the Bible entirely differently than how we are taught in church. We no longer view it in a literal, physical sense. We expand our minds, and read the words for the deep spiritual meaning they truly are. Jesus knew how evil men would be over His time away, that is why these stories are written in the form they are in. The evil ones could never understand their true meaning because they are not of the light. In the physical man-made church, we are taught after Jesus was brutally tortured as an innocent man, He came back to the men at night to help them on a fishing adventure for actual fish, and just because Jesus told Peter to put his net on the right side of the boat, they caught fish. This is not what this story means. The disciples were being led by the ways of Peter, and Peter is on the left side, and was once again doing things his way rather than Christ’s way; that is why the story says Peter went out at night. He was not leading by the way of light. They had been out all night, doing things Peter’s way and had caught nothing; not actual fish, but disciples. Early in the morning, Jesus appeared to them for the third time, but they did not know it was Him. Jesus is the way of light, that is why the story says He appeared in the morning. He did not come to the men at night, because He is not of the dark. He is pure light, giving us the ability to be as well if we so choose out of free will. Jesus asked them if they had caught anything, and they said no. He told them to put their net on the right side of the boat and surely, they would catch some fish. Once they did, the net was full, and then verse seven says the disciple whom Jesus loved said to Peter, ‘It is the Lord!’ This disciple is Mary Magdalene. She is the first one to recognize Him and He appeared to Her first. Once Peter heard Her say this, he jumped in the water because he did not have on his garment. This does not mean physical garment. Peter was not out on a boat fishing naked. Peter did not have on his spiritual garment and he was doing things his way, and once he realized Jesus was watching, he became scared like he always was. Like Revelation 16:15 says, “Behold, I come like a thief! Blessed is he that watcheth, and keepeth his garments, lest he walk naked and they see his shame.” Peter is shown in the Bible to never keep watch and he is also shown to never have his garments, that is why finally at the end of the age, him, along with his false church system is finally being exposed for its shameful ways. Verse 11 says there were 153 fish. The number 153 is Mary Magdalene’s number. She is the right side, She is the light, and Peter would not accept that. Jesus is God in the form of man. The right side is light, and the left side is dark. Mary is on the right and Peter is on the left. Peter is the way of darkness and Mary is the way of light. These men thought they could write Her out of the story as just a prostitute, but they never understood that the true light could never be hidden forever, and in the end, their darkness would be exposed, proving them to be the true spiritual prostitutes. John 21:15-25 is about the reinstatement of Peter. Jesus asks Peter, “Do you truly love Me more than these?” Peter replies, “Yes Lord, You know that I love You.” Jesus says, “Feed My lambs.” Again, Jesus asks Peter if he truly loves Him. Peter says, “Yes Lord, You know that I love You.” Jesus says, “Take care of My sheep.” And for a third time, Jesus asks Peter if he truly loves Him. Peter replies, “Lord, You know all things; You know that I love You!” Jesus says, “Feed My sheep. I tell you the truth, when you were younger you dressed yourself and went where you wanted; but when you are old you will stretch out your hands and someone else will dress you and lead you where you do not want to go.” He then tells Peter to follow Him. Just like Peter disowned Jesus three times, Christ also knew Peter did not truly love Him, because if he did, Peter would not have led the others the way he did. Jesus already knew what Peter was going to do, yet Peter never understood until he was led to Rome, where he went upside down on a cross, for never being a true, upright person of Christ. After Jesus tells Peter these things, Peter turns and notices the special loved disciple, whom Jesus loves following them. This was not a man; again, this is Mary Magdalene, the hidden one Peter was jealous of. There is no male disciple shown to follow Jesus in the Bible. All the male disciples are shown to be in the dark. They all scattered and fell away. Mary Magdalene is the only one shown in the Bible to actually follow the ways of Christ. She is the only one who was never afraid. Mary was following them because She always followed Jesus wherever He went. They always protected each other. Once Peter noticed She was following them, he asked Jesus what would happen to Her. Jesus told Peter to not worry about it and to follow Him, which is something Peter is proven to never do. Jesus said if He wanted the special, loved disciple to remain alive until His return, it was none of Peter’s business. Rumor then spread, that the special, loved disciple would never die. Peter and the other men did not understand what this truly meant. They did not understand anything on a spiritual level. Jesus meant this special, loved disciple would never taste spiritual death, because She was full of light, always following the true ways of Christ, unlike Peter, who was forever in the dark. 

Chapter 7 
Acts and Beyond 
The book of Acts takes place right after Jesus' ascension. Once Jesus is gone, Peter is leading the way. When you understand all of Jesus' parables, you will then understand Peter was not a good person, and the proof is in the Bible. Peter is the first antichrist, and some of the disciples tried to warn of it in a secretive way. As soon as Peter starts leading, he immediately speaks to the Jewish people in a hateful, judgmental way. He makes the people feel guilty and tells them they put Jesus to death, even though the only time Peter ever followed Jesus was to the very death he was speaking about. Because of Peter’s words, the Jewish people were cut to heart, asking what they should do. Peter told the people to repent, even though Peter himself did not know the true meaning of repentance, because he was not living in the word’s true definition. The definition of repentance is to turn away from sin; to be sorry for what one has done and to promise to never do it again. Peter is proven to be a hypocrite from the beginning of his leadership, all the way to the end of his leadership. After Peter makes the people feel guilty, while telling them to repent for the very things he was still continuing to do, all the Jewish people started selling their land, goods, and possessions. Peter was in charge of everything. He was leading in Jesus' name, plus he had control of everyone’s belongings, just like the Vatican, which is Satan’s home. Peter aka Satan was not leading in the true way of Christ, because he never understood the true way of Christ. Peter had control over everyone’s land and possessions, plus he was making man’s money from God’s free words. Chapter three says a man was begging at the temple gate called Beautiful, asking for money. Peter had control of all the money and land, yet he did not share any money with this man. The man was healed through Christ, but Peter is proven to never truly be healed. Peter then tells the Jewish people that they disowned Jesus, still making them feel guilty, even though he had once done the same, and was continuing to do the same, because he was not leading in Jesus' true ways. Peter is never once found in the Bible speaking to the people with love. Peter is never once found in the Bible to live in the true ways of Christ, because Jesus' only command is love and that is the one thing Peter never knew how to do. Peter was a greedy man who manipulated the people, and through guilt, tricked them into giving up everything while he himself never understood anything Jesus truly stands for. All the Jewish people were selling their land and homes, bringing the money from the sale and placing the money at the apostle’s feet. Jesus never once did this, and yet the men, along with their leader Peter, had money falling at theirs. None of the men truly understood what Jesus meant when He washed their feet, just like these men today, because we are in modern day biblical times, given our second chance to make this wrong right; and with the light of truth, the darkness of these men can finally be taken away. Chapter 5 is about the death of Ananias and Sapphira. This married couple had sold their property and kept some of the money for themselves. Peter knew and said, “Ananias, how is it that Satan has so filled your heart that you have lied to the Holy Spirit?” Peter then says, “What made you think of doing such a thing? You have not lied to men but to God.” After Peter said that, Ananias died at Peter’s feet, while causing great fear to consume the other people. How was Ananias lying to God and not men? What would make Peter say such a thing? Peter is a man and God did not create money, man did, so why would Peter tell Ananias he lied to God and not men, when it is Jesus who had already taught him that God has nothing to do with money, and Jesus said you cannot serve both God and money. The answer is because Peter is the first antichrist aka Satan, and Satan is the one who wanted to rule the world as if he were God himself. That is why Peter said these things and did these things to his own people, and Peter was not the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is Mary Magdalene, 153, and all the men rejected Her and Jesus, and Jesus says if you reject the Holy Spirit, you will not be forgiven, in fact, that is the only unforgivable sin. Once Ananias dies over money, Peter does not bring him back to life, explaining how he had once lied about the temple tax. Peter did not forgive Ananias, the cloud of the Lord, for lying about money; instead, Peter had his men wrap up his body and bury him. Once the husband was buried, Peter then threatened his wife, asking her the price of the land, while telling her the feet of the men who buried her husband, will carry her out as well. As soon as Peter said those words, Sapphira died at his feet too, and his men buried her next to her husband. Neither one got to answer Peter’s question, they just died out of fear and Peter did not realize this was a test; instead he chose to bury God’s creation over man’s money. After witnessing this tragic event, great fear seized the whole church Peter was running, plus all others who were around. These are not my own words, but the exact words within the Bible. With God, there is no fear. God is love, and only with Satan will you ever feel fear, guilt, and shame. Peter is Satan who never knew God, but always wanted to rule as if he did, and ever since, we have been led in the darkness by his false ways through the Vatican, because every pope sits in the seat of Peter, and I will never call a pope my holy father, because my father isn’t the devil. Jesus says Satan cannot drive out Satan, and this is the very reason the Vatican, which claims to be Christ’s replacement, has never been able to drive out the darkness of this world. After Peter did all these things, a man named Cornelius who was part of the Italian Regiment, was called on by God as a Memorial offering for all of his prayers and gifts to the poor. An angel appeared to Cornelius at 3pm and told him to go get Peter, so that is what he had his men do. Cornelius means horn and horn means power. The next day at noon Peter had a vision. He was on a roof praying, became hungry, and then fell into a trance. He heard a voice that said, “Get up, Peter. Kill and eat.” Peter thought this voice was the Lord’s but still did not understand what the phrase meant. Peter did not realize that he was being sifted through his own darkness within. Peter did not realize that through the law of attraction he was being tested and paid back for all the evilness he had done. As he was having the vision, three men showed up at his door. Remember when Jesus went off to pray and took with Him three men, Peter being one, and Peter failing as watchman, causing Jesus to be handed over? Well this was the law of attraction, and just like darkness covered the land between noon and three, Peter was as well; and since Peter wanted to lead as if he were Christ himself, he was going to go through the most tests, while proving himself to be a failure every time. The only time Peter followed Christ was to His death; that is why during Peter’s ministry he was led to his. Just like while Jesus was praying, and three men failed, causing Him to be handed over to the Romans; Peter as well, was being handed over to three Roman men, since he was always trying to be like Christ, while proving himself to only be an antichrist. Peter, Paul, plus the other men, continue to go through troubles, while always judging everyone else. In Chapter 13, Paul is shown to make a man blind just because he disagreed with him. That is not a Christ conscious action. Jesus says if people disagree, let them be. He does not say to hurt them; he says to heal them and move on. Peter and Paul are proven to lead a ministry that is not the ways of Christ at all; and yet it is because of them the man-made church exists, with tax free preachers making a physical living off spiritual words they themselves do not understand. These men mixed the iron with the clay, when they took the word of God, the word of Christ, and financially profited. Jesus never did that. He was a carpenter, who worked with His own hands; He never made man’s money off His God given spiritual words. Chapter 27 of Acts, Paul decides to sail to Rome. After killing many true children of the light, and going through many troubles because of his own darkness within, Paul is in fear for his own physical life. Right before Paul heads off to Rome, he says at noon he saw a light from Heaven, brighter than the sun, blazing around him and his men. Paul again is associated with noon and darkness; like Jesus says in Luke 10:18, “I saw Satan fall like lightning from Heaven.” The proof is in the Bible, Peter and Paul were hypocrites who thought they were better than everyone. Paul was scared and decided to appeal to Caesar. He wanted to go to Rome because he thought his physical life was in danger, thinking he would be protected, even though it was only his soul that truly needed the saving. Chapter 26 verse 32, two men say Paul could have been set free if he did not appeal to Caesar. Once Paul arrives in Rome, he is greeted by some Roman brothers. The Bible says at the sight of these men, Paul thanked God. Paul loved being in Rome, because he got to live by himself with a soldier to guard him, just like the pope with his swiss guards, dressed in their funny looking clown costumes, blindly protecting Satan. The reason Paul appealed to Caesar was because he was afraid of his own people, but once in Rome, the men said no one back in Jerusalem had spoken badly of him. Through Paul’s own evilness within, he was paranoid, and that is why he and Peter are associated with noon, and like the Old Testament says, “at noon the men stumble.” Paul was being repaid through the law of attraction for all the evil things he did to the true children of light; and him along with Peter are two witnesses to the Jews and Gentiles that Jesus is the Messiah, and these two men are the ones who stumbled, and through following their mentality, Christianity too, has stumbled, because it has never been true. The thing we need to realize is that the Roman men were very powerful men. Even if they themselves were not living in the true ways of light, they were still in control, and they were very powerful. You cannot talk to people the way Peter and Paul did. Part of living in love as Jesus commands means showing respect to everyone, and that is something Peter and Paul never did. They may have been able to get away with it with their own Jewish people, but not with the Romans. Acts 28 ends with many of the Roman people leaving after Paul starts telling them they will never understand, they will never perceive, and their hearts are calloused. If someone spoke to me that way I wouldn’t want to listen to them either, and the proof is in the Bible, that Peter and Paul are the original ones who never understood, never perceived, and their hearts were calloused. Once they were led to Rome through their own darkness within, the Romans pretended to like them, provide them with shelter and protection, while learning all the teachings Peter and Paul knew of Christ, not knowing that these two men truly never knew Christ; their ways were merely rules taught by men with nice reiterated words of Jesus that they themselves did not understand, nor live by. Eventually Peter and Paul’s darkness caught up with them, and when the Romans were finished with them, Paul got his head cut off and Peter was hung upside down on a cross; and ever since, that dark spirit has been flowing through those popes, totally destroying every natural state of our beautiful Mother Earth. These men do not understand the ways of Christ. There is no possible way they can when their mentors are Peter and Paul. Once Peter and Paul died, these Roman men had a new avenue of money making, and through Peter and Paul’s evil ways, they saw how easy it was to prey on people’s emotions for pure financial gain. The mind is powerful, and like Jesus says; it is where the treasure is. That is why they want to get kids into the church early, instructing them on a false man-made curriculum, so by the time they are adults, able to be fully functional free thinkers, their treasure is already taken, and they are then boxed into an illusion of lies. The church teaches we are born sinners and will always be sinners, making us feel inferior to our own existence. If you go to church, you will be taught Peter and Paul are great. It is because of Peter, that the Vatican even exists, and it is through man’s ego, all denominations came about. It is because of Satan aka man, that this institution has been operating for 2,000 plus years, deceiving the masses, while making man’s money from those who are poor in spirit. These men should be ashamed of themselves. It is time for the church to give up all their possessions and pick up their own cross, because Satan’s time has reached its end. If you truly study the New Testament, and read the stories from Acts on, you will clearly see Peter and Paul are hypocrites. Paul says in the book of Romans to bless those who persecute you, do not repay evil for evil, do not take revenge, and overcome evil with good; yet he made a man blind in the book of Acts for not believing his ways. He says to love everyone and to not pass judgment, but in 1 Corinthians says it is disgraceful for women to speak, and if you ignore the things he teaches, you will be ignored by God. Paul also says in 1 Corinthians 15:5 that Jesus appeared to Peter first, then the other men. Either all the men lied to Paul, or because of Paul’s deep hatred for women, he did not find Mary Magdalene worthy along with the other men, even though the very Lord he was preaching about did. Paul and Peter did not live or teach in the true ways of Christ. They taught by the ways of Satan aka the dark ego of man, and the evidence is in the Holy Bible that all Christians believe in, yet do not realize they are worshiping Satan, because they have put their trust in man rather than God. They go into a man-made church where only darkness lies, instead of looking within; finding the true light of Christ. The church system is exactly like Peter and Paul, but how could it be anything different? These men are hypocrites, whose failed system is built on fear and lies. Paul says in 1 Corinthians 15:33-34, “Do not be misled: Bad company corrupts good character. Come back to your senses as you ought, and stop sinning; for there are some who are ignorant of God- I say this to your shame.” These are the words of Paul; the man Christians call brother and saint, yet if I spoke to them that way, they would say I was evil. Every hateful word Paul spoke, were the very negative things about himself that he could not see. He was the one ignorant of God, he was the one that was sinning, he admits to wanting to shame the people instead of love like he told them to do. Everything about Paul is disgusting. He contradicts himself on every level, and he got exactly what he deserved when he had his head cut off because he never truly heard with his ears, saw with his eyes, and he never used his mouth to speak truth. There is nothing good in the Bible about him or Peter, but the church will not teach that because their institution is built on them; the antichrist and false prophet. Paul says in 1 Corinthians 16:1-2, “Now about the collection for God’s people: Do what I told the Galatian churches to do. On the first day of every week, each one of you should set aside a sum of money in keeping with his income, saving it up, so that when I come no collections will have to be made.” The first day of the week is Sunday, and all of the people knew to have a certain amount of money set aside or else; so, I guess you could say it is thanks to Paul that people go to church every Sunday, giving a portion of their earnings. Like Peter, Paul was controlling and threatening, and once again it is because of these two men that the church exists. Every aspect of the church is from the ways of Peter and Paul, not Jesus, that is why I say Christians are subconsciously following the ways of Satan aka the dark ego of man, because that is who Peter and Paul represent, and that is who the church is started through. These evil men are proof that justice is always served through God. Through the law of attraction, they both got what they deserved, and now that we are at the end of darkness, justice is finally being served, as the church falls for all the evilness and lies it has caused, and the orchestrator is the Vatican. Paul was the false prophet, who was a fake hypocrite, and every word that came out of his mouth contradicted his own actions. He was fake to the people he taught, that is why the Romans were fake to him, learning all they could before cutting off his head; like Jesus says: kill by the sword, die by the sword, and Paul killed many innocent people. Peter, the antichrist, failed as watchman and only followed Jesus to His death, that is why he was led off to his, while eventually going upside down on a cross. In Chapter 11 of 2 Corinthians, Paul is upset, and is obviously having issues and confrontations with other men who are also preaching about Jesus. He is telling the people that his way is the right way and the others are the false apostles, deceitful, masquerading as though they are good when really, they are not, just like Satan. He says their end will be what their actions deserve. I do not know who he was specifically speaking about, but in the next book of Galatians, he opposes Peter and speaks of his evil ways. Peter and Paul were truly two of a kind, yet they fought with each other through their dominating, evil, dark egos. Peter and Paul operated off fear, that is why the Bible says ruthless men gain only wealth, but a kind-hearted woman gains respect. Peter and Paul were ruthless men who gained only wealth, while Mary Magdalene gained true respect. Paul is fake, and he is the one proven to be masquerading as though he were good, but was only pure evil. Just like I can turn all the church’s teachings around on them, I can also turn all of Paul’s words around on him as well, because he and Peter definitely got what they deserved in the end, and now it is time for the Vatican. Peter and Paul lived the rest of their lives in darkness, misery, and trouble, until dying for what their actions deserved, and now that we have reached the second coming, the church is falling, and the Bride is ready for Her Bridegroom, starting new with the true light of Christ. Paul said many nice things, but can’t we all? We all can be fake if we want to, and through Paul’s actions he proves himself to not be true. Paul acted as though he were superior, speaking some meaningful instruction; instruction that he himself did not live by, that is why I do not want to get into much of what he says because if you read through his writings, his actions contradict everything he writes about, with Colossians 2:8 being a perfect example. “See to it that no one takes you captive through hollow and deceptive philosophy, which depends on human tradition and the basic principles of this world rather than on Christ.” Paul’s ways were hollow deceptive philosophy, which were based on human traditions and principles of the world rather than the ways of Christ; that is why he had people giving a certain amount of money on a certain day. The church is built on the Pharisee ways of Peter and Paul, that is why it is based on human traditions and principles of the world rather than the true ways of Christ, and that is why now that we have reached the end, nearing the second coming of Christ, the church, like their founders Peter and Paul, has reached its demise. In the book of Acts, Chapter 5, some of the Jewish men wanted to put the apostles to death for the way they were speaking, but one Pharisee man named Gamaliel, which means ‘God’s reward’, said no, and to let them carry on. He said, “Leave these men alone. For if their purpose is of human origin it will fail. But if it is from God, you will not be able to stop these men; you will only find yourself fighting against God.” After he said this, they let Peter and the others go. This is very important, because the man-made church represents Peter and Paul, and ever since their death, these men have been controlling our minds, hearts, and souls through lies. Peter and Paul’s teachings are from human origin, that is why they failed, and ever since, the Romans have been lying to us. The Romans made them out to be martyrs, while taking over their false teachings, and using Matthew 16:18 as an excuse for their institution ever since. The Vatican uses Peter as a reason for their existence, and that is why their teachings are proven to be from human origin as well, and like Peter, the church has failed. These evil men have thought within their hearts they would always get away with their lies. The Vatican truly believes they will never fail, but that just proves, like Peter, they have never known God; so like Jesus said to Peter, I say to the Vatican, “Get behind me Satan! You do not have in mind the things of God, but the things of men!” Hebrews 1:9 says, “You have loved righteousness and hated wickedness; therefore, God, your God, has set you above your companions by anointing you with the oil of joy.” This verse is regarding Jesus and the one who did the anointing is Mary Magdalene. The verse also relates to Psalm 45, which says, “My heart is stirred by a noble theme as I recite my verses for the king; my tongue is the pen of a skillful writer. You are the most excellent of men and your lips have been anointed with grace, since God has blessed you forever. Gird your sword upon your side, O mighty one; clothe yourself with splendor and majesty. In your majesty ride forth victoriously in behalf of truth, humility, and righteousness; let your right hand display awesome deeds. Let your sharp arrows pierce the hearts of the king’s enemies; let the nations fall beneath your feet. Your throne, O God, will last for ever and ever; a scepter of justice will be the scepter of your kingdom. You love righteousness and hate wickedness; therefore, God, your God, has set you above your companions by anointing you with the oil of joy. All your robes are fragrant with myrrh and aloes and cassia; from palaces adorned with ivory the music of the strings makes you glad. Daughters of kings are among your honored women; at your right hand is the royal bride in gold of Ophir. Listen, o daughter, consider and give ear: Forget your people and your father’s house. The king is enthralled by your beauty; honor him, for he is your Lord. The Daughter of Tyre will come with a gift, men of wealth will seek your favor. All glorious is the princess within her chamber; her gown is interwoven with gold. With embroidered garments she is led to the king; her virgin companions follow her and are brought to you. They are led in with joy and gladness; they enter the palace of the king. Your sons will take the place of your fathers; you will make them princes throughout the land. I will perpetuate the memory through all generations; therefore, the nations will praise you forever and ever.” This is the wedding song, “Lilies”; and this is about Mary Magdalene and Jesus, and the spiritual existence of them has been perpetuated throughout all generations. Jesus said She would remain alive until His return, and they have both been here since the beginning, and now that we have reached the end of this false man-made world, the wedding feast of the Lamb has arrived. Mary Magdalene is the Royal Bride who is at the Lord’s right-hand side. Mary was a wealthy woman and gave Her dowry to Her King, Her bridegroom; that is why the catholic church has girls who become nuns sign over any financial inheritance to the church. The catholic church took every beautiful thing Mary Magdalene did out of free will and love for Her Lord, Her Husband, and turned it into a deceitful, forced, horrible nightmare for young women. They deemed Her as nothing but a repentant prostitute, and made many young, innocent women suffer ever since. She is the one who had the myrrh and She is the one who came with a gift, while all the wealthy men were trying to figure Jesus out; never truly shedding themselves of their false dark ego. Verse 2 says the Lord’s lips have been anointed with grace, and Mary Magdalene is the one who anointed them. Verse 4 says “Let your right hand display awesome deeds”, and again, Mary, not Peter is at the right hand of our Lord; like the Bible says, Jesus was enthralled by Her beauty, and not Her physical beauty, but Her spiritual beauty. Mary Magdalene is the glorious princess who was within Her chamber, being led to Her King, becoming a true Queen of the Light. Out of everyone, He loved Her the most, and She honored Him always because He is forever Her Husband, Her Lord. Hebrews 5:12-14 says, “In fact, though by this time you ought to be teachers, you need someone to teach you the elementary truth of God’s word all over again. You need milk, not solid food! Anyone who lives on milk, being still an infant, is not acquainted with the teaching of righteousness. But solid food is for the mature who by constant use have trained themselves to distinguish good from evil.” Chapter 6:4-6 says, “It is impossible for those who have once been enlightened, who have tasted the heavenly gift, who have shared in the Holy Spirit, who have tasted the goodness of the word of God and the powers of the coming of the age, if they fall away, to be brought back to repentance, because to their loss they are crucifying the Son of God all over again and subjecting Him to public disgrace.” After three years of Jesus' teachings, Peter should have been a teacher of Christ’s words, but he wasn’t. He was a failure who needed to be trained all over again. His mind was of an infant, and he was not acquainted with the true teaching of righteousness. Peter died a 60 something year old man, who was never ready for solid food, because he was never properly trained to distinguish good from evil. He was the first and the worst disciple of Christ, and he along with Paul fell away, and like the Bible teaches, they were not brought back to repentance, and ever since, the Christian church system has made a disgrace out of Christ’s name. Like Peter and Paul were merely infants needing to be trained all over again, the church as well, needs to be reeducated on the elementary truth of God’s word, because the church has never known the truth, because its founders are Peter and Paul. These men are not ready for solid food, because they do not understand righteousness or the true love of Christ. These men are merely infants needing milk. These men may be older with meaningless titles in front of their names, claiming to know the Bible, but I am here to prove them wrong and show them that they cannot distinguish good from evil like their originators Peter and Paul. It is time for these men to get out of the church and stop lying to the world while making tax free money. I could have a debate with the so-called ‘holy father’ of Rome, and I would annihilate him with spiritual truth, leaving him furious, wanting to go after me; after all he is Petrus Romanus, who only knows how to shed blood. The dragon, the ancient serpent, who goes after the woman and the true children of God. Hebrews 8:10-13 is about the new covenant. “This is the new covenant I will make with the house of Israel after that time, declares the Lord. I will put my laws in their minds and write them on their hearts. I will be their God and they will be my people. No longer will a man teach his neighbor, or a man his brother saying, ‘Know the Lord,’ because they will all know Me, from the least of them to the greatest. For I will forgive their wickedness and remember their sins no more.” By calling this covenant “new,” He has made the first one obsolete; and what is obsolete and aging will soon disappear.” We have now reached the end of the age, coming into a new golden era, making the ways of the old obsolete. This evil man-made system has run its course and its death has now arrived; darkness disappearing, bringing in true beauty, freedom, and light. No longer do we need churches and temples to teach us how to think; for within our minds and hearts we know the truth, and we will live by it each and every day. Hebrews 10:26-27 says, “If we deliberately keep on sinning after we have received the knowledge of the truth, no sacrifice for sins is left, but only a fearful expectation of judgment and of raging fire that will consume the enemies of God.” This is exactly what happened to Peter and Paul, and this is exactly what will happen if people do not turn away from the darkness of the church and enter the true light of Christ. Satan is the ruler of this world, and his mission is to deceive the entire earth, because he truly feels humans could never be good, thinking they will always be sinners, and he wants to trick people, so they will never enter the true Kingdom of God, and his home is the Vatican. James 1:12-15 says, “Blessed is the man who perseveres under trial, because when he has stood the test, he will receive the crown of life that God has promised to those who love Him. When tempted, no one should say, ‘God is tempting me.’ For God cannot be tempted by evil, nor does he tempt anyone; but each one is tempted when, by his own evil desire, he is dragged away and enticed. Then after desire has conceived, it gives birth to sin; and sin, when it is full-grown, gives birth to death.” Peter was not blessed, because he never persevered under trial. Peter failed every test, causing him not to receive the crown of life, because he never truly loved Jesus like he said. God never tempted Peter, but through his own darkness within, Peter was tempted. From his own ego within, he was enticed; causing him to do everything he did. Satan came to sift, and Peter was tempted by his own evil desires, and eventually him and Paul were dragged away to Rome, where they were enticed, and through all of their sins, they birthed a physical, mental, and spiritual death, and for conceiving the false ways of these men rather than the true ways of Christ, we have given birth to sin; sins that have consumed this entire world, mounted so high, that death has now arrived. James 1:22-25 says, “Do not merely listen to the word, and so deceive yourselves. Do what it says. Anyone who listens to the word but does not do what it says is like a man who looks at his face in the mirror and, after looking at himself, goes away and immediately forgets what he looks like. But the man who looks intently into the perfect law that gives freedom, and continues to do this, not forgetting what he has heard, but doing it- he will be blessed in what he does.” The proof is in the Bible, Peter merely listened to the word and deceived himself. He never did what the word said. Peter was not blessed, that is why he went upside down on the cross. It is evident through James, plus some of the other men’s writings, that they were clearly warning of Peter and many other evil ones. Like Jesus says, Christians have looked in the mirror and completely forgotten what they look like because they have never done what Jesus said. James 2:8-10 says, “If you really keep the royal law found in Scripture, ‘Love your neighbor as yourself,’ you are doing right. But if you show favoritism, you sin and are convicted by the law as lawbreakers. For whoever keeps the whole law, yet stumbles at just one point is guilty of breaking all of it.” And verses 12-13 says, “Speak and act as those who are going to be judged by the law that gives freedom, because judgment without mercy will be shown to anyone who has not been merciful. Mercy triumphs over judgment.” Peter never showed anyone mercy; he was always judging, that is why throughout his life, he was shown no mercy. Peter is never shown in the Bible to love his neighbor as himself, which proves he never lived right, only wrong. Peter definitely stumbled at more than one point, which made him guilty of breaking it all. James 3:13-18, “Who is wise and understanding among you? Let him show by his good life, by deeds done in the humility that comes from wisdom. But if you harbor bitter envy and selfish ambition in your hearts, do not boast about it or deny the truth. Such ‘wisdom’ does not come down from Heaven but is earthly, unspiritual, of the devil. For where you have envy and selfish ambition, there you find disorder and every evil practice. But the wisdom that comes from Heaven is first of all pure; then peace-loving, considerate, submissive, full of mercy and good fruit, impartial and sincere. Peacemakers who sow in peace raise a harvest of righteousness.” Through Peter’s actions in his life, he proves that he was never wise. Him along with Paul, always harbored bitter envy and selfish ambition in their hearts, never sowing in peace; only fear, guilt, and shame. Their so-called ‘wisdom’ did not come from Heaven, rather it was earthly, unspiritual ways of the devil; after all, that is who Peter was. If you study the books, you will see Peter and Paul carried bitter envy and selfish ambition within their hearts. Their ways were not peace-loving or considerate. They were not submissive to others and the true ways of Christ. Mary Magdalene is the one whose wisdom came from Heaven; being pure, peace-loving, considerate, submissive, full of mercy, good fruit, impartial, and sincere. Peter and Paul are never shown anywhere in the Bible to be merciful or impartial, they are only shown to be judgmental. Peter and Paul were never sincere their entire existence and ever since they have passed down a harvest of chaos, disorder, and curses to the world, with every type of evil practice you could imagine; and all for money which is what they always loved the most, while never understanding what kept making them stumble. Peter tells the people in 1 Peter 1:13-16 to be obedient children and to not conform to the evil desires as they did while living in ignorance. He tells them to be self-controlled and holy in all that they do. I don’t think burying people over money is holy, but obviously, Peter is pure evil. Peter is a hypocrite who never practiced what he preached, just like his little minions here in the world today claiming to know the word of God, but merely financially profiting through the lies of Satan. Peter then says in verse 17 to live your lives as strangers in reverent fear. This again is not the words of Christ; these are the deceptive ways of Satan. We should never live in fear; but only with fear can man gain control over our minds, so that is all Peter aka Satan knew how to do. He then says to rid yourselves from malice, deceit, hypocrisy, envy, and slander; yet he is the very man that is guilty of all five. 1 Peter 3:8-9 says, “Finally, all of you, live in harmony with one another; be sympathetic, love as brothers, be compassionate and humble. Do not repay evil with evil or insult with insult, but with blessing, because to this you were called so that you may inherit a blessing.” Peter again is speaking as a hypocrite and he never received a blessing. Nowhere is he shown to live harmonious, sympathetic, compassionate, or humble; but he sure knew how to be fake and preach it to everyone else as he had his men collect the money, just like the church system today. Again, in chapter 5, Peter is the biggest hypocrite when he says to be good shepherds, who are not greedy for money, but eager to serve; not lording it over to those entrusted to you. He says by doing so, you will receive the crown of glory when Christ returns. By Peter’s actions, he is proven to be a terrible shepherd who caused the flock to scatter, who was always greedy for money, never truly serving the people, but rather his own dark ego. Peter was a fake who tricked the people through lies and fear because of his ignorance. If he was truly wise, he never would have mixed Jesus' teachings with man’s money. Once he saw the fear induced reaction when Ananias and Sapphira died, that only added more fuel to Peter’s darkness within. People did not follow Peter through love, they followed through fear. He again says in verse 8 of chapter 5, to be self-controlled and alert, when he himself was always asleep and reckless. He says, “Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour.” Peter, the antichrist, was tricking the people through fear, when it was him that was Satan in the flesh. He was the wolf in sheep’s clothing, and we have had many in this world ever since. Like the crown of glory Peter did not receive, the crown which the Vatican thinks it wears is also being taken away, because through their own ignorance like Peter’s, they never had a true crown; it was fake, created through the deception and misery of Satan aka the dark ego of man. Peter again is proving himself to be a blind, judgmental, hypocrite, when he says in 2 Peter 2:17-22, “These men are springs without water and mists driven by a storm. Blackest darkness is reserved for them. For they mouth empty, boastful words and, by appealing to the lustful desires of human nature, they entice people who are just escaping from those who live in error. They promise them freedom, while they themselves are slaves of depravity- for a man is a slave to whatever has mastered him. If they have escaped the corruption of the world by knowing our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and are again entangled in it and overcome, they are worse off at the end than they were at the beginning. It would have been better for them to not have known the way of righteousness, than to have known it and then to turn their backs on the sacred command that was passed on to them. Of them the proverbs are true: ‘A dog returns to its vomit,’ and, ‘A sow that is washed goes back to her wallowing in the mud.’” Like Paul, Peter is blind to the fact that he is the one the proverbs are about, yet he judges the people without seeing it within himself. He is the dog that was reinstated by Jesus, yet returned to his vomit right after. He is the sow that was washed by Jesus, yet dirtied himself back up again in the mud of greed, misery, death, and lies. Peter was a slave to the world; he was mastered by Satan and driven by money, just like most of us today; after all the world is ruled through the Vatican where Satan safely resides. Peter ends his writings in 2 Peter by saying, “Our Lord’s patience means salvation, just as our dear brother Paul also wrote to you with the wisdom that God gave him. He writes the same way in all his letters. Speaking in them of these matters. His letters contain some things that are hard to understand, which ignorant and unstable people distort, as they do the other Scriptures, to their own destruction.” Peter never practiced what he preached, and he is the very man who was ignorant and unstable, who distorted the word of God to his own destruction. Peter and Paul are products of evil hypocrites, not saints. They should be taught as bad people, who are examples of how not to be, because their ways only lead to darkness; but instead for 2,000 plus years we have been taught they are good, because without them, man would not be making tax free money as the world gets darker and darker. Jesus said all disciples would leave Him alone, and over time that is what happened. They all fell away to the false ways of this world, and are all witnesses to Jesus being the only true spiritual man to overcome the false ways of this world. 1 John 1:5-6 says, “God is light; in Him there is no darkness at all. If we claim to have fellowship with Him yet walk in the darkness, we lie and do not live by the truth.” Peter and Paul were liars, who did not live by the truth. They claimed to have fellowship with Jesus, but they walked in darkness their entire existence. Chapter 2:3-6 says, “We know that we have come to know Him if we obey His commands. The man who says, ‘I know Him,’ but does not do what He commands is a liar, and the truth is not in him. But if anyone obeys His word, God’s love is truly made complete in him. This is how we know we are in Him: Whoever claims to live in Him must walk as Jesus did.” Peter and Paul never knew Jesus, because they never obeyed His commands. They claimed to know Jesus, while only being liars; the truth was never in them. Peter and Paul never walked as Jesus did, which means God’s love was never truly made complete in them, and if the church is started through the ways of Peter and Paul, then God’s love is truly not within those man-made walls. 1 John 2:24-27 says, “See that what you have heard from the beginning remains in you. If it does, you also will remain in the Son and in the Father. And this is what He promised us- even eternal life. I am writing these things to you about those who are trying to lead you astray. As for you, the anointing you received from Him remains in you, and you do not need anyone to teach you. But as His anointing teaches you about all things and as that anointing is real, not counterfeit- just as it has taught you, remain in Him.” Peter was led astray because he did not remain in Christ, which caused him to lead others astray as well. The church is counterfeit, because it teaches by the ways of Peter and Paul; each denomination being controlled through Satan. After 2,000 plus years, the Bible is finally being taught in its truest, purest form. No man has ever taught these things, because if they did, we would have come to the realization 2,000 years ago that we never needed the man-made church, because the truth has always been within. 1 John 3:2-10 says, “Dear friends, now we are children of God, and what we will be has not yet been made known. But we know that when He appears, we shall be like Him, for we shall see Him as He is. Everyone who has this hope in Him purifies himself, just as He is pure. Everyone who sins breaks the law; in fact, sin is lawlessness. But you know that He appeared so that He might take away our sins. And in Him is no sin. No one who lives in Him keeps on sinning. No one who continues to sin has either seen Him or known Him. Dear children, do not let anyone lead you astray. He who does what is right is righteous, just as He is righteous. He who does what is sinful is of the devil, because the devil has been sinning from the beginning. The reason the Son of God appeared was to destroy the devil’s work. No one who is born of God will continue to sin, because God’s seed remains in him; he cannot go on sinning, because he has been born of God. This is how we know who the children of God are and who the children of the devil are: Anyone who does not do what is right is not a child of God; nor is anyone who does not love his brother.” The Bible says Jesus came to destroy the devil’s work, which is sin, so why in the world would anyone ever believe the church when they teach us that we are sinners and could never be anything more? Do you think it is right for two people to die at Peter’s feet over lying about money? Peter is not a child of God. Peter and Paul’s actions prove them to be children of the devil, because they never did what was right in the eyes of Christ. Peter never purified himself of his dark ways, instead he was consumed by them. Peter did not live in the ways of Christ because he kept continuing to sin his entire existence, whereas Mary Magdalene was pure, always living in the true light of Christ; never sinning, being a perfect example of purity in Christ’s teachings. The church is founded through Peter and Paul, and these men are the children of the devil who never walked in the ways of Christ, that is why I say the church is the home of Satan. An institution established through fear, lies, and death; and these men have created a system so whether we believe in God or not, they are winning, because the men of the church are Satan in the flesh, while supposedly representing the truth; deceiving the world, while keeping us mental, physical, and spiritual slaves; tricking us into believing we are born sinners, needing to confess our sins to some man in a box, while learning the false knowledge of his ways. The church does not hold the true knowledge of Christ; so, whether you believe in God or not, Satan has subconsciously turned most people into children of the devil, while judging the world just as Peter and Paul. If these men were for the ways of Christ, their institution would not exist. If we were taught the truth of Christ’s ways, we would all be at home living in love in all areas of our lives, being complete conscious human beings, instilling that beauty within our children, instead of instilling negativity, lies, and fear through the false ways of man. The Bible says if we truly know Jesus, we will not continue to sin. The Bible says whoever is born of God will not continue to sin. So, the main question is who are people truly serving when they go to confession, and who are people truly serving when they believe they are forever sinners, being deceived into thinking that is the best that they can be? According to the Bible, if someone calls themselves a sinner, yet says they believe in Christ, they are actually contradicting themselves, while being fooled by Satan, and paying for the deception with their hard-earned slave money. The whole world has been led astray by the evil one, and the evil one rules through the Vatican walls, claiming to be the representative of Christ. 1 John 3:17 says, “If anyone has material possessions and sees his brother in need but has no pity on him, how can the love of God be in him?” Material possessions is money, and Peter had control of all the money, yet when he saw a crippled man begging for money at the temple gate, he did not give him any, which means he did not have the love of God in him; therefore, the church cannot truly teach what the love of God truly means. 1 John 3:18-20 says, “Dear children, let us not love with words or tongue but with actions and in truth. This then is how we know that we belong to the truth, and how we set our hearts at rest in His presence whenever our hearts condemn us. For God is greater than our hearts, and He knows everything.” God knew Peter’s heart, and Jesus knew Peter did not truly love Him. Peter loved with empty words, and through his actions he is proven to not belong to the truth, making the church a house of lies that is under the deception and control of Satan. 1 John 4:16-18 says, “God is love. Whoever lives in love lives in G od, and God in him. In this way, love is made complete among us so that we will have confidence on the day of judgment, because in this world we are like Him. There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear, because fear has to do with punishment. The one who fears is not made perfect in love.” Peter and Paul were not made perfect in love, because in this world they were like Satan, because Satan represents the darkness within, and that is what they chose to be consumed by. Through their fear, they projected that feeling upon others, using it as a weapon for control. Read the Bible and you will see they did not live in love because they were not part of Christ. The Bible teaches us Peter was part of Satan because as soon as he put that fear into Ananias and Sapphira, they died immediately, and he did not bring them back to life, because Satan aka man’s dark ego, does not care about life. Satan only cares about money, lies, control, power, and death. 1 John 5:18-21 says, “We know that anyone born of God does not continue to sin; the one who was born of God keeps him safe, and the evil one cannot harm him. We know that we are children of God, and that the whole world is under the control of the evil one. We know also that the Son of God has come and has given us understanding, so that we may know him who is true- even in His Son Jesus Christ. He is the true God and eternal life. Dear children, keep yourselves from idols.” Peter was the idol shepherd, who was not born of God; that is why when Satan came to sift, Peter failed, consumed by the ways of this world. Like the Bible teaches, if we truly look within, seeking guidance and understanding, we will find the truth, knowing the good from the evil; and when we do that, rather than going into a man-made church, we will know Peter and Paul are not true children of God, and then we can begin to understand the chaos and repair the damage that has been done in this world. The men of the church are not born of God. They continue to sin, while brainwashing us to be sinners for life, because Satan wants to own us for life; making us mental, physical, and spiritual slaves to his sick man-made system. 2 John 1:1-11 says, “To the chosen lady and her children, whom I love in the truth- and not I only, but also all who know the truth-because of the truth, which lives in us and will be with us forever. Grace, mercy, peace from God the Father and from Jesus Christ, the Father’s Son, will be with us in truth and love. It has given me great joy to find some of your children walking in the truth, just as the Father commanded us. And now, dear lady, I am not writing a new command but one we have had from the beginning. I ask that we love one another. And this is love: that we walk in obedience to His commands. As you have heard from the beginning, His command is that you walk in love. Many deceivers, who do not acknowledge Jesus Christ as coming in the flesh, have gone out into the world. Any such person is the deceiver and the antichrist. Watch out that you do not lose what you have worked for, but that you may be rewarded fully. Anyone who runs ahead and does not continue in the teaching of Christ does not have God; whoever continues in the teaching has the Father and the Son. If anyone comes to you and does not bring this teaching, do not take him into your house nor welcome him. Anyone who welcomes him shares in his wicked work.” Peter is the one who is proven to not have God; he never followed the true ways of Christ. He is proven to always run ahead, doing things his way blindly in the dark, while Mary Magdalene is proven to always have God; always following the way of light. Mary Magdalene is the chosen lady, who is the spiritual mother of light, being here since the beginning. Peter was the deceiver that did not walk in love; he walked in fear and lies, and the Bible says if you accept that into your home, you are partaking in the ways of wickedness, and that is exactly what Satan wants as he sits in luxury behind the Vatican walls, portraying to be the divine feminine, when that institution could never be divine. There is nothing divine about evil men in dresses, lying and killing the world. The divine feminine number is 153 and that divine feminine is Mary Magdalene, that is why the church hates Her so much, because with Her, their institution no longer exists. With Her, in the twinkling of an eye, you can be reborn, awakening to your true self, no longer depending on someone to teach you the truth, because you finally find the truth within. She is the special, sacred, loved disciple who would remain alive. She is the woman who would come with the light in the end days, exposing the darkness of the dragon aka the Vatican’s ways. No longer in the age of believing fairy tale stories that make no sense at all. Finally birthing the new age, the age of knowing. Knowing thyself, knowing the truth; the truth that has always been within. Living in the truth; the true image of God, which has always been love and light. Jude 1:10 says, “These men speak abusively against whatever they do not understand; and what things they do understand by instinct, like unreasoning animals- these are the very things that destroy them.”, and verses 12-13, “These men are blemishes at your love feasts, eating with you without the slightest qualm- shepherds who feed only themselves. They are clouds without rain, blown along by the wind; autumn trees, without fruit and uprooted-twice dead. They are wild waves of the sea, foaming up their shame; wandering stars, for whom blackest darkness has been reserved forever.” Peter and Paul spoke abusively to the people because they never understood love and the true ways of Christ. Through their instinct of pure evilness, they were unreasoning animals who judged and punished, while never showing true love; and the very things they did and said, are the very things that destroyed them. Peter and Paul were shepherds who fed only themselves while deceiving the people, and acting as though they were superior. They were clouds without rain, flesh without the spirit of truth. They were trees without fruit, uprooted-twice dead; their actions were full of shame. Like Peter and Paul, the Vatican, along with the rest of the Christian churches, are full of unreasoning animals, because their instinct has been pure evilness from the ways of Peter and Paul, bred into their minds, hearts, and souls. The very things the Vatican has done and said are the very things that are going to destroy them without being physically touched, and like the Bible says; blackest darkness has been reserved for their wicked ways forever. The Book of Revelation, also known as the apocalypse, is about the end of days. The ending of darkness and the dawning of pure light. The ending of the battle between good and evil, light and dark; the woman going up against the dragon, the ancient serpent, the lying snake; crushing his head, freeing the true children of light. The definition of revelation is a surprising and previously unknown fact, especially one that is made known in a dramatic way, and it also means the divine or supernatural disclosure to humans of something relating to human existence or the world. Apocalypse means a disclosure of knowledge; lifting of the veil. The Book of Revelation is all about the Holy Spirit, the woman coming with the light of Christ, bringing an understanding and justice to humanity, while casting out all darkness in the world. We are now in the last days of misery, lies, death, and destruction; and soon a new world will be born under truth, free will, and pure light. We are in modern day biblical times, and the reason being is this is our second chance to make man’s many wrongs, right. Mary Magdalene is the Holy Spirit 153 and Peter is the beast 666 who went after everyone and everything; destroying all truth, while controlling through fear and lies. The church system is a beast system that is built off a man’s number 666, and that man is Peter. The Mother Harlot that rides this evil beast system is the Vatican, leading the entire world astray while masquerading as a replacement for Christ, and all other Christian denominations are just prostitutes paying up to the Mother Harlot Church. Since Peter and Paul, that evilness has spread, and the ways of this evil man-made system have defiled the entire earth. Satan wanted to destroy all beauty in the world and unite us through him, but he was never divine and never will be, that is why his time has reached its end. I am the Spirit Mother, the Hidden One, the Bride; coming with spiritual knowledge that no one in the church can deny. The Vatican is the serpent who will be angry by this truth, because with this truth we can all be free, while they become slaves of their own darkness and demise; never being able to trick, steal, lie, control, and kill ever again. With this truth, preachers of all denominations would no longer make money, and that they would not like, and the reason being is because they serve the beast rather than serving God and truly living right. There is no set of chosen people based on flesh and blood; the chosen ones are the children of true spiritual light, that is why Jesus gave His flesh and blood. Many people think they are better because of their skin color or blood type, but that only proves they are not the chosen ones, because they are not spiritually inclined. All that matters is the spirit. Is your spirit dark or is it pure light? Do you follow the dark ways of man, blinded on a path of destruction, or do you look within, attaining a Christ conscious mind; being truly enlightened on a path of mental, spiritual, and physical perfection; profoundly made in the image of God? 

Chapter Eight 
Conclusion For A True Spiritual Revolution 
In the Essene Humane Gospel of Christ, Jesus talks about the end of all wickedness. He says to make sure no one deceives you, because many will take up the Holy Name in vain and misuse the true meaning of God, while causing much confusion. He says things will take place on the earth that have never happened in the history of mankind and will never happen again except with this generation, and the generation He was speaking of is the generation we are in today. He says there will be much talk of war and the ones in power will gather the land and riches of the earth to themselves in greed, for their own lust, and oppress the rest of the world. He says at the end of all wickedness, many will be in bondage, though not in prison, and they will be used by the greedy for making money. He continues by adding that all innocent animals will be greatly oppressed and used for the lust and greed of people, with many lusting after the flesh of God’s creation. The Essene Humane Gospel of Christ also says at the end of all wickedness, a strange savior will appear, and he will rule many minds. Jesus says the generation at the end of wickedness will not believe in the evils of the world, rather they will call evil, good and good, evil. He says this strange savior will work many miracles in the earth, and the people will worship him with much devotion. Jesus says all hope will rest in the god who is not a god, but deceives every nation. He says at the end of wickedness God will send forth His Holy messengers who will restore the Holy Law, which wicked men have kept hidden by their vain traditions, and many people will hate the ones who live in the true Holy Way. He says in the age to come, which is the age we are in today, God’s name will be blasphemed in a manner like never before in the history of the world. Jesus says hands will be dripping with the blood of God’s creatures and they will take up God’s name in vain, living the way of the Pharisees rather than the true, pure way. He says great will be the stranger that rules the minds of the people, but only hopelessness will reign over the nations. Jesus says many lies will be spoken at the end of the age of wickedness, and many things will be taught and spoken of Him that He never said nor taught, and many will believe and be lost. Jesus says our Eternal Parent has appointed a time and a season for everything. He says the wicked heavens of Satan will pass away, and the evil of the world will pass away, but His words will never pass away, because they are law, life, and love. He says out of His true law will come a new heaven that rules over the new earth, and the Kingdom of His elect will rule in peace and gladness the meek of the land, and wickedness will never be found again or sought after. Everything that Jesus prophesied is happening today. With millions of churches around the world, many indeed have taken the Holy Name in vain while causing much confusion. Just as Jesus said, there is much talk of war, and the ones in power are gathering all the land and riches for themselves, while oppressing the rest of the world; turning us against each other while offering false hope. Many of us are in bondage, though not in prison; but rather a mental and spiritual bondage that works through the physical as well. We are taught a method of lies, only being a corporate number that gives 8 to 12 hours per day of our lives; a life that most still fail to understand. Serving a system that does not benefit us, rather it only benefits the ones who rule over us. Many people around the world are being used by the greedy for making money. All this time, and humanity has failed at providing proper food and shelter for all people around the world, proves the greedy are in control and they do not have any true love within their souls. Pope Francis says his three goals are to fight poverty, build bridges, and work for peace; but as long as we are under the Vatican’s control that will never happen, and if they haven’t been able to accomplish this within 2,000 years of ruling in Christ’s name; I’d say it never will, but how could they, when each pope sits in Peter’s seat? The very man who took the Jewish people’s land and money, having complete control over everything, yet not even able to share any money with a crippled man begging at the temple gate. Billions of innocent sentient beings are killed each year for unnecessary food, with people lusting after the flesh of God’s creation, while causing the greatest oppression, never truly understanding the reason for most of their health issues; always looking for a quick man-made fix, never consciously thinking about the pain, misery, and suffering that they are bringing not only upon themselves, but also the animals and our beautiful mother earth. Like Jesus prophesied, there is a strange savior who is ruling over the minds of many around the world. Most of the world does not understand the truth, because this world is controlled by the evil one, therefore most cannot differentiate good from evil. Most view this strange savior as good, but deep within he is pure evil. Jesus says this strange savior will work many miracles in the earth, and the people will worship him with much devotion. This strange savior that Jesus was speaking of is Jorge Bergoglio, the earth worker who is sowing many lies. All hope rests in the pope, as all leaders bow down to him. He portrays to be a god but is not a god, and he deceives all nations as he travels in his private jet, and this same routine goes all the way back to Peter and Paul. The time has arrived, and God’s Holy messengers are here, restoring the Holy Law, that is why you see so many loving vegans and animal rights activists, living in the true law of love and light, but the wicked only get upset because the awakening that is taking place is messing up their evil financial order, and the people who are consuming these so called products, which are really unnecessarily slaughtered, innocent beings of God, are unwilling to give up their desire for flesh; obeying the true commandments of God. If the truth was presented, most people would choose to be a sinner, having some made up fairy tale story to make them feel better about their immoral existence. God gave these creatures life, so who are we to take it away? God is love, and we were meant to live in the image of God, ruling the world through love, so how is it love when you take another’s life, contributing to misery, torture, and pain? Around the world, the most horrific abuse towards animals is taking place with certain animals being valued more than others based on vain traditions of cultures. Cultures that have been ruled by blind men, even though all animals equally feel pain, and through science we learn we are destroying our body and the earth. Like Jesus says, many hands are dripping with the innocent blood of God’s creatures, and the Christians are the ones He was speaking of when He says many will take up God’s Holy Name in vain, living the way of the Pharisees, rather than the true, pure way. Everything that Jesus hated about the Pharisees is the exact same way Christians are today; that is why the Bible says when He returns He will say to the majority who claim to believe in Him, “Away from Me you evildoers, I don’t know you.” He says things will be spoken of Him and taught that He never spoke nor taught, and He was right, because He never told anyone to build man-made churches, He never said to take people’s money, He never said we are all sinners and that He is the only perfect one, and He never said to build private Christian schools where the tuition is too high for most, and the ones who are naïve enough to pay for it do not realize they are paying to have their children indoctrinated with lies, and whether public school or private school, both are a prison for the mind. If the love of money is the root to all evil, why do the churches ask for it when God is love and God has nothing to do with money, yet they claim they are the true representatives of God here on earth? If Jesus says you cannot serve both God and money, why has the Vatican taken all of the people’s slave money, owning billions and billions of stocks, gold, real estate, and shares? Why have they bought up all of God’s land? Why does the pope claim to own the entire world? Like Jesus says, “Those who have will be given more, and those who don’t have, even what they do have will be taken from them.” Those who truly have wisdom, understanding Christ and living by His ways, will be given more; inheriting the earth while ruling through love and light. Those who lack true wisdom, those who aren’t living in the true ways of Christ; all the physical, materialistic things they have will be taken. The Vatican has never had true spiritual wisdom, that is why every materialistic thing they have acquired in the name of Jesus will be taken. Jesus says our Eternal Parent has appointed a time and a season for everything, and the time has come for all wickedness to end. The keys to the wicked heavens that the Vatican thinks it has is passing, and the evil they have manipulated into the world is passing, and the new Heaven and earth is arising, created through truth, light, and love. Jesus says all who serve evil with willing hearts and excitement in their souls will be judged by their unholy standards. He says if you live by Satan’s laws then be prepared to be judged by them as well, because with evil things Satan judges evil men and chastises the children of disobedience. Satan resides within the Vatican, and through each pope’s body he rules this world while leading every nation astray. When millions upon millions and billions upon billions is being paid out in pedophile cases, where do you think that money comes from? When someone is part of an institution, contributing money to a system that pays parents off for disgusting men touching their children, they are serving evil with a willing heart. Just like in the Bible, when Mary Magdalene announced Jesus' resurrection, and no one believed Her, but when Peter said it second, then the men believed him and they were rebuked; the same is happening today, and the world can choose to remain in the hands of darkness, or the world can choose to turn to their true Mother of Light, finally freeing them from Satan’s bondage. The Roman Catholic Church has a Jesuit pope. They claim this is the first time having a Jesuit pope, but whether it be Francis, Benedict, other popes, the Nazis, or the Royals; they all wear the same style cross, all working for the black pope who is hidden in the background. Within the Jesuit Oath, the men claim to ride in the barque of Peter. From the scriptures in the Bible and many outside sources, it is evident that Peter is an evil, worn out ship that has steered people in the direction of sin and darkness, but now the time has come for the Jesuit’s ride to end. The Bible says salvation comes from the Jews, and it is true because finally the Jewish people can come out from the control of Rome, awakening to the truth of who the Messiah really is. Some of the Jewish people may not claim Jesus as the Messiah, but they have been smart enough not to follow this false interpretation of Him, and that is why they are chosen to help bring in this new millennium of Christ. They will awaken to the truth. They will know He was, He is, and forever will be the true King of Israel. There is nothing to fear any longer. The only one that needs to fear is the Vatican because their final destruction has come. Christ is the truth, and the church which claims to represent Him is a lie. All Christian denominations have turned back to the mother church, the harlot church of lies, but it doesn’t really matter because they are all one and the same. Evil and false, established through the ways of Peter and Paul. According to the ten commandments, there is nothing true or pure about the church, considering the followers break the ten commandments every single day by killing the animals, coveting their flesh, stealing their babies, joy, and life; taking the Lord’s name in vain as they sit down at the dinner table thanking God for the death on their plates, while later praying for Him to cure them of the diseases they brought upon themselves by not listening to Him in the first place. Humanity is meant to return to the Garden of Eden, living in the true image of God; raising our level of consciousness, fully awakened to who we truly are. There are billions of people in the world who claim to believe in God, but they are not keeping the ten commandments; they are not truly living in love. How could Heaven ever be brought to earth if people truly believe they will always be a sinner, and just by telling some man in a box how bad they are, everything will be alright, or by slitting a chicken’s throat, everything within yourself will somehow be better? That doesn’t make sense. All of our actions reflect into the world, that is why it just keeps getting darker; but like the saying goes, it is always darkest before the dawn. To believe you are a sinner, is to believe you are fallen, and Jesus taught how to be perfected, so to believe you are fallen means you do not know Christ. The world could never come out of the darkness when the ones who claim to know Christ misrepresent Him. When an institution is carrying the name of the one and only truth, yet totally misrepresenting Him; the world could never be full of light. Eve ate from the tree, and ever since we have gained knowledge and understanding about good and evil. Eve is the Mother of all living; spiritually living. The Mother of the ones who have gone through the darkness; reborn into the light, consciously evolved into their true selves. Now that we have reached the second coming, I am here again calling out. I have been through the darkness, and I have chosen the light. I am here for the true children who have been through the same, birthing a new world where there is no longer pain. I understand you all, and when I call, you will look within, remembering who you are; freeing yourself from the darkness of this world, transforming into pure light, never falling from grace again. In the beginning, Eve messed up, but when Jesus came, it was the men who messed up and the women who followed, and ever since we have been in the darkness under this male dominated control, that started through the scattering of the male disciples just as Jesus said; and now that we have reached the second coming, we can finally bring balance back to the earth. I am here with the true light, to cast out all darkness in the world. Will you follow me to the truth, or will you ignore me like they did before? I was the one who carried the truth. I was the one the truth first revealed Himself to. 2,000 plus years ago, Peter stole that truth, and ever since, this world has been ruled under fear, death, lies, bondage, and pain. It doesn’t really matter what these men did or what the church says, they could never curse what God has not cursed. These men for the last 2,000 plus years, have tried to cast curses, but they have only cursed themselves. They could never hide the light forever, because what is done in the dark will eventually always be exposed. I am within you all, I am the light you wish to seek, I am the light within yourself, I am the truth that will set you free. On February 23, 2017, pope Francis said, “If you are a Christian who exploits people, leads a double life, or manages a dirty business, perhaps it’s better not to call yourself a believer.” These are the words of a man who runs the dirtiest business on the face of this earth, and yes, I called the church a business, because anything that makes money is a business. The definition of exploit is to make full use of and derive benefit from a resource. The church has been exploiting people since its existence by preying on the minds of people, brainwashing them to believe they are sinners, while taking their money, and often using that money for their pedophile cases, and let us not forget, buying stocks and shares in porn. That is why we see the pine cone at the Vatican. The pine cone stands for our pineal gland, our inner eye within our mind, the eye that understands the all; it is where our treasure is, and it is also known as the seat to our soul. Satan laughs as he has control over most of humanity’s minds. He feels he owns your mind, and once he has your mind, that is when you lose it all. The pope leads a double life by changing his name, pretending to be a holy man who is the representative of Christ, and in the past many popes have even claimed to be God, and in all actuality, they all do, because they all claim to be the holy father. The pope manages the dirtiest business as he makes money off Jesus' image, while at the same time defaming His name. The pope quoted the Book of Mark where Jesus says it is better to be drowned than to cause others to sin, yet it is the pope’s church that teaches children they are born sinners and that they need to go to confession. We only know what we are taught, and if we are taught from birth that we are sinners, then we believe that we are sinners, but if we were taught that we are perfect, then we would truly live as such. The church would rather teach us that there is only one who is perfect and that is Jesus, and we could never be like Him; so just keep going to confess the bad things we do, give the church our slave money, and they will keep this dark cycle going until we have completely lost touch of who we truly are, as they rule this world through this false church/state/global empire concoction of lies. Pope Francis is a hypocrite who needs to eat his own words, because it is the church that causes others to sin, so I wonder if he feels that passage from Jesus refers to the church? Though his words sound very true, it is the pope’s institution that has caused this mentality to spread. Like Jesus says: the pope travels over land and sea to win a single convert, and when he becomes one he makes him twice the son of hell as him. It is the pope’s institution that leads in the name of the one and only truth, yet the world is filled with darkness; Satan ruling, masquerading as light, people filled with delusions, believing they are part of the truth, but they have only been corrupted by lies. Truth is free, it is the lies that we pay for. People go to church, pay, pay, pay; wonder through life, believing they are bad, bad, bad; never understanding any truth to humanity’s existence, but truly conned into believing Jesus dying on the cross alone, is going to make the world better, and no matter what they do, as long as they say Jesus is their savior, everything is going to be ok and they are saved, not realizing they are the most lost group of people on the earth who have helped contribute to all the darkness in the world, while falsely representing the light, never truly understanding what it even means for Christ to be their savior. Never realizing, that Jesus came to teach how to be perfected, which in turn made the evil, controlling men get angry and want to kill Him, and these same types of men are the very men who continue to rule over us, hijacking Jesus name, with most Christians willfully serving the very system Jesus was trying to stop. Rather, His main stream denominational church followers, whether that be the supposed “true universal church”, or any other church for that matter, believe Jesus basically was a perfect man, who decided to get tortured and killed, so humanity could then use His name to continue to be sinners, even though in the Bible Jesus specifically says to be perfect, which isn’t hard to do, but then the church would cease to exist, so they never want us to reach our true perfection, so the main saying that continues to float through the minds of the world is “No one is perfect.”, even though the truth is that everyone has the capacity to be perfect. That is why the pope says it is dangerous to have a personal relationship with Jesus outside of the church. He knows humanity is awakening to the truth. He knows people are realizing the church is a joke, and without the people they could no longer make money; they could no longer dominate the earth. Satan knows he is losing control, that is why he uses fear as he says it is a temptation to believe one can have a personal relationship with Jesus. He says the church is the mediator between Jesus and man, but how could these men be mediators if they are proven to not know Christ at all? I truly came to know Jesus by stepping outside of the church and stepping into myself. If Jesus says to be perfect, and the church teaches no one can be perfect, who are people truly serving? If a group of people in this world carry the name of the one and only truth, believing they could never be more than sinners, how could Heaven actually be brought to earth? Why did Jesus even come with His message if people were going to continue through life believing they are forever sinners, while passing that mentality down generation after generation until the entire world is filled with darkness? All of Jesus' mainstream denominational and non-denominational church followers take His name in vain, yet again breaking a commandment of God daily. Remember, Jesus did not come to abolish the law, rather He came to fulfill it; living in the true law, unlike most of the Jewish men who were only hypocrites, while making their own laws as they went, just like much of what Jesus’ followers do today, and like Jesus told the men back then, He would tell the Christians today: “Your father is the devil, he’s been a liar since the beginning.” What positive results have come from the Christian religion? What true light has come from these millions of churches across the world? All the church can say is they donate lots of money and help build hospitals, and while we keep getting more churches and more hospitals, it just keeps getting darker and people just keep getting sicker. The definition of vain is producing no result, useless. The Christians have taken the Lord’s name in vain because they have produced nothing but spiritually dead fish, spiritually asleep fish, many lost fish in the world; and the time has come for Jesus to say to most, “Who are you? Away from Me you evildoers!” Who do you think Jesus is talking about when He says at His return, He is going to say to most who believe in Him, “Away from Me!”? Why would Jesus say that to most of His followers if it is totally ok to be a sinner your entire existence, and just by saying He is your savior and He died for you; then you are saved? None of the church’s teachings make sense. It is all contradictory nonsense, and it is time for the darkness to end. Jesus says all who are fully trained will be like their teacher and no one will need another to teach them the truth because the truth will be within. He says people will find the true Kingdom of God within. The pope is going against what Jesus teaches, making him to be an adversary of Christ; making him the true antichrist, armilus, dajjal. On inauguration day, Cardinal Dolan spoke a prayer of King Solomon. He called out for Wisdom, proclaiming humanity’s lack of competence and any true understanding. Speaking on man’s weakness and inability to judge correctly. In his prayer, he was affirming the fact that the world has been lost with the suppression of the female, because Wisdom is feminine and that is what man has always lacked, even though she has always been hidden deep within. Through his speech, he was letting it be known that the Roman Catholic Church has never known the truth because they have always lacked true Wisdom. You cannot have a patriarchal system running the world and expect to gain Wisdom, and within these pages that these men claim to understand, the words tell of Wisdom being valuable above all else, and you should always search her out, but these men only tried to write her out, while instead choosing money, domination, and control. Cardinal Dolan said Wisdom knows and understands all things, and it is Mary Magdalene who is known as “the One who knows the all”. Mary was the one who held the true knowledge of Christ. Mary is the one who is the leader of the true church. Mary is the true representative of Christ, not Peter or any Supreme Roman Pontiff and successor of Peter. Peter the Roman, also known as Pope Francis, says the church’s belief is based on Peter and Paul, and once you prove their belief to be false, that is when the entire system falls. Like the Old Testament says, at noon the men stumble, and it is Peter and Paul who had their visions at noon, and it is because of Peter and Paul that the church has been operating, and they are the reason this false system has failed. Even Muslims understand how evil Paul is, and once they come to realize how evil Peter is as well, they will then see the pope is truly the dajjal, and maybe then, they will start to be appalled as I am after watching a little Muslim girl kiss the pope’s feet. The very feet of the one who has led this chaos in the world, deceiving the people with false peace; each pope sitting in Satan’s seat. If the church was based on the belief of Mary Magdalene and the true teachings of Christ, they would never proclaim they are sinners, yet true children of God at the same time. Under the true teachings of Christ, you are no longer a sinner; rather you are perfected, living in the true image of God, going back to the Garden of Eden, the Garden of Paradise. Healing all sickness, breaking all curses, uniting in light, finally bringing Heaven to earth. I am Wisdom, and now that we have reached the second coming, I am here again calling out. Like they say Jesus is the second Adam, I have been here many times. I have been here since the beginning and I am here again at the end. I have gone by many names, yet it is the Great Mother I will forever remain. I am like a hen who wants to gather her chicks. I am the Mother of Light who has come for the children who live by the true commandments of God. Together, our love and light within ourselves will cast out all evilness in the world. Together, we shall unite in truth, light, and love; no one above the other, all equals in the light of Christ. The church system is the opposite of Christ, making it in fact the church of the antichrist; lacking any true wisdom, that is why the popes and priests physically wash and kiss people’s feet, rather than teaching what the scriptures truly mean on a spiritual level, failing to walk in this world with clean feet themselves; rather choosing to remain sinners because all these men are spiritually weak, spiritually dead; not understanding anything about life, while leading us to slaughter as well. This world, which we exist in, is ruled under darkness; lacking any true spiritual light, but Cardinal Dolan’s prayer, along with many others in the world, is finally being answered; the veil is finally being lifted. Wisdom; true enlightenment is here and can no longer be hidden by man’s vain traditions. The true Kingdom of God, where there is no longer sickness or pain. Humanity collectively looking within, rather than always searching without, finding that light within ourselves that we were always searching for in something or someone else. Like Revelation 18 says, “Come out of her my people. Do not partake in her sins so you will not receive any of her plagues.” Please, come out of the Vatican. Come out of the entire Christian church system. The Vatican is the mother harlot church that Revelation 18 tells about, and the other denominations are the prostitutes that pay up to the mother harlot church. Jesus specifically teaches that we cannot serve both God and money. Jesus did not say we cannot serve both God and taxes. He said money, so, just because churches file with the Roman government to be exempt from paying taxes, does not mean they are following Jesus’ command, and the only reason these preachers of all denominations are allowed to do this is because they are doing Satan’s work who controls both religion and money, and this is their monetary reward. Jesus actually tells the men in the Bible to pay the tax and give to Caesar what is Caesar’s because God and money have nothing to do with each other. Vatican City is Mystery Babylon, the great city that sits as though she is the eternal queen. Dressed in purple and scarlet, glittering with gold, while holding a golden cup filled with abominable things. The kings of the earth have all committed adultery with her as they have gone against the true ways of God, rather doing anything for Satan’s monetary “blessings”. The Vatican is the prostitute that has infiltrated all peoples, multitudes, nations, and languages. Vatican City aka Rome, is the great city also known as the eternal city, ruling over the kings of the earth, destined to be brought to ruin, and soon all the earthly men who have ruled over this earth will stand far off and watch her as she burns. Like Revelation 19 says, “Salvation and glory and power belong to our God, for true and just are His judgments.”, and the time has come for the great prostitute aka the Vatican to be condemned for corrupting the entire earth. The Vatican wants the world to partake in their sins, so no one will ever reach true perfection. They do not want us to know the truth, why do you think they have miles and miles worth of information that they have never shared with the world, even though in the Bible Jesus says, “I no longer call you servants because a servant doesn’t know his master’s business. Instead, I have called you friends, for everything that I learned from my Father I have made known to you.” The Vatican hides the truth and controls us through lies, and rather than being friends like Christ taught to do, these men want us to blindly be servants of Satan. They do not want us to be free. They want to have complete control over everything and everyone, but they cannot succeed unless they spiritually defeat us. If these men who claim to be representatives of Christ truly lived in His ways, they would share everything with the world rather than burning, destroying, or locking away all stolen information. Which would you rather have: a mother who taught you were beautiful and perfect, or a mother who taught you could never be more than a flawed sinner, who needs to be forever enslaved, cursed to paying for your own existence? We have reached the end of the age, and the time has come to choose your side; the dark or the light. We are coming into a new age; a new world, overcoming our ego, while spiritually uniting as one. Jesus promised the meek would inherit the earth, and that promise is coming into fulfillment. The darkness is finally being exposed, and the truth has come to set everyone free, but no matter what, it is still our choice to live as true human beings. If you want to be part of the true Kingdom, you must be perfected in the light. You must shed yourself of the darkness and come to understand the light. Like Jesus says, once you become perfected, you will be like the one true teacher, and we are coming into a Golden age where humanity realizes man-made churches and temples were never needed, and they will never be thought of nor built again, and humanity will realize no man was ever better than the rest, kneeling at his feet while kissing his ring of death. No man should have ever been called “holy father”, for we all have the potential to be like the one true teacher, and that one true teacher has never been, nor ever will be any Supreme Roman Pontiff, supposed vicar of Christ, successor of Peter. Pope Francis teaches you cannot understand Christ without the church, yet Jesus says Himself that His true followers will find the Kingdom within, and man will worship in spirit and truth, not needing another to teach them. Jesus wants us to be independently free by finding the truth within. The antichrist church system wants us to never look within so we will be forever owned by them. The Roman empire took over Jesus' name, while never truly understanding His teachings, and ever since they have enslaved our minds, hearts, and souls. The pope is a liar, and I am sick of the world being ruled by darkness. How about we start teaching our children the truth? How about we stop showing children gory images of Jesus while telling them Jesus went through that because we could never be more than sinners, and in order to be considered a good follower of Christ, we must come into the church and pay them our slave money. How about we start teaching our children how Jesus was a perfect human and taught us how to be as well. Unlike the evil satanic church system, Jesus told us we could be perfected if we choose to be, and to come into the true Kingdom of God we must be, and whether Jew, Christian, or Muslim; the evil ones who rule over us, want us to keep waiting for an outside source to save us, when in all truth it starts from within, and for the lack of searching within, we have blindly stumbled in this world, projecting the very darkness and chaos we so desperately want to be rescued from. The pope aka Satan lies when he says we are all children of God. Jesus tells us there are children of the devil and children of God, children of the dark and children of the light, yet Satan has tricked most of humanity into following him, offering false peace and safety from the very chaos he has caused. The book of Revelation says at the end of the age, the wicked will be locked out, but if we are all children of God like the pope says, why would some be locked out? We are in the greatest deception where Satan aka the pope is lying to the entire world, truly believing he will get away with enslaving the entire world. Darkness never wins, because the true children of God will never follow, and now the elect are here to bring justice and establish the true Kingdom of Christ. The last chapters in the book of Revelation say in the new order of things there will be no more curse, there will be no more night, and the vile will be locked out. The definition of vile is extremely unpleasant, morally bad. Most of the meat eaters find it unpleasant and refuse to watch the process of their so-called food, yet still partake in eating the dead flesh of God’s creation. Partaking in filling their temples with the unnecessary violence and enslavement of God’s creation. All for lust, all for greed, while at the same time claiming to believe in an all loving God that tells them to love some animals and torture others, even though God created them all with the same ability of feeling, because they were all created with a central nervous system just like us. If you truly do not believe the treatment of God’s animals in this world to be vile, then you truly are not a child of God. If you truly do not believe the ways of the Roman Catholic Church to be evil, you are not a true child of God. If you do not see that the entire church system is an antichrist system, never following the true ways of Christ, you are not a true child of God. Like Jesus says, “Narrow is the road that leads to life, only a few find it.”, and in the new Holy City, Jerusalem, nothing impure will ever enter, nor anyone who does what is shameful or deceitful. This is the final judgment of mankind, and the time has come for those to be rewarded for their deeds. Will you be invited to the marriage supper? Are you a true child of God, obeying the true commandments? It is almost harvest time, and as of right now, most of the world is full of weeds. Most of the world is in a deep, deep sleep, but it is not too late to awaken; reclaiming your greatness, reclaiming your truth, reclaiming your perfection, reclaiming paradise, reclaiming Heaven on earth. When all truth is revealed, when all knowledge is disclosed; that is when everything will be connected, that is when the healing will begin. There is a disconnect in the world. A disconnect between the physical and the spiritual. Physical facts are being presented in the world, but the spiritual knowledge we are given, led through the Vatican, is not matching up with science. I am here to build a bridge of truth that brings science and the understanding of God together, because we are all truly connected, we are all truly one. There is a prime creator of light, and we can bring that energy here to earth. Humanity may have fallen into darkness, but that is when we truly grow, fighting to be born again in the true light of Christ. Within all three Abrahamic religions, they speak of all curses ending, returning to paradise, and reaching true perfection. They all speak of a figure who will falsely represent peace, while deceiving the people. Even though they all speak of this man, none seem to understand who this man is because they are all blindly shooting videos with him, agreeing that they all worship the same god. The very god that has made them hate each other and fight for thousands of years; having different values, living different ways, even killing each other over their differences, now only to be brought together through utter chaos, lies, fear, darkness, and destruction that has weakened the mind, body, heart, and soul into uncritical submission. This antichrist, armilus, dajjal, is a man who is a liar, a deceiver, and claims to be the one who will lead the world to peace, yet the followers of each Abrahamic religion do not see that pope Francis is the very man that is leading them equally astray, while getting his picture taken holding a shirt that says, “I am peace”, and let us not forget signing a little boy’s right hand and forehead in Italy with the mark of his name. The Vatican is the modern day Roman empire, and the Roman way is to make everyone be like them while conquering through lies, fear, force, and pain; never understanding any truth themselves, but willing to do any evil means necessary to never lose control; a control that comes from the darkness of the ego. Within Judaism they claim no man can claim to be God, yet many people treat the pope as such. There are contradictories within Judaism as well, because they claim there cannot physically be someone here on earth known as God, because God is everywhere, always, yet in the book of Genesis there is a god who is instructing Adam and Eve, and he says not to worship other gods, while walking around in his garden. What Judaism teaches is correct, but at the same time they are contradicting themselves, because they follow the ways of a being who was here on earth, and ever since, men wrote books through the following of his dark ways. In the Old Testament, there was a being here on earth who claimed to be the only true god out of all gods, and he told Adam and Eve that the vegetation is their food and that they have dominion over the animals, meaning they are supposed to care for them, yet after the fall of man, and man was cursed, then supposedly this very same god started telling them to sacrifice animals and children to him. This does not sound like the same god to me, and if God never changes, then why did the god of the Old Testament change so much? Was it truly God that was changing, or was it the false perception of these men’s minds that wrote these books that had God changing so much? If the ones practicing Judaism believe no one can physically be God, because God is everywhere, always; then what they are saying is that for thousands of years there has been a voice inside their heads telling them to sin all they want and just kill the animals? This way of thinking sounds like a mental illness. I am not a part of any religion, but if I started killing certain animals for different reasons, while believing I could never be perfected, and somehow these dead animals are going to make everything better, people would think I was crazy, yet hide these very actions behind the name of religion, and it is perfectly ok. My question for the ones practicing Judaism and even Christianity, is which is it? Was there a physical being here on earth known as God, that in the beginning told Adam and Eve the vegetation is their food and to not kill, but then once man messed up, this very same god decided to change and make them kill for him; telling the people to kill and shed blood for their sins, rather than spiritually perfecting themselves? Or, after the curse of Adam, after being locked out of Eden, falling from pure God consciousness, did one of these men start hearing voices in his head, telling him to sacrifice animals every time he sinned; and if this is truly so, then if only humanity would awaken, seeing the Christ for who He really was, is, and is yet to come in the new millennium of Christ, then the world would be truly united, going back to Paradise, because that is what His mission was about. Bringing us back to perfection. Taking us back to the Garden. Bringing us back to pure God consciousness. Not dying for us because we are some shitty piece of existence who doesn’t have the capacity to understand the true meaning of perfection, and He then hands His title and supposed teachings over to the very men He was trying to free us from and nothing ever gets better, and these same evil-minded men only get artificially richer, and the true creations of God continue to suffer, while humanity becomes more mentally, physically, and spiritually enslaved by Satan aka the darkness aka the Vatican aka the supposed substitute for the light. In the beginning, before the fall of man, God said the vegetation is the food, rule over the animals with love because God is love, and to not kill, but once man messed up, then this very same god said to kill animals? Why would this god change if God never changes, and wouldn’t this god technically be a hypocrite, sinning himself? Even the Old Testament says to kill an ox is like killing a man. All three Abrahamic religions are equally contradicting because they all represent darkness. The darkness of the mind, the darkness of the soul, the darkness of the ego; yet within all three, there is a name which is the light, and after all darkness passes, His true teachings, His true name, will be the only one standing, while everything else crumbles to the nothingness it always was, because they were all created by patriarchal men for control over the physical, while keeping humanity spiritually dead, and for that very reason, mother earth has been perishing ever since. When we study the written ways of the god of the Old Testament after the fall of man, he sounds like the many popes we have had in this world. Claiming to be the one and only holy father, part of the one and only holy church, and the world must bow down and worship him, remaining cursed until we return to the dust of this earth, why do you think the Roman Catholic Church puts ashes on people’s foreheads where their most important eye is? There are many things we are not being told. We were not meant to remain cursed. There is a spiritual utopian of light. Once, light fell into darkness, causing matter to be born, and ever since we have been growing to unite with the light again, but the darkness, the physical, wants to keep us in bondage, having no true understanding of the spiritual light we truly are. When our minds only perceive things on a physical level, we will never truly be free, that is why when most read the gospels they literally think Peter was naked, fishing for actual fish, and out of all reasons for Jesus to come back after being brutally tortured as an innocent man, a noteworthy one for the Bible would be that Jesus appeared to tell Peter to put his actual, physical fishing net on the right side of the boat, and just by doing so Peter magically caught some fish, even though in the Bible Jesus specifically says do not worry about what you will wear or eat, and let us not forget, in the beginning Jesus told Peter to leave his physical net and he would now become a fisher of men, yet go into any church and they would never understand this; they only care about singing songs, eating death, and making man’s money. That is how the Bible starts out telling us the story of Jesus picking up His disciples. It is all symbolism, and if you truly have ears to hear and eyes to see, you would know what this all means. You would know what the Bible is trying to tell us. You would know that leaving the physical net to pick up the spiritual net is a representation of letting go of the physical and coming to understand the spiritual. You would know, that even though all the writings are not in the Bible, you can still take that book and understand that though there are many dark forces in this world, the true culprit to the start of all of it is the Vatican, because it is the seat of Peter where each pope sits, with pope Francis even saying himself that it is because of Peter and Paul that the church exists, and like the Bible says, the Roman Catholic Church has traveled over land and sea, turning men into twice the sons of hell as them. If you truly understood the words within the Bible, you would know that you can take that book; the very book that the government officials who run this country put their hands on, and within the court of law, prove not only the Vatican false, but also the entire Christian church system from which these government officials’ mindsets and training comes from, and if these people were truly followers of Christ, they would never swear with their hand on the Bible. Jesus says to not do that. They do the opposite of what He says, making them all antichrists. Ever since Peter, this world has been ruled through the left side. Ever since Peter, this world has been ruled through darkness. Ever since Peter, this world has been ruled through fear and lies. Jesus came to free us, but instead His name was stolen and used to enslave us even more, and if you read and perceive the Bible in a physical sense, you will remain in bondage, but if you read and perceive the Bible in a spiritual sense, you will truly know what it means to be free. Like the men in the Bible who thought Jesus was talking about actual bread that you eat during His parable, which then made Jesus tell them they are dull, Christians as well are dull, understanding the words in the Bible literally rather than metaphorically, and if you truly understood the Bible, you would know that the Bible is written in a mystical, cryptic way. Even Jesus Himself spoke in a mystical, cryptic way, so that only the true followers would understand, and His true followers are those that understand these writings in a mystical, cryptic way, which was something that Peter never did, and because of this antichrist church system, most people understand the Bible the way a 4-year-old understands Christmas, and because of the darkness of most egos, each soul has reflected darkness back into this world, while at the same time asking why would God allow all of this to happen. It is called free will. God is within us, and most of humanity has turned away from the true ways of God, following wolves in sheep’s clothing, leading them down a path of darkness and destruction. From the very beginning, we have always had free will. We have always had the choice to choose between the dark or the light. There isn’t an in between, and if you think there is a gray area, that only comes from the confusion between the two. The confusion between the dark and the light. The confusion between what is wrong and what is right, and if anyone believes in the whole “coexist” philosophy, they are part of the dark side too. If you partake in the killing of animals, it is either the dark side or the light side. If you steal from someone, it is either the dark side or the light side. If you help someone in need, it is either the dark side or the light side. If you love and value all sentient beings, that is either the dark side or the light side. If you think you could never be perfect, and that sinning is ok as long as you confess to your priest or slit a chicken’s throat, that is either the dark side or the light side. How do you know if something is on the dark side or the light side? Well, if thoughts which you act upon hurt any living being on this earth, you are working for the dark side, because like Jesus says, all the commandments are summed up in love, and when you break just even one, you are guilty of breaking it all. But from the darkness we have been through, a light will be reborn, and the Chosen will become spiritually immortal, claiming victory over death. 2,000 plus years ago, there was a perfect being who radiated pure God consciousness, teaching we could all gain true Christ consciousness as well; being part of the true God of love, light, and truth. The men who continue to be cursed, serving the supposed ways of the god of the Old Testament, along with the Roman men, serve the father of lies while continuing to rule this world, enslaving mankind, and it has been going on ever since the male disciples left Jesus alone just like He said they would, and through the following of these men’s false ways, Christianity too has left Jesus alone, and if people do not awaken, it will be as though they are crucifying Him all over again. Jesus came to free us; free our minds, which would then physically free us as well, but the truth is that ever since Jesus, nothing has changed for the better, it has only continued to get darker, because the ones who supposedly know Christ totally abuse and misrepresent Him, while bringing defamation not only to His name, but also to the true potential of mankind. It is time to take the power away from Satan. It is time to dethrone the seat of Satan. The seat of darkness, the seat of lies, the seat of division, the seat of bondage, the seat of enslavement; the seat of Peter. Jesus told Peter that Satan wanted to sift him as wheat, and when we read about Peter in the book of Acts as well as other books, we can clearly see he did not overcome the darkness of his soul. Christ would never live the way the Roman Catholic Church has been, just like Christ would never kill a man for lying about money, while then threatening his wife with death next after she sees her husband’s dead body. When we critically and objectively study the true character of Peter, rather than listening to what the church says, he sounds just like a Nazi; exactly like Hitler. Conquering with fear, while lying and killing, taking everyone’s property and money, while at the same time claiming to be a part of Christ, and just for the record, Hitler was a devout Roman Catholic; diligently serving the seat of Peter. Here in America, if it is truly we the people, then the people would know that the majority of high level government officials are Roman Catholic, and they rule not only this country, but also oversee this entire world, and believe it or not, there are some who even claim another denomination or religion, while secretly serving the pope of Rome. You would think with so many Roman Catholics in high ranking positions, this world would be full of light and love; after all their holy father is the vicar of Christ, and they are part of the one and only true universal church, but the reality is that this world is ruled by darkness masquerading as light, and Jesus said it Himself in the Bible, so those that have fallen for Satan’s deception, still do not realize they have been serving the dark all this time, and now that this world is ending, the new world will be full of truth rather than full of lies, and the imposters that have ruled for 2,000 plus years in Christ’s name will no longer be in control, and the new Kingdom will be ruled by those who truly follow the ways of Christ; living perfect as He is perfect, and He said it, not me. Whenever I hear government officials talk about God, all I ever hear them say is faith this and faith that, but what about what they know? What is their true knowledge and understanding of Christ? Do they think He would look them in their eyes and tell them that they could never be perfect, and that He is the only one that is perfect, or do they think He would look them in their eyes and tell them He came to teach them how to be their true perfect selves again; after all, like the Bible says, “faith without works is dead.” Jesus did not die to save us, He taught to save us, but this antichrist church has kept everyone in confusion, and if it weren’t for the elect; the ones who truly know Him and know themselves, the whole world would be consumed by darkness. The Vatican claims their existence because of Peter, and that ineffectual reason which has caused their dark ruling, is also the very reason for their entire destruction. We now have President Biden, who is Roman Catholic, saying, “We are all called by duty and conscience to confront extremists who put their own pursuit of power above all else.”, and “History tells us that blind loyalty to a single leader and the willingness to engage in political violence is fatal to democracy.” Well, it is a fact that Biden has been blindly loyal to a single leader known as the pope, and history traces back to Peter who put his own pursuit of power above all else, and he engaged in political violence which Jesus rebuked when Peter cut off a man’s ear, and ever since we’ve been led by that mentality with history showing the church invading countries with brute force, killing, stealing, and indoctrinating through fear and lies. So with that being said, I do hope Biden is called by duty and conscience to confront the church that has put their own pursuit of power above God. After 2,000 years, our government, along with the people, are still arguing regarding “teaching” about God in schools and saying Merry Christmas, and this alone shows how little these church-going Christians for Christ know when it truly comes to the one they claim to follow, because if they truly knew Him, they wouldn’t need to be physically teaching anything; they would be living it. He would be spiritually living through them in their actions, and the first step to living in His ways is to stop telling children they are sinners from the moment they are born. From the moment they are born, the church puts negativity in children’s minds. From the moment they are born, the church puts darkness in their minds. The true way to bring the Vatican down is not by waiting for someone else to do the work, but by awakening and realizing it is us that must be spiritually reborn, finding the true Christ within ourselves, not the false Christ outside of ourselves, inside man-made church walls where the supposed “teachers” of Christ’s words have most Christian minds thinking they are going to somehow evaporate out of here one day, or that Jesus is going to come flying in the sky. The true way is by reading the Bible and spiritually understanding Jesus would never be the way Paul, Peter, or any popes, priests, preachers, and pastors, etc. have ever been; and by coming into this knowing is how we will truly unite, finally conquering darkness with the true knowledge of Christ. No longer divided by anything physical, fully united in spiritual knowledge, love, and light. Like the Bible says, “My people perish for lack of knowledge.”, and if only the world would awaken to the truth, then we would finally spiritually thrive, rather than spiritually die, and that is what Genesis means when God says man would die if he ate from the fruit; not a physical death, but a spiritual death which has caused a physical death upon this earth as well. Jesus would never go into any churches. There is only one reason He would ever go into a church, and that is to use whips and yell at the people like He did with the Pharisees back then. Everything about Christians is exactly like the Pharisees; exactly like Peter and Paul. Christians do the opposite of what Jesus says. They go into man-made temples, they call other men father, teacher, and rabbi, they are involved in the money system, meaning they are trying to serve both God and money, something Jesus said we cannot do, yet every Sunday they faithfully drop money in man’s basket of indoctrination and lies, and aside from the followers, the church itself is nothing but a money-making machine. They are involved with the Roman government monetary tax system, exactly what Jesus was trying to free us from, and nothing about the Christian ways is anything like the true ways of Christ. Like Jesus told the people back then, I tell the people today; “The teachers of the law and the Pharisees sit in Moses' seat, so you must do as they say, but do not do what they do, because they are hypocrites who do not practice what they preach.” If Christianity was correct, the followers would be perfect; walking in this world just as Christ, because that is what He said to do. He never said He was the only one that could ever be perfect. Show me where He said that in the Bible. That is a made up lie by the antichrist church system, with the pope deceiving the world with his denominational and nondenominational monetary prostitutes. Like Jesus says; if you want to live by the sword, you must die by the sword, and if you want to be in this world living through the mindset of Peter and Paul, be prepared to die as Peter and Paul, because one way or the other, humanity is going to come to know the truth, and soon all evilness is going to disappear from the face of this earth, and the new world is going be filled with nothing but light, with those who through free will, choose to live in love, which has always been the true way of Christ. No longer being ruled over by deceivers who only speak with their mouths they are for Christ, while their actions prove they all lie. It is time to stop making excuses. It is time to stop blaming everything on the false narrative that everyone is forever a sinner and could never be perfect. Jesus said we can recognize people by their fruits, meaning by people’s actions we will know if they are of the dark or of the light. Every person that rules in Christ’s name represents the antichrist, leading the entire world astray, and the one at the top ruling all of them is the pope of Rome. The ones who are meant to understand this book will soon be raptured by the truth. They are the true children of God, and the ones who have lied will be taken out of power, never claiming to represent the light ever again. Please join me in this rebirth. Even if you have never understood it, I know you have felt it; the change that is coming upon Mother Earth. Why do you think Jesus said at His return He is going to say to most who claim to believe in Him, “Away from Me you evildoers, I don’t know you!”? Many people throughout the world complain about the church; complain about Christians; yet these complaints never solve anything. These complaints never shut these institutions down. These complaints never change the mindsets of those that rule over us in this world, as they continue to sin and do their dirty deeds for monetary gain, while claiming one of these false man-made religions that supposedly lead to God, yet it appears we have only been traveling down the path of hell, the path of darkness, with the Vatican leading the way. It is time to stop complaining. It is time to use our minds to speak the truth and cast out the darkness. I am thankful for the ones who have rebelled against the church. I am thankful for the ones who never fell for the church’s instruction, and I am thankful for the ones, that no matter the country, culture, or religion; within them all, there are those who know and understand that these physical barriers we are born into do not represent the truth, and this is exactly what being reborn means, and if God truly is everywhere, always; then this is the true meaning of God, and this is what it means to be a true Israelite. We are born into darkness. We are born into bondage. We are born as slaves to the Roman Empire; the empire of darkness and lies, that is why we must be reborn, breaking out of the darkness, finding the light within ourselves that they have always been trying to steal and kill, while lying to us from the moment we come into this world. Everywhere; always; there are those all over the world, who through spiritual wisdom, love, and light, connect on a higher level of consciousness that brings balance back to Mother Earth, and now is the time to go even further than that. It is time for our minds to evolve even further than that. It is time for humanity to collectively unite in knowledge and truth, proving the church false in the true name of Christ, bringing the Vatican down once and for all. It is not too late to come out of her my people, like the Bible says, and now is the time for those who have been hidden away for this very moment all over the earth, to come together, shining light on the darkness of this world. It is us. It is now. Just saying we are not part of the church or saying that the church isn’t true, is not enough. We must prove them false. We must play their game, play by their rules, and conquer them with truth; that is why Jesus said to be as wise as a serpent, yet gentle as a dove. It is time to put our physical weapons down. It is time to stop living through the mindsets of Peter and Paul, instead picking up the true sword which is the mouth and annihilating the false church with true spiritual light that emanates from the mind and soul. It is time to stop serving darkness, while being deceived by Satan into thinking we, along with our ancestors, have been serving the light. Gamaliel was right. When it came to the actions of Peter, Paul, as well as the other men, he said to let them be. He said if what they were doing was truly of God, then they would not be able to be stopped, but if what they were doing was not of God, then what they were doing would not last. Now that we have reached the second coming, going through the darkness, understanding both sides, we finally realize the church system was always false because its teachings and ways come from Peter and Paul, and the Roman Empire falsely interpreted one single verse out of thousands to sit in a seat of darkness and lies, continuing to rule and enslave for 2,000 plus years, infiltrating every area of the earth, sucking the life force out of humanity’s existence. It was said that the word of Christ would be spread across the four corners of the earth, and now that we have reached the end, with the Roman Catholic Church infiltrating all four corners of the earth, all of humanity will see we were equally tricked, and the true Kingdom of Christ will finally reign. If you cannot see that we are living in the modern-day Roman Empire, then like Peter, you too are still sound asleep, and through your actions, you are causing the betrayal of Christ and the truth. The facts are this: 2,000 plus years ago, the Roman Empire was ruling, and they were lying, stealing, killing, dominating, enslaving, and taxing everyone; having Jewish men working as their slaves under the title of tax collector. The Jewish people knew that there would be someone born to free them from the Roman Empire’s control, but they still did not fully understand what that meant. When the Roman Empire heard of this man who was leading a revolution of light that would free people, bringing them back to perfection, they knew they had to end His life, or else their end of evil domination would soon come, because when humanity reaches perfection, there is no longer beings ruling over other beings, as if they are superior, making the other beings feel inferior of their own existence. Out of fear, some of the Jewish people let this innocent man die, who was only trying to protect them, only trying to free them, and the Roman men ended His life like everyone else that has ever threatened their authority. Once Jesus was gone, Peter, along with Paul, are shown in the Bible to continue leading the way, supposedly in Christ’s name, and shortly after, the Pharisee Paul, being the Roman citizen of Satan that he was, ran off to Rome because he felt threatened by the evilness of his own existence, and then later after the Roman men were tired of hearing Paul’s mouth they killed him and Peter, taking over their false ways, creating a racket that would not only enslave, but make trillions of imaginary money that they control and use to control us, and ever since, humanity has traded every truth for a lie, with so many minds being at a hopeless point of no return. Every country has their own military force, and they all wear the same symbols, yet fight, causing millions of innocent lives to be destroyed. The ones that rule over us are part of a universal system, yet manipulate our minds into thinking we are somehow separated, but they truly aren’t, and we truly aren’t either. Forget about the physical differences, the only separation that needs to be recognized is the separation between the dark and the light, and the ones that rule over us in this world are part of a dark force that masquerades as though they are light. They are part of the same force, keeping us divided so we are easier to control, and soon, after causing total chaos and destruction to this earth, along with the minds of the people, they will have most of humanity believing they are truly free, yet the truth is that we have never been free, we have only continued to be cursed ever since falling from full God consciousness. If you think the way to bring balance, peace, and security to the world is through having a universal, technological system that has the entire planet under authoritative control through Rome, continuing to pay taxes to Caesar, with Caesar making sure he gets every penny because the plan is to end cash, having everyone marked, living in a false utopia that started 2,000 plus years ago after Jesus ascension with Peter and Paul leading, turning money into a service to God; then you most certainly are not a true child of God. You have traded the real bread for fake bread, why do you think bread is a nickname for money? Why do you think the bread is off the plates in the Last Supper painting? The true bread has been gone for the last 2,000 plus years, and instead the god most humans have been serving is money, while being deceived that this way of life is what God truly means. Most humans serve money so diligently yet have never stopped to research what they are truly serving. Is this the way God truly intended, or is this the way man has intended, acting out as if he is God himself, while never even truly knowing himself, destroying everything in his path for lack of knowledge, fixing past mistakes with more mistakes that never solve anything? For the past 6,000 plus years, humanity has been living at our highest evolutionary point of civilization, but now is the time for humanity to evolve into an even greater civilization, built on truth, allowing that feminine energy to come upon the earth, transforming the minds, which will then transform the world. This is what true transhumanism means. Not man merging with machines, thinking he will become great, when he has no idea that all this time he has been nothing but a machine. True transhumanism is humanity merging with the true light within ourselves; transforming our minds, hearts, and souls, which then transforms this world. We are now coming into a new age, and this entire system, no matter the institution, has failed, and the time is now up, with a reset soon to come. The dark forces that be, do not want us to have free will, so they lie, steal, and kill because that is all they have ever known, but their slave master that they serve, which is the pope, has never been the true representative of Christ, and no matter the physical body, every pope has been Satan in disguise, but no matter the trickery, Satan could never take away our free will; Satan could never take away our true light, and now is the time to awaken, claiming victory over death like Christ, casting out Satan aka the darkness of the ego, the darkness of the soul, the darkness of the mind. Wisdom is feminine, and that is what man has lacked, but now that divine feminine energy has returned. The Holy Spirit is Wisdom, and the Holy Spirit is feminine, and the Bible says that the only unforgivable sin is to deny the Holy Spirit. Judgment day is soon upon us, and even the pope still has a chance at redemption, and he is off to a good start by admitting he is a sinner rather than infallible like the former popes; however, he is still failing, because even though he gave Mary Magdalene a feast day, raising Her to the supposed equal level as Peter and Paul, this action is nothing more than another insult to Her, because these men were the ones who were of the dark and could never be at Her level of enlightenment, so this gesture is nothing more than meaningless when it comes to the matter of truth. Wisdom has come into the world, carrying the light of Christ, and if you are a true child of God, you will be reborn into the truth. It was prophesied that the 266th pope would abdicate the throne, and this is pope Francis’ chance to reconcile for all the church’s wrongs. Ever since their existence, the Roman Catholic Church has continuously made changes to their doctrines due to being wrong, and one of them is regarding the true character of Mary Magdalene, and now that we have reached the end, the Vatican will now admit Peter was never the leader of the true church, and it is Mary Magdalene who was truly meant to lead, and that is the very reason Jesus appeared to Her first. The Vatican will admit Peter only stood for the dark, while Mary always stood for the light, and finally, by cutting the head off the snake, humanity can truly be free. Pope Francis doesn’t want to stand up for innocent children who are abused by his church because he says he wants evidence; he says he wants facts. I have evidence; I have facts; and with the true light of Christ, humanity is going to bring an end to the pope’s false church, so there will never again be any chance of innocent children being harmed in any way by his supposed servants of Christ. Satan is the one that would tell people they could never be perfect, Satan is the one that would say we are all just sinners, but Satan is also the one that could never destroy the true light, that is why the pope is now going to admit everything the church has taught in fact, has been a lie, and the evidence is in the Bible, and I challenge him to prove me wrong. If the pope is truly the representative of the light, I challenge him to an educated conversation about what the light of Christ truly means, and through our minds which is where the Kingdom of God truly resides, pope Francis aka Peter aka Satan aka the darkness of the mind, will be annihilated with spiritual light, because he is my adversary, and it will be evident that it is I who truly holds the keys, and him along with his false church will be proven to have been going against the true ways of Christ ever since the beginning of their existence, and I challenge the pope to a debate, where he uses his mouth which is the true sword, to prove me wrong, rather than just blocking me on his Instagram page. It is a fact, pope Francis is unable to prove me wrong by using the Bible to show facts and evidence how Peter understood the light, and the time has now come for him and his false church to be taken out of power, because him along with all popes before him, have never been the true representatives of the light. All the darkness from this ego driven society will soon vanish from the earth, and I guess you could say the term “order out of chaos” is true, because from this chaotic darkness, an order of truth and light shall return. God is consciousness, God is within, and we are the true children of God returning for the new millennium of Christ, and like 1 John 3:1-3 says, 2,000 plus years ago there were beings who truly lived the way Christ intended. They were persecuted and killed, but they knew at the second coming of Christ’s return they would also be with Him, like Him; knowing themselves because they know Him, ruling the new world because they never bowed down to the false dark ways of this world, and it is not the church preachers who will be given this beautiful gift, because like the Bible says, they are part of the evil ones who already received their gift in full. Rise up with me, break free from the darkness and bondage of this world. Knowledge is true power, and no amount of money could ever replace that. Money is a numerical value, but it is knowledge that truly makes us who we are, it is wisdom that is the foundation of all that we are, and without it, we are nothing; without her, we are dead, that is why Eve means living and Adam simply means earthly man. It is time to pull up the skirt and expose the shame of the Roman Catholic Church, and as Jeremiah 13:26-27 says, it is also time for Jerusalem to stop living unclean, falling prey to the demands of the Vatican. Turn to the rock from which you were cut, becoming redeemed, pure, and clean; no longer living under a curse; no longer being locked out of Paradise. Christ never said He was physically God, but what He meant was that He is perfected in the true image of God, and it is He that was prophesied to come in the Old Testament, who would save man through the teaching of His ways, which are the true ways of God. God within, God without, God everywhere, God spiritually, manifesting physically; no longer fallen from being fully conscious. Christ was and is the true representation of a fully God conscious being who overcame all darkness within, teaching through His actions how we as well can be fully conscious too; perfected in the light, living in love in all areas of our lives. That is how we reclaim paradise here on earth. That is how we bring healing upon the earth. That is how we bring Heaven to earth as the Bible says. The followers of each Abrahamic religion know that Paradise is going to return to earth but cannot consciously understand that it is through their minds that this is going to be able to occur, and through their actions which they have been taught through their religion, it is impossible for Paradise to ever return. Heaven is a state of mind, and like Jesus says, what we bind in Heaven will be bound on earth, and within our minds, we have bound some very horrific teachings, methods, and traditions, which in return has bound nothing but pain, misery, suffering, and death upon this earth. The world will never heal until we heal ourselves; and the true way to do so is by first realizing that everything we have been taught is a lie. Acknowledging that all the ways of this world have been the ways of darkness, and understanding why this world is so dark, yet why it was necessary to experience all the darkness that we have. Catholic means universal, and indeed we have been living under a universal system of lies, but this entire story goes back even further than 2,000 years ago. This story starts at the beginning of humanity’s existence, and all three Abrahamic religions have been used for humanity’s evolutionary experience. While they all represent darkness, all three Abrahamic religions also have the light hidden deep within, and that is the name of Jesus which is incorporated into their teachings, and He is the only true figure of truth. Aside from the light hidden deep within, each Abrahamic religion also has a figure who is a deceiver, and he goes by the title of antichrist, armilus, dajaal. When the followers of each Abrahamic religion realize they have been equally tricked by the Vatican, yet choose to unite in the one and only name that has ever represented the truth, that is when Heaven will be brought to earth, because finally humanity will be changing its state of mind, because like Jesus taught, the Kingdom of God is within the mind, and we will consciously decide to do what is right. To do what is love. To do what represents the light, because we consciously awaken, realizing through our mind, we manifest actions upon this earth, that shapes the environment which we exist, and none of the Abrahamic religions have been manifesting light because they have all been led through the Vatican, which is the deceiver of humanity, and it doesn’t matter if someone is far left or far right, both are lost because neither truly have God, and all I simply want to do is light both wings on fire with enlightenment and truth, bringing balance and harmony back to earth. If money was going to find cures for diseases, it would, but it is not, and it never will. If money was going to make anything better, then the world would be great, but it is not, and it never will. It is because of money that this world is suffering, and that is why Jesus said we would always have the sick and the poor, but if the people healed their minds and consciously lived in this world, instead of walking around like zombies, then things would finally get better, but the mind isn’t healed when it thinks running in charity races, wearing pink, and raising money for any other color coordinated disease is going to make things better. The mind is healed when it realizes money is not real, but the animals are, and the diseases are, and there is a cause and effect to everything, and because of eating innocent animals, we are bringing the effects of disease. We are bringing that karmic energy back upon us when we partake in the torture and killing of God’s animals. Humanity will never fully eradicate viruses and diseases with pills and vaccines. These methods are man-made weapons of control to try and counteract the very destruction man brought upon himself and the earth by not living in the true image of God. Man cannot fix things his way. Man must realize within the mind, through the fall of consciousness, we have been living on a very destructive path, and until we look within and consciously live, we will never heal ourselves or the earth. And that is what the beginning of Genesis is all about. The fall of consciousness, being locked out of a perfected paradise, while consequently going through every type of good and evil that man could ever experience, until finally, through evolution, humanity reaching a point of return to who we truly originally were, and that is perfect, that is love, that is light, and that is life. In the beginning of Genesis, we were in paradise, but then we were locked out and cursed. Genesis 6:3 even says God’s spirit will no longer be with man, and then it is Genesis 9 when now all animals have dread and fear over man, with this same supposed God we have always been taught as never changing, now telling man he may kill and eat certain animals and even make sacrifices to him. This doesn’t make sense, and it is very contradicting, but over time we can clearly see through science that before we were cursed, it is the diet through living in Paradise that humans are truly meant to eat. Through scientific evidence we know that we can turn genes on and off based by what we eat, and if we truly lived the way we were supposed to, then we could keep the bad genes off, keep the good genes on, and through truly living the way humanity was meant, we would eventually heal the earth with all pain, sickness, and disease disappearing from the earth, and that is exactly what the Bible foretells, and that moment that was prophesied is the soon reality that we are approaching. The time has come for humanity to stop using our ancestors as an excuse to eat animals or use animals in any destructive form, and it is many Christians who use this excuse while only choosing to go back however many thousands of years, while failing to go back to the original source which is page one of the Holy Bible where God specifically tells how man originally eats, and it is Christ, the one they claim to follow, that was trying to get us back to that original state of being, why do you think God desires mercy, not sacrifice? We do not need to sacrifice beautiful, innocent animals in order to live. We have reached the end, yet going back to the beginning, and according to the Bible, our original ancestors did not eat animal flesh. Our original ancestors did not kill animals. Once our original ancestors’ level of consciousness fell and they were locked out of Eden, that is when humans started becoming destructive, and because of the church’s misrepresentation of Christ, we have remained on a fallen, dark path ever since. There are many beings who have been seeded across the earth, and they truly have evolved mentally, physically, and spiritually to their full potential, and these beings are the ones who are entering Paradise. They are the ones who are part of the new Heaven and earth. Not the Vatican, not Christianity, not Islam, not Judaism, because whether someone is part of a man-made religion or claims to not believe in God at all; both have equally fallen for a lie, and when the titles are stripped, that is all that remains; darkness; only darkness remains. Christians keep waiting for an antichrist to appear, not realizing they, along with their ancestors, have been serving antichrist ways for 2,000 plus years. Christians do not realize that the beings upon this earth that want to end world suffering; caring not only for the people, but for the animals as well; these are the angels of God coming to awaken people from their mental and spiritual graves, bringing them back to their original selves, but instead many get angry, saying that God wants us to kill and eat the animals, and like the Bible warns, Christians call evil, good and good, evil, with many Christian farmers getting upset because by going vegan, it is taking away from their man-made money, and aside from the loving vegans, there are those who are also trying to free people’s minds from this false religious construct we have been subjected to, and not only this false religious construct, but also this entire governmental system, because as you may know, the word government comes from the Greek term meaning, governing of the mental, and these men and women in power have not been directing our minds towards anything good, and all roads lead back to Rome when it comes to the cause of this mess, and the reality is that it is religion that forms our morals, values, and ethics, which in turn forms this world. But as of right now, everyone is innocent because the truth has been stolen and hidden; not revealed until now. The darkness is over, dawn has arrived, and there is a collective awakening of beings upon this earth who do not care about money, they only care about truth, freedom, and light, and they will do whatever it takes to restore it upon the earth. Imagine if we stopped making our decisions based on money. Imagine if we stopped making our choices from the desires of the flesh. Imagine if we stopped basing our lifestyle choices off humans who were cursed, not truly understanding what Paradise even means. Imagine if we truly lived by what we say, when we say God never changes, because if we did, then we would know we weren’t meant to kill animals and eat them; and we most certainly would know that we were not meant to go into man-made buildings, paying liars our slave money to gain supposed knowledge on the meaning of God. Imagine if the ones who carry the name of the one and only truth, told their followers that they have the ability to be perfect. Imagine if we all united as one in the truth, proving the Vatican false, bringing true justice, peace, and love to all. The time has now come to stop imagining, and finally put those thoughts into action, truly making a difference in the world. We are entering a new age, and the old ways are passing. The way we think, the way we act, the way we interact with each other, as well as with all living beings upon this earth. We have been in an era of believing lies, but now we are beginning a forever knowing of truth. We have always been here, going through individual lessons, but now a time has come for great transformation within humanity as a collective. The state of perfection for humanity has arrived. We have been dying ever since being cursed. The earth has been dying, God’s beautiful creatures have been dying, but now we have come to a point of saving ourselves, saving the earth, and understanding exactly how the serpent was a liar when he said we surely would not die. Our minds have evolved to a point where we can think, and with great logic, understand no one regardless of religion has been living correctly, but also understand it is the Vatican that has been leading everyone and everything. Jesus gave us the knowledge on how to free and perfect ourselves, and now it is time to take back His name and truly live how we were meant to be. Like Jesus prayed for Peter, I pray for the world. That doesn’t mean the prayer will be answered, because the answer is within each human being, and they must find that light and let it shine; all I can do is put out my positive energy and it is up to everyone else to do the same. Jesus also prayed that in time, Peter would turn back to the true way and change the minds of other people as well, and that opportunity has come today with pope Francis who was prophesied to be Peter the Roman, and out of free will, the pope can choose to turn to the truth or continue being a deceiver and the king of all lies. I am here to bring liberation to the world, and it is America that will be the light of truth that sparks the light all over the earth. The Vatican’s reign is over, exactly as the Bible says, but it is up to the people to decide to stop drinking from their cup of lies, so let us come out of her my people and truly be free with a new start of humanity. Look around the world and you will see the signs. Humanity’s minds have evolved to a point where we can fully comprehend and truly understand what has really been going on here. I know it may seem unreal that we could actually be here on earth when the second coming occurs, but that is exactly what the dark rulers wanted. They lied and said we basically live a sinful existence on earth, and as long as we go into their man-made temples, paying them money while saying we believe in a man’s name, yet break the commandments and do whatever we want, then we are saved and once we physically die, then we go to some magical place called Heaven, and everything we could ever imagine will be there, while our state of being and the now which we are living here on earth with our consciousness and our soul within us is not alive, but is spiritually dead because they deceive us while the earth turns into a literal hell. Where did Jesus say to live as a sinner on earth, claim His name only from our mouth, and when we physically die we are going to some place called Heaven? That information is not found in the Bible, but Jesus did say that Heaven and the Kingdom of God is within the mind, and when we collectively understand, that is when we bring Heaven to earth. That state of light and oneness in the entire world. No more division, no more confusion, no more chaos, no more darkness. That is why Jesus said Satan cannot drive out Satan. The Vatican claims to be the representative of Christ who is the light, yet this world has continued to get darker under their reign. Reason being is because they are Satan and they are unable to drive out that darkness because they are that darkness. Let us stop being tricked. Let us come together; all of us, and finally conquer evil with good. We are the light that can drive out Satan, and that dark spiritual entity that rules this world, rules through the seat of the pope, which is the seat of Peter. When I started my writings, it was October of 2015. At this point it is now three days short from October of 2018, and during this recent time there have been many disgusting things all over the news in regards to the Roman Catholic Church, but even still, this won’t bring that institution down, because they will just say and believe that it is just a few bad ones in the bunch because after all, no one is perfect, right? This is not what is going to bring them down. Proving the seat false from which the pope rules from is what is going to bring that institution down, and that means getting out of the church regardless of denomination, sitting alone, looking within, and reading the Bible for yourself and understanding what God’s word is truly trying to tell you even through man’s lies, because if you truly know God, you will be able to read that Book and figure out who the snakes are and who the true beings of light are. Jesus told us the light would win, and when we look within, that is when the victory will begin. Through spiritual wisdom and light, we can take the Vatican out of power through proving their existence false, but it can only come from understanding the true meaning of the words within that special Book. The Bible isn’t boring. Church is boring. Jesus isn’t false. The church is false. There isn’t something outside of ourselves that is going to magically save us, but there is a prime source of energy and when we look within, we connect to that source, and that is where the truth lives; anywhere else is a lie. We have reached a point within humanity where the Bibles are no longer needed, and like Jesus says; a time has now come where people will no longer worship from certain places or buildings because once one looks within and understands the true meanings within the Bible, they know these actions are no longer needed, nor were they ever needed. Now I am not saying that the Bible is useless, because it is a powerful tool against the darkness, but one must understand the words within the Book to bring that darkness down, but instead for the last 2,000 plus years the Book has been used by the darkness to control and suppress the masses, that is why Muslims like Jesus but say He isn’t God, the people of Judaism say Jesus is nothing, and the Christians claim His name but don’t even know who He is. The thing we need to realize as a collective, is that God is like a loving parent. A parent that gives instruction and guidance, but ultimately through free will, one way or the other, we will do what we want regardless to anything that was said, and along with doing so more times than not, it is our parent who is right, but we had to physically go through what our parent warned about. And aside from that, our parent loves us and doesn’t want us to go through the darkness they know exists in the world. When man and woman were created, they were originally perfect human beings, but through the ego, humans were deceived. Once humans had the knowledge of good and evil, that is when the curse and destruction began. From what the Bible says, there is no possible way the god before the fall of man and the god after the fall of man are the same. The Bible tells us God never changes repeatedly not only in the new testament, but in the old testament as well, so after the fall of man is when the lies of God began. Even the Bible tells us that the priests were teaching from their own authority, making hundreds and hundreds of meaningless laws and commands that do not even make sense, but I guess through fear anything is possible. But the point I am trying to get at is that no matter the Abrahamic religion, none are correct, and the original one which is Judaism has the latter two worshipping the false ways of God; ways that even Jesus Himself was telling the men about 2,000 plus years ago. Jesus did not follow the ways of Judaism, and if you are a Christian who truly thinks an all loving God would make humans sacrifice innocent animals to him, then you are exactly like the ones back in biblical days that Jesus said were living wrong. Christians, Muslims, Jews. Supposedly all worshipping the same god, yet have continuously fought, while all along being deceived by the serpent and destroyed by the darkness. This world is so big, yet most humans’ minds are so small, and that is due to the fact that our minds have been boxed in for so long with no room to grow, but now the time has come to break out of that box and embrace the hidden light within us. In the beginning, woman messed up, when Jesus came, it was the men who messed up, but now at the second coming, it is both woman and man who will equally do right, equally love, and equally live by the truth. I ask you all to take a stand with me in the truth. I ask you all to think with love and logic, instead of through the ego. Like the Bible says; I am a kind-hearted woman, who just wants to share the truth with the world freely, and I want us all to break away from these ruthless men who have gained only wealth through their lies. Lies that would one day be destroyed by the truth; destroyed by the light. A light that is here now and will never be taken away again. I welcome you back to Paradise, once again eating from the Tree of Life. And as I now finish my final read through, it is now October 7, 2023, and it has been 8 years since I first started this journey. I love you all. Take care. 

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